Chapter 17

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"I told you!!" Lennox squeals. Louis and her have been sitting at the diner where they went the night before for the last hour and a half. Louis had just finished telling her the story of last night, explaining in great detail everything that happened between Louis and Harry. Louis had left immediately after the first game to go meet up with Lennox, the boys ended up winning 4-1, after sure to stay long enough to give Liam and Harry a congratulatory hug. . He ended up getting some pretty sick shot of the game, even one of Josh getting a ball to the face. Louis giggled to himself at that. 

"Shh Len!" Louis shushes her looking around him to see an elderly couple glaring at them. "Sorry, sorry" Lennox raises her hands in defeat. "But did I or did I not tell you he liked you and was just scared." Louis rolls his eyes. "Okay yes you did, but like you don't need to scream it, that old couple in the corner looks like they are about 30 seconds away from dumping their ice cream down our shirts for ruining their night" Louis says. 

"I mean they were probably here when this diner opened back in the 1950's" Lennox chuckles. Louis grins over at his friend. "I am going to call them Madge and Earl" Louis adds. "Why?" Lennox looks at him utterly confused. "I don't know sounds like an old person name, plus it's fun to give random people a backstory." Louis giggles. "So what are Madge and Earls back story?" Lennox sits up a little more interested in Louis antics. 

"Well you see Madge was only 16 when she met Earl, he was the new stock boy at the grocery store. Madge tripped over a display knocking over the cans that Earl was stacking. He reached out to catch her but they both ended up falling on their asses. She looked over at him giving hiim the cheekiest grin and said "I figured I would help you the tower was a little lopsided anyway." It was in that moment that Earl knew he had to know this girl, so he asked her on a date right then and there. Thus began the ritual of Wednesday lunch dates in this very same diner."

"Wow Louis I didn't take you for such a romantic." Lennox teases. Louis offers her a huge grin before sipping on his strawberry milkshake, letting the coolness of the drink slip down his throat and settle at the bottom of his belly the strawberry goodness coating his taste buds. 

"So now enough about Madge and Earls love story, lets talk about yours." "Mine?" Louis looks at her from over his straw. 

"Yes yours, you and Harry. Now that you have established you both have feelings for each other and made out a few times has he asked you to be his boyfriend yet?" Lennox questions, the seriousness evident in her voice. 

"Um, no... we said well he said that he want's to take things slow. He wants to take me on a date though." Louis blushes. "Awe Louis, you are absolutely adorable." Louis blushes and even deeper shade of red. "Shut up" he whines. 

Louis loves how easy things are with Lennox, she is like the best friend that Louis has been longing for his entire life. Conversations  with her are always easy, and safe. There is something about her demeanor that makes Louis feel like they have known each other for their entire life. 

Louis opens his mouth to say something, but is distracted by his phone vibrating on the table.

Hazzie 🐸 : Hi love, I hope you are having a great time with Lennox. The boys and I are just heading back to the stadium now to warm up for the next game. Coach wanted you to get a few pictures of  the team warming up. Do you think you could come back to the stadium in half an hour? 

                                                                                                                               Louis: Okiiee Hazzie see you soon! 

Hazzie 🐸 : Thanks Lou, we will meet you out front of the stadium.  

"That was Haz, Coach wants me to take pictures of the warm up so I have to get back soon." Louis explains sadly. "Why are you sad love?" Lennox asks noticing the pout forming on Louis face. "It's just I leave on Saturday morning and honestly you are literally my only friend. As pathetic as that sounds. I just I don't I- I am going to miss you." Louis fights back the lump forming in is throat.

"Oh Lou... I am going to miss you too. We can hangout once more before you leave. Besides I would love to meet Harry." Lennox stands up and makes her way to Louis side of the booth, sitting down next to him and pulling him in for a hug. Peonies, Louis thinks to himself  she smells like peonies the sweet aroma invades his nostrils and it almost brings him peace, a sense of calm washes over him. 

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