Chapter 16

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The entire movie Louis felt himself relaxing further into Harry.  There was something about Harry's scent that was intoxicating and extremely calming. It's something about the vanilla and some sort of spice that mixes well with Harry's natural scent Louis thinks. Whatever it is Louis finds comfort in the fact that it is so uniquely Harry. 

He remembers the first time that he smelt Harry, it was around the time that Louis found himself experiencing feelings for Harry. 


Louis came home to Liam and Harry watching movies on the couch one Friday evening . A small smile crept its way onto Louis face as he saw the two arguing over the movie as the character made it's way down a set of steep creaking stairs into the dark basement. 

"Are you insane! Don't go down there!" Harry shouts. "How else is she going to get answers Harry!" Liam adds. "I DON'T KNOW ANYWHERE BUT THE CREEPY FUCKING BASEMENT?" 

Louis lets out a small giggle as he makes his way further into the living room. He loves Liam and Harry's friendship, they always seem to bicker back and forth in a friendly way. "Oh hi bubs!" Liam smiles as he notices Louis. "Hi Li" Louis waves. "Is mum home?"  "Did she not tell you?" Liam gives him a look of confusion?

"Tell me what?" Louis asks. "Oh her and Dad are out of town until Wednesday, they have meetings next week and wanted to make a weekend get away out of it." Liam explains. "But she didn't say goodbye... she always says goodbye." Louis frowns. 

"I know bubs I am so sorry." Liam gives him a sympathetic look. "Why don't you join H and I we are watching a movie." "No it's okay, I'll just head up to my room, maybe just go to bed." Louis fights back the tears forming in his eyes. His mum always says goodbye to him or at least lets him know that she is leaving. This time he didn't even get so much as a text. 

"Hey kid come on, lets get your mind off of it. Look I will even share my snacks with you." Harry smiles. "W-what snacks?" Louis asks. "I have salt and vinegar chips, some chocolate, and some Haribo gummies." Harry explains lifting up each item for Louis to see. Louis eyes widen at the sight of the gummies. "Ahhh so gummies are your favourite then?" Harry chuckles and Louis nods shyly. "Well come watch the movie I will be happy to share." Harry grins. 

"O-Okay.." Louis slowly makes his way over to Harry and sits in between Liam and Harry on the couch. Harry passes Louis the bag of gummies, giving him a dimple popping grin as he does. Louis smiles back giving a soft thank you in return before settling in to watch the movie. 

Big mistake Louis thinks as they continue on with the movie, the girl has made it down the stairs and is now walking around the pitch black basement with nothing but a little flashlight and Louis is on edge. He has always hated scary movies, they give him nightmares and he knows that tonight will be no different. He wonders if it's to late to sneak away and head upstairs before anything too intense happens. He knows that it is considering he sat himself directly between Liam and Harry. 

A loud jump scare has Louis whimper and jumping in his seat griping the thing nearest him which happens to be Harry's thigh. "You okay love?" Harry whispers. Louis looked down and notices his hand, he quickly removes it before whispers a small 'sorry'. 

Harry smiles softly at the younger boy before sliding his arm behind Louis and pulling him in close by his waist. "It's okay if you are scared love, you are safe." he whispers into Louis ear. Louis sits there tense for a while as the movie continues, Harry keeping his arm wrapped around Louis waist. 

It wasn't until the next jump scare when Louis was practically in Harry's lap he caught a whiff  of that intoxicating smell he felt himself sinking further into Harry's touch relaxing and letting Harry's scent take over his body. 

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