Chapter 25

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The ride to the stadium is quiet, everyone he thinks is still taking in the speech from Jones. Louis felt slightly uncomfortable with everything that was happening. Realistically he knows that no one is looking at him but all he can feel are all eyes on him. Everyone knows that the coaches speech was about him there is no way around that everyone saw the fight in the lobby.

Jones's words still burning in the back of Louis brain.
"As some of you know, Josh has been sent home, his behavior yesterday was unacceptable at the game. I never want to see any of you arguing and getting aggressive with the refs the way that he did. I don't care how unfair that you think the call is. that behavior will have you off the team faster than you can say football. Understand me?" Jones demands. Receiving nods from everyone he continues on his speech.
"Now finally I will not tolerate having any more bullying going on from any member of this team. If i see it you will not only be kicked off of this team, you will face serious consequences. The behavior that I have learned is happening from some members of this team is completely unacceptable and absolutely disgusting. I have never been so disappointed in some of you. Finish you breakfast and be on the bus in 15 minutes." Jones doesn't wait for any response before he leaves the breakfast room his face flush with anger.
Liam sat next to him when they entered on the bus, Louis was slightly disappointed that it wasn't Harry beside him right now, he could do with the comforting closeness that Harry brings him. It's not like Harry is far away he just across the isle next to Liam. But in all honesty he just wanted to be able to rest his head on the boys shoulder, he likes the way his head fits in the crook of his neck. It's almost as if it belongs there, that he belongs there. That thought brings him a comforting feeling. A warmness pools in the pit of his stomach, its a feeling he can't quite describe but to say its peaceful.
They still had 15 minutes before they would reach the stadium, Louis pulls his headphones from his camera bag connecting them to his phone and hitting play on his favourite playlist titled"Escaping My Reality". The songs range from soft ballads to punk rock. Each of them having one thing in common, that being allowing Louis lose himself in the lyrics and instrumentals. He rests his head on the cool glass window and closes his eyes, allowing the movement of the bus and the sounds The Passenger by Siouxsie and the Banshees transporting him to an alternate reality.
Liam is nervous, Louis can tell, he is pacing the dressing room as they wait for the coach to come in a give a pep talk to the team before they head out for the finals. Honestly Louis doesn't blame him for feeling anxious about the game, he just wishes his brother didn't put so much pressure on himself. He is such an amazing player, its effortless. Louis use to love playing with Liam when he was younger, back before everything changed for Louis. He was a challenge for Louis who was naturally gifted at playing. Liam was always surprised when Louis decided not to play, but the thing was for him it was more of have fun and goof off kind of love for the sport. He enjoyed watching people play and he lived for the national league, but he had no desire to actually play on a team. He loved photography that was his true passion.
Liam on the other hand. Football was his life, he is still hoping to get a into school on a scholarship and play for a University team. He has the skills and the passion for it, he just needs to work on the nerves.
Louis surprisingly is not nervous. It may be because the majority of the team are off having their own conversations, ones that seem light and happy. Louis can pinpoint that the main contributing fact that Josh's presence is no longer looming over him. Josh's friends have also taken to leaving Louis alone for fear of the repercussions from coach... well that or Harry. Louis thinks it may be the latter of the two. Harry had a pretty horrifying look on his face in that lobby when he was about to beat the shit out of Josh. Now that they are both no longer in harms way Louis can look back on that moment and really truly say Harry was fucking hot in that moment.
Louis looks over to Harry he sitting in the corner of the locker room, hands covering his face, he looks tired. Louis knows the boy didn't get much sleep last night. Guilty feelings sink in the bottom of Louis stomach, he knows its because of him that he didn't get much sleep.
Louis walks over to the older boy, sitting next to him on bench. Louis pulls one of his headphones from his ear popping it into Harry's.
"What's this?" Harry questions smiling down at the younger. Louis shrugs "It helps me relax sometimes thought maybe you could give it a try." Harry smiles and fixes the headphone so it sits better in his ear before sliding his arm around Louis waist. Louis sighs and rests his head on Louis shoulder not caring who is watching him at this point. It just feels good to be next to Harry, they still have 10 minutes before the coach will come in and 15 before they have to be on the field.
"Are you still wanting us to meet your friend tonight?" Harry asks after a few moments of silence. Louis perks up at the thought of hanging out with Lennox, and her meeting the two most important people in her life. "Yes!" Louis nods eagerly "Please, you will love her Hazzie I promise." Louis grins up at the older lad. "Okay baby." Harry kisses the boys temple, causing Louis to blush and hid his face in Harry's neck. Harry lets out a soft chuckle.
Louis moves his head back to be resting on Harry's shoulder and notices Zayn smirking and the pair and Niall with a shit eating grin on his face. Louis cheeks go a darker shade of pink as he shuffles in closer to Harry.
"Are you nervous for the game?" Louis asks trying to distract himself from the embarrassment. "Naaah." Harry says nonchalantly. He doesn't understand how Harry can do that, just be so calm about a big game like today. "Really how come."
"Cause I have my good luck charm sitting right next to me." Harry smiles down at the boy sending him a wink. Louis giggles and slaps Harry's arm playfully. "Stooop" he whines. "It's true baby. I also have the cutest good luck charm." Louis's face is crimson at this point. "embarrassing Hazzie." He whines hiding his face in his hands.
Harry chuckles pulling the boy in closer before relaxing and letting the sounds of Louis music calm him. Louis pulls his phone out sending a text to Lennox.

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