Chapter 33

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Louis opens his eyes to see the wall of his bedroom, his blankets covered over him and a warm body pressed against his back, warm breath tickling the hairs on the back of his neck. Louis shuffles himself to turn to face the warm body, he first notices the familiar mop of curls relaxing instinctually, he breaths in that familiar scent. Harry.

Harry was sleeping peacefully next to him, Louis took a few moments to watch the way his his chest rises and falls with each steady breath. He moves to watch Harry's face, taking in his beauty, his plump lips that are parted slightly allowing a soft breath out, the curve of his nose, the flutter of his eye lashes and softness of his cheeks. Louis mouth curves in a slight smile as he thinks about all the beautiful views he has seen none of those views compared to Harry.

With all of Louis's staring Harry must have sensed him as his eyes fluttered open, a soft smile growing on his face as his eyes rest on Louis. "Hi baby." Harry whispers softly reaching out for Louis pulling him in closer. "Hi" Louis whispers out quietly cheeks tinting pink.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asks. A moment of confusion washes over Louis as he wonders what Harry is means when asking how he is feeling, but then it hit him. The reason that he is at home right now asleep in his bed. His face falls and that anxious feeling begins to build in the pit of his stomach once again. He forgot for just a moment, so distracted by the presence of Harry alone he was able to forget every worry that was plaguing his mind since he had awoke earlier that morning.

"I-I I am sorry." Louis whimpers, tears forming in the corners of his eyes as embarrassment and anxiety mix and swirl with in him. He is embarrassed that he got so worked up at the sight of the school that he had a breakdown and came crying home. He worried so much about seeming like a baby that, that is exactly what he did. Cried until he had to be taken home.

Harry props himself up on his side as he tries to read Louis face. "What are you sorry for love?" He searches trying to understand what is going on in the younger boys mind, wanting nothing more than to help him.

Louis nuzzles himself into Harry's chest trying to burry his face and hide his shame. "I-I... F-for being a b-baby." Louis mutters into Harry, his tears streaking the older boys shirt.

Harry pulls Louis away from his chest so that he can look at Louis clearly. "you are not a baby Louis. Why would you think that?" Harry asks, searching for something in Louis face.

"Because, I couldn't even go into that school. I was so scared of what would happen with Josh that I couldn't face even entering that school." Louis sniffles, his fingers gripping the edges of Harry shirt for comfort.

Harry lets out a long sigh followed by a quiet. Fuck. Louis shrinks into himself, realizing now that he must have pissed Harry off with his stupid childish antics. He was needy and whiny and too much for anyone to deal with.

"God Louis... Fuck. I am so fucking sorry." Harry starts and Louis freezes processing the words that Harry has said. What does Harry have to be sorry. Louis is the one who made them all miss school today.

"I didn't even think about Josh's disciplinary meeting today. Baby I am so sorry I wasn't supporting you through that. Shit Lou." Harry rambles on. Louis moves so that he is as closer as humanly possible to Harry before wrapping his arms tightly around his neck. "Hazzie you didn't do anything wrong don't be sorry." Louis whimpers not liking the fact that the boy he likes is upset because of him.

"I just want to be there for you, I never want you to have to deal with something like this alone. Please baby can you talk to me next time something like this is bothering you? Or if there is anything that is bothering you. I need you to talk to me please." Harry says a hint of begging in his tone and Louis just nods. "Okay."

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