Chapter 19

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Louis and Harry are the last to arrive at the restaurant, the table is located in the very back of the small restaurant, away from the majority of guest. It stretches 6 tables long across the back wall, with seating on both sides, enough room behind the chairs located by the wall for people to move freely from the table. There are two spots left one next to Liam and the other across the table next to Zayn, the three are caught up laughing at something Niall had said to notice the two arrive. Harry guides Louis to sit next to Liam before taking the seat next to Zayn, Niall being on the other side of Liam. 

"How did you sleep bubs?" Liam asks once Louis is seated. "O-okay. S-sorry for f-falling a-asleep?" Louis looks down at his lap, he is still feeling guilty about Harry having to carry him in.  "Don't apologize bubs, you were tired and that is okay." Liam puts his shoulder around Louis and pulls him in for a side hug. Louis allows himself to relax into the touch and take in the familiar warmth of his brother. "O-okay" 

"Now my next question is who's sweater are you swimming in right now?" Louis swears he just died of embarrassment. Of course everyone can see that he is wearing Harry's sweater right now. "o-oh u-ummm H-hazzie ga-gave t-to m-me." Louis stutters, cheeks heating up more as each word comes out. 

"Sharing clothes now I see" Liam smirks nudging the boys shoulder. "s-stoop." Louis wines. He feels a foot rubbing against his under the table, he looks up to see Harry smiling softly at the boy, Louis offers him a small smile back before looking back at his menu fingers barley gripping the menu as they stick out from his sweater paws, trying to hide his blush covered cheeks.

Louis allows himself to get lost in the menu allowing the others to get lost into easy conversation. Thankfully Liam didn't say anything else he just kept that stupid smug smile on his face the entire time. They try to include him in the conversations but he much prefers to observe and listen rather than participate. Every once and a while he will feel a reassuring nudge on his calf or foot coming from Harry, or the subtle nudge of his shoulder from Liam. It helps ease his anxious thoughts and helps to keep him grounded. 

He however no matter how hard he tries can't miss the side eye that he is receiving from 3 seats across from him. Josh has an evil smirk playing on his face as he stares Louis down. It sends shivers down his spine as he shifts in his seat. Louis thinks he will never know what he did to make Josh hate him so much. All he did was just exists. He has just as much right to that as anyone else. 

Louis forces himself to look around restaurant distracting himself from the stares. Louis finds himself admiring the beauty of the restaurant the rustic detailing in the support beams. The warm lighting creating a cozy setting, allowing for the feeling of comfort and relaxation.  The small amounts of greenery contrasting the orangey-red hues coming from the lights and the walls. It would make for a great place to take a team picture Louis thinks to himself. 

Deciding that getting a full dynamic profile of the team is what he was brought on the trip for Louis decides that he should head up to the room and grab his camera while they wait for the waitress to come and take their orders. As he slides his chair back he gets a few worried glances from the boys. 

"Are you okay bubs?" Liam asks concern written over his face. "y-yeah, just forgot something i-i'll be right back." Louis says. "Well do you know what you want incase the waitress comes over?" 

"Um just some sort of pasta I don't mind." Louis smiles at his brother before heading out of the restaurant not before getting a worried glance from Harry. 

On his way up to the room he receives a text from the older boy making sure that he was okay. Louis sends him a quick text back letting him know that he was and to stop worrying or he will be wrinkly at the age of 19. Giggling at shocked emoji he received in return, he pockets his phone. 

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