Chapter 29

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"What's wrong?" Lennox asks the second Louis picked up the face time. Louis heart melted at the fact that she called the second he asked her to FaceTime, there was no questions, she just picked up the phone without responding to his texts and called him. He only had enough time to change into one of Harry's jumpers and throw on a pair of boxers, before she called. So he moves to settle himself under the bedsheets to warm up his cold body.

"I-it's stupid." Louis frowns realizing that maybe he was over reacting at everything. I mean nothing really happened in the hot tub. Blake didn't hurt him, was just using his size and stature to intimidate Louis. 

"Lou it's not stupid if it upset you, please talk to me." Lennox urges, her voice is calm and comforting through the phone, like an older sister who just wants to care for her brother. Louis finds a lot of comfort in that. Don't get him wrong Liam is an amazing older brother, but he always liked the idea of having a sister, someone who had a more maternal side to them, someone who could help ease that void he feels when his own mother is off traveling for work. 

"I-it's just that Blake, he is one of Josh's friends and is also on the team, he umm he came into he hot tub where I was talking with a few girls from a volleyball team that were here. He um just made me feel really uncomfortable and kept threatening me, saying that it is my fault that Josh got sent home, and that I will get what is coming to me." Louis recalls the conversation in the hot tub, tears welling up in his eyes as he says it out loud. 

"Where was Harry and Liam when this happened?" Lennox frowns, there is a hint of anger in her voice, making Louis feel as if she was mad at him. "H-Harry w-was in the b-bathroom and Li-Liam was i-in the p-pool." Louis stutters, the anxious feelings creeping up his entire body, the pit in the bottom of his stomach growing larger by the second. 

"Oh Lou... did you just leave or do the boys know that you went up to the room?" Her voice is soft again, like a warm blanket is being placed over top of him. "I just left, Harry w-wasn't back yet and L-Li was busy." Louis mumbles looking down at his hands in shame. 

"Okay, are you able to tell me what you need in this moment? Do you need to vent, advice, for me just to listen or do you need a distraction?" Her voice is all Louis can focus on, it's almost as if it is grounding him the more she speaks. She has such maturity in the way that she talks, the way she wants to know what Louis needs in this moment it was nice and Louis really truly feels heard.

"C-Can you just ummm c-can y-you j-just t-talk t-to m-me?" Louis mumbles embarrassed to even ask such a silly request. 

"Well do you want me to tell you about what my mom said when she picked me up tonight?" She grins and Louis finds himself nodding his head in agreement. 

"Okay so it turns out that she was sitting there watching us a lot longer than I thought... I get into the car and the first thing she said to me was, you sure gave that one boy an extremely long hug. I figured she was talking about you so I was like of course I did. Then she went on to say is that Louis's brother and then I realized she meant Liam! Oh my god Louis when I tell you I was so embarrassed that she said that. I wanted to jump out of the moving vehicle!" Lennox's face is beat red and Louis can not fight back the laughter that is bubbling up inside of him. 

"Oh my god! Len that is so funny! Did she say anything else?" Louis sits up a little straighter in the bed getting himself more comfortable as he eagerly waits for Lennox to continue to the story. 

"Oh my god she was so annoying about it. She's like do you like him is he cute?! Show me pictures of him when you get home. Louis she actually forced me to sit down with her on the couch and creep through his Instagram with her. I mean look I would have creeped his insta on my own, but I don't want to do that with my mother! Oh god that was so embarrassing." Lennox let's out an exasperated sign and Louis sees her fall back onto the pillow her phone now looking down over her. Her curls are sprawled everywhere and Louis can't help but laugh harder at not only the story but the fact that she's just as dramatic as he is over these situations.

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