Chapter 32

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Monday rolls around faster than Louis would have hoped for. He had spent the entire day Sunday going through all the pictures that he took over the week, and even the ones from his and Harry's date the night before. He spent a good chunk of the day editing the ones from the tournament, wanting to get a good jump on them before class Monday.

Lennox had called him after her shift on Sunday wanting to get all the details of his date with Harry. He had put the speaker on his phone and they talked for hours as he worked. It almost felt as if they in the same room together as they talked along the day. She cooed at every detail that Louis gave about the date.

She went on to say that she was jealous of how cute Harry is for creating such a picture perfect date. Louis then went on to tease her saying that Liam would give her the date of dreams if when they have their first date.

He was also texting with Harry throughout the day, the older lad apologizing that he couldn't come see him, but his mum was home and he really wanted to spend sometime with her. Louis understood that, if his mum was home he 100% would be spending the day with her. He misses his mum, she will be home Wednesday and he is just counting down the hours until he can see her. He told Harry exactly that and reassuring him that he understands and Harry never has to apologize for being a secret mummies boy, giggling when Harry says Louis better watch his back for that comment.

He is in the kitchen right now making himself a cup of tea, Liam is upstairs finishing getting ready for school. Harry will be here in a bit to pick them up to take them to school, as per their tradition, despite Liam getting his permit over the summer he likes carpooling with Harry. Louis also loves that fact that Harry picks them up every morning. For him it was an excuse to spend time around the older lad. But now that has changed and Harry is his well... he still doesn't know what he and Harry are, but they had their first date Saturday so that's something.

As Louis takes a long sip of his fresh cup of tea and leans his back against the kitchen counter as he begins to truly process that Harry will be here soon. Which means they are heading to school for the first time since they have become well.. whatever they are. Louis has no idea how he is supposed to act with Harry, is he supposed to pretend that nothing has changed and he is still Harry's best friends little brother. I mean sure he kissed Harry in front of the entire football team, but that doesn't mean Harry wants the whole school to know. Why did they not talk about this. How could Louis be so stupid, he needs to know how to act at school so he doesn't embarrass Harry.

He is so wrapped up in his own thoughts that he doesn't realize Liam had entered the kitchen until he feels a soft hand resting on his arm. Louis looks up startled from his trance and locks eyes with his brown eyed older brother, who wears a look of concern.

"O-oh Hi Li" Louis forces a smile, hoping to convince Liam that there is nothing to worry about. Clearly he fails when Liam asks. "Bubs what's wrong?" Louis just shakes his head as if to say nothing is wrong, he really doesn't want to get into a full blown conversation with Liam this morning about this. He needs some time to process his thoughts. Really what he needs is just to talk to Harry to tell him what his concerns are.

"Look I am not going to push too much this morning, but Lou we can't keep doing this. You can't keep hiding your feelings inside. If you won't talk to me can you at least talk to Harry?" Liam says, his face showing that there is no room for argument.

He knows he is hurt Liam by hiding what was going on with Josh for so long, but this isn't that. He is just having an overwhelming morning he is caught up in his head. He never wants Liam to be upset or disappointed in him, which is why after a few moments of silence he finally says.

"I'm fine Li, I promise. I am just nervous about going back to school okay? I don't want to talk about it I just need to be in my emotions right now so I can take time to process."

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