Chapter 11

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The weather for late September was surprisingly warm, the sun was shining down brightly on everyone this early afternoon. The air was sultry, sweat beads forming on the temples of Louis head soaking his hair line. He lifts the camera to look through the lens wiping it off it fogs from the heat radiating off of Louis.

They team has been practicing for the past two hours, Louis figured that it was the best time to take a few pictures of the team and get use the they way they move, adjusting his camera to find the best settings to capture the team. He adjusts his aperture with the changing brightness of the sun, and setting his shutter speed to 1/1000 of a second to get the clearest photos as the boys race up and down the field.

Currently Louis has his camera pointed at Hunter who is the teams goalie, Daniel who is the teams right forward is currently practicing penalty kicks on him. Louis focuses his camera on Hunter waiting for him to move. Hunters's eyes currently fixated on Daniel watching as he ran to the ball the was stationary, sitting in the spot of a penalty kick. Daniel reaches the ball kicking it with all his force towards the top left corner of the net. As soon as Hunter dives for the ball Louis snaps a series of picture hoping to capture the perfect one.

Louis moves his camera from his face and starts looking at the pictures smiling at the fact he was able to get a couple really great pictures of Hunter attempting to get the ball. Deciding he had enough photos, and knowing the team was going to be practicing for another hour or so, Louis decided to take a walk around the stadium and check out the other teams that were practicing in the next field over.

Louis makes his way inside the stadium to save time and walk to the next field, the cool air washes over him and Louis sighs in relief, letting the cool air overtake his entire body. He doesn't know how the boys are out there in this heat, running around and not on the verge of passing out. Deciding that he wants to get a drink before he continues his exploring he makes his way over to a small concession stand that just down from him and starts to browse the menu looking to see if something peeks his interest.

"Hi what can i get for you?" Louis looks away from the menu to see a girl standing behind the counter. The girl could not be more then 17 or 18 Louis thinks. "Umm y-yeah h-hi can i get a lemonade please" Louis asks. "Of course, is that everything?" She asks smiling brightly at Louis. "um yeah please." "great that will be 2.45" Louis hands her the change and moves off to the side while she makes him the fresh squeezed lemonade.

"So are you here for the tournament?" She asks as she is working on the lemonade. "Um... yeah" He nods. "Oh awesome what team do you play for?" She asks. "Oh um I actually don't play, I am the photographer for the Doncaster Panthers." Louis explains. "That explains the camera" She chuckles. "Yeah" Louis smiles. "Your school love their football team to send a photographer 4 hours with the team to take photos for a week long tournament. My school would never." The girl laughs, Louis laughs along with her. Louis is really enjoying talking to her she seems really nice. "Yeah, they love their football at this school. Um what school is your school?" Louis asks. "Oh George Preparatory home of the pretentious douchebags... oh and well I guess the Winsor Eagles" Louis can't help but let out a loud cackle. "You are funny I like you!" Louis smiles.

"I mean who wouldn't I'm pretty amazing" she fawns. " 'M Louis" he giggles. "Lennox!" She says handing him his lemonade. "Don't you have school?" Louis questions. "Oh yeah, I have spares in the afternoon so i come here and work for my parents they own the concession stand." Lennox explains. "Oh that's cool, I mean as cool as working in a concession stand can be." Louis giggles.

"You are funny Louis, we should hang out one day while you are here!" Lennox offers. "Yeah that would be nice!Maybe one day after the team plays, I have to take photos of all the games" Louis explains. "Yeah of course that would be great!" Lennox smiles. "Here pass me your phone" She adds Louis fishes his phone out of his pocket, unlocking it and handing it over to Lennox. She opens up his contacts adding in her contact information before taking a goofy selfie to save as her contact picture. She sends herself a quick text and hands the phone back to Louis.

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