Chapter 21

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Louis wakes up the next morning, his eyes still burning from the amount of crying he did last night. He was enveloped by the warmth of Harry his face snuggled into Harry's neck, breathing in his favorite scent. Louis takes a moment to take in Harry's features, the way his eyes flutter in his sleep, how his eyelashes fall gently on his cheek bones, the way his mouth his slightly open letting soft snores escape from his mouth. 

Louis hears the bathroom door open and he looks up to see Liam making his way back to his bed. Louis rolls over to see the clock reading 7:12am, the boys had to be up at 8 and down in the main lobby for 8:45, the bus leaving at exactly 9 am to take them to the stadium. "You traitor you left cuddling with me to cuddle with him." Liam plays off as if he is upset settling into his bed. "Sorry Li, I ummm-" Louis starts and stops not knowing how much to explain. 

Liam looks at Louis from his bed giving him a sympathetic look. "Hey bubs it's okay you don't have to explain." Louis shakes his head and lifts the covers sliding closer to harry leaving a gap for Liam to join. "Cuddle?" Louis asks. Liam grins and climbs off the bed with out a word sliding into the bed next to Louis and snuggles in close. 

"I had a bad dream..." Louis says turning to lay his head on Liam's chest. "Want to talk about it?" Louis shrugs. "I don't want to talk about all of the details but the part that scared me was um.... Harry got hurt and he died in my arms. I was holding his lifeless body just staring down at his pale face. It felt too real... Li too real... I woke up and he wasn't here so I got scared that it was real it felt so real."  

"Oh bubs" Liam pulls Louis in close. "I had to go find him I had to make sure he was alive. I feel so bad Li... I woke Niall up trying to find him." Louis pouts. "It's okay bubs its Niall he won't care. Even if he is upset buy him some food or a beer and you are golden." Liam chuckles. "Do you think Harry will be upset that I came crawling to him like a baby and embarrassed him." That is one of Louis fears is doing something to embarrass Harry or make Harry's life more difficult. Louis is so in love with that boy that he will risk his own heart break to make sure that Harry walks away unaffected. 

"No bubs, he won't ever be upset with you." Liam runs his hands through Louis hair, something that he knows calms Louis. Louis mum would always play with his hair when he was growing up, it made him, whenever he was upset or needing some sort of comfort she was there to snuggle up to her boy and run her hands through his hair. 

Louis soon feels a pair of hands reach from behind him and pulling back, he lets out a squeal quickly covering his mouth. "mmm warm." Harry sighs as he cuddles into Louis back eyes still closed. "H-Hazzie I was cuddling with Li." Louis whines. Harry opens his eyes to see Liam holding in a laugh as he watches the two. "I don't remember going to bed with you Li." Harry smirks. 

"I am offended Harold! I gave you the best night of my life and you don't even remember it." Liam gasps placing his hand on his chest. Louis hides his face in Harry's arm trying to suppress the giggle that is fighting its way up as he watches the two of them continue to go back and forth to each other. 

"Li was upset I ditched him for you so I told him we could cuddle with us."  Louis explains when the two finally settle a small pout on his face as he remembers the events of last night again. The anxious feelings returning, the feeling settling in the bottom of his stomach. 

"Lou I can feel you tensing up are you okay?" Harry whispers. "I'm sorry about last night." Louis says letting out a small sigh. "Love, I told you last night and I will tell you again. You have nothing to be sorry for. You were upset and feeling extremely anxious you knew what would settle that anxiety and you did it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that." Harry reassures kissing the back of Louis head.  Louis nods and snuggles into Harry. 

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