Chapter 24

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Louis wakes up the next morning to an empty bed and an empty room, he searches  the room in hopes of some answers as to where Liam and Harry were. It's only 7:34 am they didn't need to be down in the lobby for breakfast until 9am. Grabbing his phone he sends off a quick text creating a group chat with Liam and Harry.

Where did you guys go?

He waits a few minutes receiving no reply he decides he may as well get up and get ready for the day, take advantage of the fact he can take his time to do his hair and find a cute outfit for tonight. They have plans to hangout with Lennox tonight. Louis is excited for the boys to get to know her. They are becoming fast friends and someone Louis could soon consider to be a best friend. She checks in with him every morning since they have met and they have been texting non-stop. The only downside to all of this is that he is leaving tomorrow.

Turning the tap on the shower to hot, he strips his clothes and climbs into the shower, letting the water hit his back he lets out a long sigh. The water feels amazing on his sore body, easing his bruised muscles. His headache only slightly beating at the back of his head, tender in the spot he connected with the wall.

Staying under the stream of the water longer than he expected he turns off the water, climbing out wrapping his small body in a towel. Fuck he thinks to himself noticing that he forgot to bring his clothes into the bathroom. Peaking his head out of the bathroom door checking to make sure that he is still alone, he creeps across the room to his suitcase. He finds himself a pair of white wash skinny jeans and a graphic t-shirt. Louis sneaks over to Harry's suitcase searching for one of Harry's sweaters deciding that he needs the constant calming smell of Harry surrounding him today.

Once he is dressed he stops by the full length mirror by the door fixing his fringe so that it comes across his forehead, he moves back into the bathroom and uses the blow dryer to quickly dry his fringe exactly where he wants it to lay. Giving himself once over before turning off the light in the bathroom and heading back to his bed and pulling out his phone.


It's almost 8:15 am by the time that Louis hears the door open and sees Liam and Harry come in the door. "Morning bubs." Liam smiles at his brother. "Morning" Louis pouts.

"What's wrong Lou?" Harry asks climbing in bed next to Louis letting out a sigh of relief. "You guys weren't here and you ignored my text. I'm very upset with you." Louis continues to pout, sticking his bottom out further.

"Awe baby we are sorry" Harry smiles pulling the smaller boy into his side. "where were you guys?" Louis asks settling into Harry's side looking up at Liam.

"Is that my sweater?" Harry grins looking down at the younger boy. "Yes" Louis blushes. "now don't change the subject, where were you?" 

"Look bubs, please just listen before you get upset okay?" Liam sighs sitting down next to Louis. Louis furrows his brows up at his brother. Does he not know when he says something like that it makes Louis want to crawl into himself and forget everything. Don't get upset, how can he not get upset after hearing those words.

"W-what's going on?" Louis frowns. Harry rubs his thumb gently over Louis hip bone in attempts to sooth the younger boy. "We had to talk to Jones about what you told us bubs." Liam broaches.

Louis whole body tenses and the colour drains from his face. Why, why, why would they have to do that? They didn't have to tell him.

"Baby take a deep breath for me please." Harry whispers into Louis hair feeling the boys panic.

"why did you have to tell him?" Louis whispers, biting back the tears in his eyes. "Sweetie he needs to know what is going on, we can't let Josh continue to do what he is doing it's not okay and it's a safety risk." Liam explains gently, preparing for Louis to either shut down or run.

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