Chapter 15

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"Lou?" Louis lifts his head to see a very upset Harry stating at him. "Hazzie?" Louis chokes out before racing over to Harry's open arms jumping to wrap his arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

"Baby I was so worried about you. I am so so so sorry. I shouldn't have just walked out without talking to you. I just needed time to compose myself after what happened." Harry whispers into Louis hair.

"Please don't switch rooms Hazzie please, please don't leave me. I will move to Li's bed so you don't feel uncomfortable sleeping next to me, but please don't leave me." A broken sob comes from Louis as he grips onto Harry as tight as he possibly can. Fearing that the moment he lets go, Harry will disappear. Harry carries them to the bed, sitting down with Louis on his lap still attached to him. 

"Oh baby, I won't leave if you want me here. I was only saying I would leave because I thought you were uncomfortable next to me. My baby boy I would never leave you ever." Harry whispers rubbing Louis back softly. "Lou can you look at me love?" Louis shakes his head refusing to lift his head from the loving scent that is Harry. "Baby please, love we need to talk and I want to do that looking into those pretty eyes of yours." Harry coaxes. 

Louis feels his face heating up in blush as he hides his face deeper into Harry's neck. "Do not make me tickle you Lou." Harry threatens and Louis knows that he means it to, he slowly lifts his head back so that he is facing Harry. "There he is" Harry smiles locking eyes with Louis, running his fingers gently through Louis hair. "Hi" Louis blushes. 

"Liam is downstairs in the room with Zayn and Niall, we should go see him but first I want to talk with you okay?" Louis nods "I need you to be honest with me Lou 100% tell me exactly how you are feeling, can you do that for me?" Louis nods in agreement. "I need words baby" Harry says sternly. "Yes, I can do that." Louis agrees. 

"Good." Harry smiles and pecks Louis blushing cheek. "Now we kissed, and I need to know how that made you feel, are you comfortable sharing that with me?" Harry asks. Louis shakes his head. "Why not love?" Harry frowns. "I don't want you to be upset, or judge me." Louis pouts. 

"I would never judge you baby ever, but would it help if I went first?" Harry offers. "P-please." Louis whispers and Harry chuckles. "Okay I can do that. Should we get more comfortable on the bed first?" Louis agrees, climbing off of Harry and allowing him to climb back on the bed so that his back is resting against the headboard. Louis instantly climbs on top of Harry so that he straddling him like before. "Comfy?" He asks. "Very" Louis giggles. "Good" 

"Okay, now I want the first thing to be made very clear here Louis I do not regret kissing you at all. I feel like if it isn't obvious by now, I really like you. Like a lot. You are such a sweet, caring and amazing kid. I love watching you talk about your passion for photography and your love and obsession of Haribo gummies. You are so much funnier then you give yourself credit for, you are so fucking sassy and I love that about you. You are so fucking beautiful baby both inside and out and yeah I just really, really like you Lou. Probably more than I should but I don't care because Louis you stole my heart piece by piece. But I need you to know that if you do not feel the same way as I do that is okay. I will never hold that against you. So I guess that kind of sums up how I am feeling." Harry smiles softly at Louis who has tears streaming down his face. 

"Hazzie..." Louis breathes out. "You-you like me?" Louis asks in disbelief. "Yeah Lou I really do." Harry wipes a few tears from Louis cheeks. "I hope these are happy tears love." Of course they were happy tears, Louis just found out the boy that he has been in love with for three years likes him back. He is so overwhelmed with emotions but in the best possible way. 

"They are... so happy Hazzie. God I-I n-never thought you would like me. I have liked you forever Hazzie. But I have been so scared that you would never see me as more than just Liam's little brother. I-I had a d-dream t-today after you left with Li that you said you regretted kissing me and that I was just Liam's kid brother that you felt sorry for and said we couldn't be friends anymore. T-that's why I went to see Lennox. I needed a friend someone to talk about everything from you and jo-..." Louis stops mid sentence after he realizes what he was about to say. "Just everything that happened." Louis continues. "But yeah I really like you Hazzie, and I really, really like it when you call me baby and love and you cuddle me and play with my hair. I like it when you hold me in your arms because I feel the safest with you. You make me feel small but in a good way, like I could just curl up into a ball and you would protect me. I like your dimples and silly frog face, your curls and your eyes. I have had this freaking intense crush on you since I was 13 and I am terrified that I am too young for you. But yeah that sums it up. I just really like you H. So much"

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