Chapter 23

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"Alright bubs into bed you go, Harry will be back soon with dinner." Liam guides Louis to his bed. They have just returned back from the hospital, thankfully Louis was cleared. The doctors is still worried about a concussion and advised to get lots of rest. This was a job that Liam and Harry were taking very serious, Liam taking Louis straight to bed and Harry going to pick up dinner for the three of them to eat.

"Liii I am fine." Louis whines, he is not quite as on board with this whole resting thing. "Bubs, you need to rest the doctor's orders." Liam sighs exhausted from the past three hours at the hospital. "B-But I'm fine." Louis pouts pulling the blanket up to his chin, his back against the head board.

"It's just a precaution to make sure that you are 100% okay." Liam explains sitting on the bed next to Louis. "Fine" Louis sighs, "Can we do something atleast?" Louis continues. "If its from this bed then yes." Liam agrees, knowing Louis is like a toddler, needing to to be occupied at all times or he becomes restless.

"What do you want to do?" Louis asks.

When Liam doesn't respond Louis turns to look at his older brother, seeing nothing but sadness on his face. "Li?" He whispers. Louis slides in closer to his brother resting his head on Liam's shoulder. Liam hums and rests his head on Louis head. "What's wrong Li?" Louis asks.

"I am worried about you bubs." Liam sighs. "I just wish you could tell me what happened. I want to make it better for you."

"Li-" Louis stops, he doesn't know what to say. "It's okay bubs, just promise me if it gets worse I need you to tell me, or mum. Or even Harry please. I don't know what I will do without you." Liam sniffles, trying to stop the tears from forming in eyes.

Louis sits up throwing his arms around Liam's neck pulling his brother in tight for a hug, hating that he is the one causing his brother pain. That's the last thing that he wants is to hurt Liam or Harry or his mum. This is what he has been trying to avoid all this time by not telling them everything that Josh has said or done to him. He didn't even tell them the whole story about Josh being the one to out him to everyone in his year 10. He has kept it a secret and battled everything alone to spare his family the pain that he feels on a daily basis.

Louis can't help the tears that escape him and drop onto Liam's neck, his heart is breaking for himself and for his family. They share no more words, they just hug each other tighter.

"I love you Li" Louis whispers as he pulls away from the hug a few moments later. "I love you too bub." Liam smiles
"I-" Louis doesn't get to finish that thought as the door to the room opens.

"Okay I may have went overboard but I figured if we are going to have a night in the hotel room, then we deserve to have all the food options." Harry says as he enters the door. "So what do you say I got us sandwiches and-" Harry looks u to notice the two boys in the bed teary eyed. "Everything okay?" He asks looking worriedly between the two boys.

"Yeah mate, just some brotherly talks." Liam smiles. "Now show us the food." He grins holding out his hands to take the bags from Harry who isn't even looking at him, his eyes are locked on the sad blue eyes that are peaking out from behind the blanket.

Liam rolls his eyes and gets out of bed, taking the bags from Harry and pushing him towards Louis. "Go comfort him you goon, I'll deal with the food." Liam chuckles as Harry instantly makes his way over to Louis Liam goes over to the desk and starts laying out all the food.

"Lou? What's wrong?" Harry sits down next to Louis. "N-nothing, just talking with Li." Louis answers looking up at Harry with his big blue eyes and a small pout on his lips. "You were crying." Harry states matter of factly.

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