Chapter 9

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Louis was shitting himself to say the very least. The mere idea of being in the same room shirtless with anyone, let alone Harry Freaking Styles... yeah Louis would rather crawl inside himself and hide there forever. No harry can't see him like this, his tummy, his big butt and feminine curves. No, no, no. He is currently pacing the hallway outside the room, he told Liam and Harry he just wanted to go for a quick walk, to walk off his full belly. In reality he just needed a space to freak out without anyone knowing.

Maybe he could get out of it, say he was sick, that he would much rather stay in bed and get some rest. No that wouldn't work, then Liam would insist that he stays with Louis to make sure that he feels better and Louis can't be the reason that Liam misses out on having fun with his team.

He has no choice... he has to brave it out. Maybe if he goes he could just keep his shirt on and sit on the sidelines. Just dip his feet in the water. Yeah, yeah that could work Louis thinks to himself. Deciding that is his best option, Louis walks back to their room, opening the door Louis is faced with a very, very shirtless Harry in a pair of right light pink swimming shorts that come halfway down his thigh. His shorts, hugging Harry's body perfectly leaving nothing to the imagination. His mouth falls open and a small gasp falls from his mouth.

"Like what you see Lou?" Harry smirks at the boy. If Louis's cheeks weren't pink before they sure as hell are now. It is in this moment that Louis firmly believes that Harry Styles will be the death of him.

"Umm.... I..." Louis can't seem to get any words out too mesmerized by the toned, tanned and tattooed shirtless beautiful boy in front of him.

"Awe Lou, I am just teasing you love. Now come on, go get changed we are heading down to the pool as soon as you are ready." Harry smiles down at the younger lad. Louis can only nod his head in response, not trusting his voice to form the words.

Louis walks over to his suitcase that is laid out open on the bench near the window. Louis searches through his mound of clothes to find his swimming trunks and a t-shirt that he wouldn't mind if it got covered in chlorine water.

Once finding the outfit that meets his needs he makes his way across the hotel room. towards the bathroom. The room itself is a decent size. There are two queen beds, a small seating area with a round table and a desk. The bathroom, is your typical hotel bathroom, the tub was actually pretty large and Louis couldn't wait to have a bath in the tub one of these nights. he even brought himself a few of his favorite bath bombs.

He makes quick work of changing into his swimming gear before staring at his reflection in the mirror, adjusting his shirt and shorts to make sure that they are covering as much of Louis as possible. He is wearing a pair of baby blue swimming shorts with navy blue anchors printed on them, he paired it with his navy blue t-shirt. The outfit Louis didn't think that it looked horrible

A knock on the bathroom door breaks Louis from his trance. "Louis bubs, we are heading down now are you ready?" Liam calls through the door.

"Y-yeah Li, i'll be one minute." Louis sighs staring at himself one more time before admitting this is the best that it is going to get. He makes sure to grab 3 towels from the rack above the toilet before opening the bathroom door to join Liam and Harry.

Louis freezes when he sees, Niall and Zayn sitting on his bed talking with Liam and Harry. "Hi Louis!" Niall cheers. "h-hi" Louis offers a small wave.

"Are we ready to go?" Liam asks the group receiving a nod from everyone. They all make their way out of the room and down the long narrow hallway to the elevators. Louis trails slightly behind as the four boys get lost in conversation. The elevator ride is filled with conversations between the boys while Louis fiddles with the ends of his shirt in the back left corner of the elevator.

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