Chapter 27

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"So I see you and Harry are pretty open." Lennox wiggles her eyebrows at Louis. The two were left alone at the booth while Liam and Harry went to go get the table more milkshakes. 

Louis looks over at Harry, to see the boy looking back at him a soft smile on his face. Louis can't help the feelings that erupt in his stomach as he locks eyes with the boy across the room. Harry's face his soft and tired looking. Louis wonders if he even got much sleep the past few nights, and playing so many games the past few days. Louis can't help but think that despite looking tired he is still the most beautiful thing that Louis has ever laid eyes on. 

"Umm yeah... I may have kissed him in front of everyone today after he won the game." Louis blushes at the memory. "You what!?" She squeals causing the surrounding tables to look over at the pair. 

"Shh Len" Louis hushes embarrassment covering the boy as the older lady in the table behind Lennox gives him an unamused look. Louis avoids eye contact with her looking down at the table, hoping that Lennox doesn't create any more unwanted attention. 

"Sorry, sorry. But you need to tell me everything right now." Lennox grabs Louis hands, looking him in the eyes with a giant grin on her face. Louis loves how excited she is about this for him, he really is going to miss being able to hang out with her when they leave to go back home tomorrow. 

"Okay, just stop squealing." Louis chuckles. "I honestly don't know what happened, it is not really much of a story, but the whistle blew signaling the end of the game and that the team had won, my eyes honestly were just fixated on Harry and before I knew it my feet were moving and I was racing across the field towards him. I just knew in that moment I needed to get to him, I didn't even know I was going to kiss him until it happened. I reached him and just jumped into his arms connecting my lips to his. I was so proud of him and I just wanted to show him and have him really truly feel how proud I was..." Louis blushes as he retells the story. 

Louis spares a glace over to Harry, cheeks deepening in blush as he notices that they are making their way back over to the table, the pair laughing loudly and something. "Awww that is so cutie" Lennox coos. 

"What's cute?" Harry asks as he slides in next to Louis at the table and Louis is now fighting off the desire to hide under the booth and never return. 

"Louis was just telling me about how he kissed you after the game." Lennox grins over at Harry and now Louis knows this is the moment that he is going to die of embarrassment because why the hell his Lennox have to tell them that Louis was just gushing about his kiss with Harry. 

"It was pretty cute." Harry grins down at Louis before leaning down and kissing his cheek. Louis's face is on fire, this is all too much, too much at once, he isn't sure he will be able to handle any of this. Every time Harry touches him, kisses him, looks at him in a public setting for everyone to see, his entire body is screaming to run and hide. That he can't do this, that everyone is going to laugh at him, knowing that Harry is just messing with him and it was all a practical joke. 

Louis is so far into his thoughts that he doesn't realize that he has missed an entire conversation that the other three are having until he hears Liam asking him a question. " 'm sorry what?" Louis looks between the three confusion written all over his face. 

"I was saying that Lennox should come out and visit us the next time that she has a break from school." Liam chuckles. Louis's face breaks out in a grin at the idea of Lennox coming to visit them. 

"Oh yes please! Maybe over Christmas break! My birthday is on the 24th! You could come up either before or after I don't mind and we can do so many things, like movie marathons, or I don't really know but we will have so much fun. Oh please oh please!" Louis rushes out barely taking a second to breathe in between words. 

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