Chapter 34

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Harry left late that evening, he stayed by Louis side all day, neither him nor Liam forced Louis to talk about the incident earlier in the day, they just stayed in Louis presence and allowed him to process however he needed to. Louis appreciated that, he can't form into a proper coherent thought what he is feeling, so for him it was just nice to spend the day in the presence of Harry and Liam.

The trio had spent the day vegging on the couch while they watched reruns on Big Bang Theory and occasionally talking about random things that popped into their heads. It was mostly Liam and Harry who would do the talking but, Louis would jump in once and a while with why he thought Raj and Howard were secretly in love with each other and how it would have been a much better plot line if the writers had explored that.

Louis now lays in his bed where Harry had left him after a few well ten goodbye kisses because Louis didn't want to let Harry go. He knew the boy needed to go home, but he did wish Harry could have stayed with him at least until he fell asleep.

Its nearly 10pm now and Louis lies wide eyed staring at his ceiling, a soft trickle of the moonlight shining in through the cracks of his blinds. His mind is racing so fast that he thinks if he squinted just right he could see the thoughts bouncing between the walls of his brain. Despite the fact that today was exactly what he needed, that dread of facing the entire school is still there, he has no plan on how to face any of this. He can't avoid school forever, though it may be the easiest option in his mind. Really he could just ask to be homeschooled, or maybe do classes through modules.

A soft knock at the door stirs him from his thoughts. "Come in Li" Louis calls, sitting up in his bed so that his back now rests comfortably against the headboard.

"Sorry to disappoint but it's not Liam" Jay says smiling as her head peeks around the door. Louis face breaks out into a grin as she sees his mother's figure standing before him. He clambers off of the bed racing towards his mother's open arms the second his feet touch the ground.

He grips her tightly and the flood gates rush open. A string of sobs pour out of his mouth, while the river of tears run down his cheeks. It was as if the damn had finally broken the second he saw her face, smelt her smell and felt her embrace. The one true and safe haven he's been longing for since that final altercation with Josh.

"Mummy" He sobs, searching for something more to grasp onto as if gripping her shirt was not enough to hold her, that if he didn't find something more she would slip away.

"Oh my sweet boy. I'm so sorry I wasn't here" Jay whispers, rubbing soothing circles up and down Louis back allowing the boy to just sob into her arms.

"Missed you mummy" he sniffles. He's sure he sounded like a 5 year old boy as he said the words but he couldn't care less in this moment, his mum was home and she was holding him. To him that's all that mattered.

"I missed you too Boobear. You up to coming and having a cup of tea with me?" Jay asks not letting go of her son. Louis nods his head into her shoulder still not letting go. They stay there for a moment longer until Louis is ready to let her go. He follows his mom out of his room and down the hall towards the kitchen.

Louis climbs onto the stool resting his elbows on the counter as he watches his mom make them both a cup of tea. It brings him back to fond memories of when he was younger, he and his mom use to sit up together on nights when he couldn't sleep, she would make them a cup of tea and they would just talk about nothing in particular just whatever they wanted.

"Want to go sit in the living room and chat?" Jay asks once she is finished making the tea. Louis takes his cup in his hand breathing in the hot beverage deep into his lungs. The familiar oaky smell filling his nostrils, a sense of calm washing over his body.

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