Chapter 31

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Harry pulls into a parking stall 10 minutes later, Louis looking around the area trying to figure out where exactly they are. He has never been to this part of the town before, right now all he can see is a forest of tree's in front of them, there a few pathways that go through the tree's. The tree's are a beautiful shades of oranges, yellows and red. Louis's eyes are mesmerized by the sight in front of him, wishing he had his camera in this moment. 

Louis feels his door being open beside him, he looks over to see Harry standing there with his hand out waiting for Louis to take it. He hadn't even realized that Harry got out of the car, too entranced by the sight in front of him. "Ready to go love?" Harry asks as Louis reaches for his hand allowing himself to be guided out of the car. 

"W-where are we?" Louis asks looking around, still trying to figure out where he is. "One of my favorite places to go and relax." Harry smiles, his hand resting on the small of his back guiding the younger lad toward the left path leading deep into the forest. 

They walk in comfortable silence along the path, Louis looking around in awe as looks at the orangey pink light from the setting sun streaming through the cracks of the trees. It was undeniably beautiful here, Louis can't help but envision all the amazing pictures that he could have taken here. Sure he could take them on his phone, but he just can't do the same with his phone than he can with his DSLR camera. 

"What are you thinking about love?" Harry asks breaking Louis from his thoughts. Louis blushes looking up at Harry who is smiling down at him, so calm and so gentle that Louis heart melts. "O-oh u-umm it's just so breath taking in here. I was just thinking about all the pictures that I could get in here." Louis says shyly. 

"You can take some, we are not in a rush." Harry squeezes Louis hand smiling at him. "I don't h-have my camera to take the pictures that I want." Louis pouts. 

"You mean this camera?" Harry smirks as he pulls a bag off of his shoulder that Louis did not even notice was there. He is extremely confused, how did Harry even get his camera? 

"W-wait w-what? How did you get my camera?" Louis looks at the taller lad shocked. "Liam snuck it from your room while you were getting ready and gave it to me when I arrived. I figured you would want to take pictures but I didn't want to ruin the surprise by telling you to bring your camera." Harry explains. 

Louis can't even process how much thought Harry put into this date, he thought about every last detail, down to the fact that he snuck his camera just for the fact that he thought Louis would want to use it when he saw where they were. Unable to form any words to say what he is thinking Louis just leans up on his tip toes and places a soft kiss on Harry's lips. 

He smiles shyly  as he pulls away, his face pink. "Go take some pictures love, while you still have the light." Harry smiles and hands him the camera bag. 

Louis pulls the camera out of his bag, he slides the strap of the camera around his neck before pulling out the telephoto lens from his bag, he clicks it in place on the camera and pops on a neutral density filter to help with the light exposer.  

Soon he is losing himself in the scenery, taking photos of the way the light shines down through the breaks in the trees, the sun illuminating the reds and oranges of the fallen leaves that now lay spread across the pathway. 

As he turns his body to search beside him for something new to capture he is met with a sight that makes his heart stop in his chest. 

The pink hues of the sky creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The combination of the pink sky, the dark silhouette of the trees, and the rugged image of Harry standing there staring off into the distance creates a breathtaking and peaceful image.

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