Chapter 28

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Louis sinks into the warm water, goosebumps running down his back as his body adjusts to the change in temperature. The pool is packed with what appears to be a group of girls from what Louis thinks is girls volleyball team. They are hosting the senior girls volleyball tournament here this weekend. Most of the boys are in the pool with the girls including Niall, Zayn and Liam. Harry easily follows Louis into the hot tub when he states that he is overwhelmed with the amount of people in the pool. 

The hot tub only has five other people in it, enough space for Harry and Louis to slide in next to two blonde haired girls and one brunette haired girl from volleyball team, as well as an older couple who look to be in their mid to late 60's who are staying in the hotel. The girls bring Harry into easy conversations asking him about football and what position he plays. Louis sits quietly as he listens to the girls talk, none of them engaging Louis in conversation all focused on Harry. I mean he gets it Harry is beautiful and Louis struggles himself to not have his entire focus on Harry. He would normally extremely self conscious and jealous of the fact that they are dominating Harry's attention, but its the sole fact that Harry has his hand on Louis thigh gently caressing him. It is a welcome feeling, one that sends a swarm of butterflies flapping around Louis stomach. 

"So Harry are you single?" The brunette haired girl, Jordyn asks flicking her sleek straight hair over her shoulder. Louis's freezes at the question ready to pounce on the girl for the way that she is staring at Harry, in reality Louis knows he wouldn't do anything to the girl, he is to nice of a person to actually get upset with her but a million and one thoughts have just ran through his mind while he waits for Harry to answer.

"I am kind of seeing someone" Harry says squeezing Louis thigh reassuringly, no one in the hot tub could see where Harry's hands were due to the intensity of the jets and bubbles they have created. "What is kind of" this time the short blonde haired girl Kendra ask, her blonde hair coming just down to her shoulders, in waves. 

"Well this person I am seeing, everything is new we aren't officially yet but I can say that I really, really like him." Louis heart beats a little faster at that, knowing that Harry is openly admitting that he likes Louis a lot. Though he isn't saying that its Louis directly, he is still letting everyone know that he is unavailable and that makes Louis extremely giddy. 

"Him? Are you gay?" The other blonde hair girl who Louis has since learned name is Ricki. Her hair is in a messy bun, with light brown low lights throughout, Louis actually thinks she is extremely pretty, she is the only one out of the three girls who isn't wearing a ridiculous amount of make up for being in a pool. Her skin is all natural, her green eyes vibrant and maybe that is why Louis thinks that she is so pretty, her eyes remind him of Harry and the way they sparkle in the lights. 

"I am bi" Harry states matter of fact, Louis can feel Harry tense a little beside him as if he doesn't know what they are going to say, but he relaxes instantly when she says "oh sick me too!" The conversation continues to flow with ease, Harry trying to bring Louis into the conversation a few times, but Louis just smiles and nods politely preferring to remain a background character. 

Ricki has been Louis favorite in getting to know through listening to the conversations, she is seventeen and they all live in Leicester and hopes to one day be a journalist. Louis's eyes beam at that, wanting nothing more than to ask her a million questions as his dream is to be a photo journalist. 

"So what position do you play on the team Louis?" Ricki asks sliding closer to Louis so the conversation can be between the pair. "O-oh u-um I-i am the teams p-photographer." Louis mumbles looking down at his feet. "Oh really that's awesome that they allow you to come on the trip" she asks not worrying about Louis shy demeanor . Louis finds something about her welcoming, she is asking questions because she genuinely wants to know and he finds himself feeling like it is okay to open up to her. Harry was right there beside him, continuing to comfort him with frequent leg squeezes. 

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