Chapter 20

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After dinner everyone heads back to their rooms where coach told them to remain for the rest of the night. Harry went up with Liam and Louis to their room so he could change into some comfy clothes before meeting Zayn and Niall in their room. 

Louis is  laying in his bed waiting for Liam while he is showering, Harry is currently standing in front of him stripping down to his boxers. Louis pulls the covers up to right under his eyes trying to hide his blush as he gawks at the older boy in front of him. God Louis thinks he died and went to heaven with the sight in front of him. 

"Like what you see there baby?" Harry smirks over at Louis. Louis squeaks and hides further under the blanket hoping that if he covers enough of himself he will just disappear from this embarrassing moment. 

Louis feels the bed dip beside him and the blankets being pulled from his fingers. "Lou... don't be shy." Harry coos pulling the blanket enough to see Louis eyes once again. "It's okay if you enjoy the view, I stare at you anytime I can too." Harry reassures receiving a slap tot he arm from Louis. "Hey that's abuse! I am going to tell Liam." Harry fake cries. 

Louis giggles and pulls the blanket down a little more to show his face. "I'll only forgive you if you give me a kiss" Harry whispers leaning closer to Louis face. "Hazzie!" Louis giggles. "Please baby? You are kicking me out to go hangout with smelly Zayn and Niall. I will miss you and your cuddles." Harry pouts sticking his lip out as far as it will go. Louis giggles at the older boy above him. Louis cups his cheeks pulling the boy down to his lips. 

"mmmm, thanks Baby that will get me through horrible night I am going to have." Harry says as he pulls away. "Are you upset at me for asking to have a movie night with just Li?" Louis asks worry filling his eyes. Harry sits up pulling Louis up with him so they are sitting facing each other, he grabs his face to look him in the eyes. "Oh my sweet boy, never. I am happy you want to spend time with your brother and you are asking for what you need." 

"O-okay" Louis nods. "Now I better get dressed before your brother gets out and finds me half naked in his little brothers bed." Harry winks. "Kiss first?" Louis asks timidly. Harry smirks and leans capturing Louis lips before getting up and going to slide on a pair of grey joggers and a plain black long sleeve shirt. 

How does this man manage to look hot in anything and everything he wears. Louis thinks to himself as he sits there eyes still trained on the older lad. Once Harry is dressed he goes over to Louis and kisses his forehead. "Bye love text me if you get bored of Li." Harry winks. "Bye Hazzie." Louis grins pushing Harry's face away from his when Harry goes to pepper kisses on his face. 

Liam is out of the shower five minutes later walking out of the bathroom as Harry is grabbing his phone and wallet to head out. "You leaving H?" He asks. "Yeah, I will be back later, enjoy your time with Lou."  Harry smiles waving at the two boys closing the door behind him. 

Liam turns to face Louis. "So bubs what would you like to watch?" He makes his way over to Louis climbing into the bed next to him. "Ummm can we watch a Disney movie?" Louis asks. "Of course which one?" Liam asks. "Umm Inside Out?" Louis blushes. 

"That sounds like a great choice bubs. Do you want snacks?" Liam pulls out a bag from the bedside table and hands it to Louis. "Take whatever you want from there." Louis opens the bag and decides on a bag of pre-popped popcorn and a cherry flavored cola. "Oh Harry said there is something in the front pocket of his duffle bag for you." Liam states taking the bag from Louis and pulling out his own snack. 

Louis is off the bed in a second walking over to Harry's bag eager to find whatever Harry may have left for him. Opening the front pocket he sees a bag of Haribo Twin Snake gummies with a note written on them. 

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