Chapter 12

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The ride back to the hotel is quiet, the entire team seems to be exhausted. Louis on the other hand is currently trying to contain all the energy he has and trying not to crawl out of his skin as he feels Harry's large hand gliding up and down his back. The touch Louis supposes is instinctual and Harry may not even realize that he is doing it I mean the lad is currently laying there with his eyes closed. But to Louis, he literally feels like his skin is lighting itself on fire with every touch.

When the bus pulls back into the hotel parking lot, Louis lifts his head off of Harry's shoulder and turns to whisper in the older boys ear. "Haz, we are here." "Hmmm?" Harry hums. "You need to wake up, we are at the hotel." Louis tells him. Harry opens his eyes confusion written all over his face as he takes in his surroundings. "Come on Hazzie, lets go to the room, you can nap there." Louis smiles fondly at the older lad.

"Mm naps sounds lovely." Harry whispers. Giggling Louis stands up, helping the older lad up off the seat and off the nearly empty bus. Liam, Zayn and Niall following close behind them and make their way to the elevator. "I think H is too tired to hit the pool." Niall chuckles as they all turn to see a half asleep Harry leaning against the wall. "Harry are you going to make it?" Liam asks walking over to his best friend. "Hm?" Harry mumbles. They boys all chuckle at Harry. Niall and Zayn get out on their floor waving goodbye to the three as they take the elevator up to the their floor.

The elevator dings and they climb on it "Hazzie?" Louis whispers. "Yeah Lou?" Harry mumbles. "The elevator has stopped come on, lets get you to bed." Louis wraps his arm around Harry's waist guiding him slowly to their room. Harry slouches into Louis allowing himself to be carried. Louis doesn't think he has ever seen Harry this tired after practice, he worries that Harry may have gotten to much sun. Louis walks the boy to the bed after waiting for Liam to open the door. Harry curls up under the covers letting sleep over take him.

"Li, why don't we rest for a bit maybe go to the pool in a couple hours? Haz is really tired and I know he will be sad he missed going." Louis offers. "Yeah of course bubs. I may just take a quick shower and head down to Niall and Zayn's room to hangout with them. Do you want to come with me?" Liam asks. "I will stay, I want to look at my photos I took today, load them to my computer and start to edit them." Louis points to his camera.

"I can't wait to see them bubs!" Liam grins. He has always been proud of his brothers work and Louis biggest supporter. "I'll show you tonight promise." Louis smiles. "Can't wait. Now if you are going to stay here can you please make sure that you eat some lunch? I do not want you getting lost in your photos and forgetting to eat again okay." Liam looks pointedly at Louis. "Promise." Louis nods before heading to desk and pulling out his laptop, leaving Liam to go shower.

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