Chapter 13

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The pool is basically empty the only people in there are the five of them and a couple random children who were staying at the hotel. Harry and Niall were currently racing up the stairs towards the slide, while Liam was doing front flips into the pool and Zayn was wading in the shallow end. Louis found himself in the hot tub allowing the heat to warm his cold tired body. 

"Lou!" Harry shouts from the top of the slide. "Hi Hazzie." Louis waves a smile plastered on his face. Honestly that smile hasn't left his face since the two walked home from the park. Louis can still feel Harry's hands in his own. It wasn't something that they discussed after the fact, they just naturally separated their hands as they walked through the elevator. Now louis feels like he has a ghost dancing around his hand. 

"Come on we are making a train down the slide." Harry waves for Louis to join them noticing that Liam and Zayn have now reached the top of the slide as well. "But I am toasty in here." Louis whines. 

"You are no fun!" Harry pouts making Louis giggle at the frog faced boy. Louis sticks his tongue out at the older boy and watches them all line up on the slide. Harry in the front, Niall behind him then Zayn and finally Liam bringing up the rear, with one big push they are on the way down the slide. Soon enough they crash into the water, Harry getting a knee to the back and coming up to the surface with a groan. Louis bites back a giggle as he watches him turn to punch Niall in the arm for not controlling his knees. 

"You fucker what did you do that for!" Niall groans. "You kneed me in the back you dickhead" Harry whines as he pulls himself out of the pool and makes his way over to the hot tub. "H where are you going" Liam questions following Harry with his eyes. "The hot tub away from that big oaf." 

"Okay well you and Louis can be the judges then, we are going to race down the slide and see who can go the fastest." Liam grins. "Children you are all children." Louis giggles. "Is that so?" Harry smirks sitting down next to Louis fingers up and ready as if to tickle Louis. "No! Hazzie No! I take it back just them not you!" Louis giggles moving away from Harry. 

"Oi! Stop flirting and time us!" Zayn shouts from the top of the slide. "Piss off Malik, just slide!" Harry calls back rolling his eyes. Louis blushes and slides away from Harry further. "Hey why did you move away from me." Harry pouts. "Oh... umm" Louis looks down at his lap, trying to hide away from Harry. 

"Harold!" Niall shouts, Harry turns away from Louis to focus on the boys sliding down the slide. Louis is grateful for the distraction, needing a few minutes to himself to calm down his heart. It could give the Xfinity series drivers a run for their money with how fast his heart is racing. 

"Yes Niall!" Harry shouts back. "Are you going to time us or not?" Niall rolls his eyes leading to Harry flipping him off. Thankfully at this point all the other children in the pool area have left and it's just the five of them. 

"Fine, Fine let me grab my phone and I can time you." Harry gets up out of the pool and Louis eyes trail down his body as he watches each drop of water roll from his shoulders down his chest and to his shorts that are clinging oh so tightly to his body. Louis eyes lock on Harry's ass as he makes his way across the pool deck towards  their towels, eyes bugging out when Harry bends over to pick up his phone. 

"Fuck" Louis mutters to himself feeling his shorts tightening, blush his cheeks embarrassment completely taking over his body. Thankfully the jets from the hot tub distort the water enough so that no one could see the hard on that Louis was currently sporting. 

Suddenly the doors of the pool room busted open and in floods the entirety of the football team. Louis makes himself small pushing himself further into the corner of the hot tub hoping that nobody would come near him, wishing that Harry would hurry back. 

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