Chapter 22

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The sun was beating down on Louis as he lifts his camera to take a couple shots of Justin and Daniel who are currently battling for the ball against the offensive forwards. Louis loves being able to get the action shots like these. the intensity of the game and the players is easily captivated in these shots and the intensity is already 10-fold as the boys are down by one and their undefeated record of this tournament in at stake.

They managed to win the first game fairly easily, with a two-goal lead of 3-1.  They are now currently in the second half of their second game today, the score currently 2-1. Louis knows that at the end of the day they are going to be into the finals tomorrow, but they all really want that undefeated record.

Louis watches as Daniel is able to get the ball away and starts racing down the field maneuvering the ball around the defensemen, he kicks the ball left over to Niall. Louis holds his breath as he watches Niall kicks the ball towards the goal. Niall launches the ball top right corner brushing off the tips of the goalies' finger and hitting the back of the net.

Louis finds himself jumping up and down cheering for Niall and the team. The score is officially tied with less than 10 minutes left in the game.

Louis jumps when he hears the sound of the ref whistle blowing, Louis looks over to see Liam calling a timeout and the team walking off the field into the huddle. Louis takes the break in the game as an opportunity to go race to the bathrooms.

Louis makes his way back indoors to the teams' dressing room, feeling that it was the safest option for setting his camera down. The cool air hits his body and sends a shiver down his spine. Louis takes a left down a long corridor to the last door on the left. Knowing that the game is going to restart soon, Louis quickens his pace to not miss much of the game.

Setting his camera down on the sink, he enters the stall to relieve himself before washing his hands and grabbing his camera. There is a sound of a door closing that causes him to jump before continuing on his way out of the dressing room.

As Louis turns the corner to exit the stadium into the field, he hits a solid figure. "Oof" Louis groans. "Move freak!" Josh shouts pushing Louis causing the small boy to smack against the wall.

Louis whines as he feels his back hit the wall and then his head pain shooting down his spine. "I bet you are happy this happened aren't you." Josh snaps. "W-what? I-I d-don't u-under-s-stand" Louis cowers trying to make himself feel as small as possible. "I bet you dropped on your knees for Styles to make this happen." Josh spits. 

What does Josh think Louis is happy about, he wasn't even there. Louis has never been more confused and terrified in his life. Louis is never aware of what he does that triggers Josh. But this is clearly something that happened that Josh thinks Louis would be happy about. that scares him even more. The unknown of how Josh will react, if it really is Louis fault or not. The fear of what is to come and what Josh will do to him. 

"Pathetic fucking waste of skin, why are you always in my fucking way move before I beat your fucking face in." Josh punches the wall next to Louis face.

Louis mind goes blank, and he just falls to the floor and feeling defeated. He whimpers as he puts pressure onto his arm trying to push himself off floor.

Louis eyes fill up with tears, crumpling back onto the floor, he lets out a heartbreaking sob a sharp shooting pain ripping through his arm from his fingers to the shoulder. 

Louis sits there sobbing as he thinks, what did he ever do to deserve this life, he keeps to himself, he is kind, he is loving. Why is this one person bound and determined to make his life a living hell.

Louis can't seem to control his sobbing. He blacks out for what to him felt like an eternity, a long excruciating eternity of heavy air surrounding him, suffocating him more as each second passes bye. His eyes are burning from the saltiness each tear brings Louis attempts to get up again, as he stands up, he feels the throbbing pain in the back of his head where he hit the wall and dizziness take over him. Reaching behind him Louis uses the wall to guide himself back down to the floor. 

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