Chapter 10

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It doesn't take long for the boys to become overheated from the hot tub and decide to go upstairs to the hotel rooms to watch a movie. Liam, Niall and Zayn stopping off at their rooms to change, while Louis, Harry and Liam head to theirs. Niall pleaded his case that they needed snacks for the movie, so everyone decided to meet in the lobby to walk to the corner store down the road.

"Hey Li, I um... I am going to stay here and shower, I don't want to go get any snacks." Louis states as he pulls out a pair of sweats and t-shirt from his bag. "Are you sure Lou? I worry about leaving you here alone." Liam expresses.

"Li I am not a baby, i can stay in a hotel room by myself. I just really want to shower and honestly Li I just need a few minutes to myself." Louis advises.

"Okay bubs, please just be careful okay?" "Yes Dad." Louis groans. Liam rolls his eyes and walks to his suitcase to grab his clothes walking into the bathroom Harry walked out freshly showered.

"Hey Lou can you throw me my charger next to you please." Harry asks pointing to the charger on the table next to Louis. "Sure." Louis reaches out grabbing the charger and walks it over to Harry. 

"Thanks babes!" Harry smiles. "Welcome Hazzie." Louis smiles back. 

"Okay H, lets go the boys are downstairs already." Liam says as he exits the bathroom staring at his phone. "Lou isn't changed yet Li." 

"I-I am not going." Louis whispers. "Why not love?" Harry questions looking at the younger boy. "I need sometime to myself, it's been a lot of people interactions today." Louis explains. 

"Oh Lou... I am sorry if today has overwhelmed you. Can I bring you anything back?" Harry offers. "I am okay. Thank you Hazzie." Louis smiles. "Okay Lou, I will have my phone if you need anything okay?'

"Well bubs, since Harry thinks its his responsibility to make sure you are okay I don't need to tell you to call if you need anything." Liam rolls his eyes playfully. 

Louis giggles as Harry blushes. "Forgive me for caring about your brothers well being Lima. I won't do it anymore." Harry rolls his eyes and starts walking towards the door. 

Harry looked serious when he said that he wouldn't care about Louis anymore and if Louis was being honest that scared him. Louis knows he can never have Harry in the way that he wants and he will settle for being Harry's best friends younger brother. He also knows that Harry was just joking but, Louis's insecurities run deep. " well bye Li bye H, I'm going to shower now." Louis hangs his head and starts walking towards the bathroom. 

"Bye bubs! We won't be long." Liam waves following Harry out the door after Harry waves bye to Louis. 


The hotel bathtub is large, and Louis was going to take full advantage of that while he was here. Tonight however Louis decided a quick shower was the best option for tonight. turning the water on to hot the steam starts to fill up the room as Louis strips out of his swimming gear and climbs in. The stream of the water hitting his front side, soaking his hair, and body. Louis turns away from the stream letting it race down his back comforting him instantly. 

 His shower is brief yet refreshing. After drying himself off Louis changes into his softest pair of grey sweats and his black t-shirt. Louis climbs into bed grabbing his phone. 

Once comfortable, Louis opens up his phone, clicking on Instagram, scrolling through his feed that consists 98%  of photography pages and well that other 2% that is Harry. Harry's profile was mainly mirror selfies, footie pictures and his friends. There was even one of Louis. I mean it was all the boys, one they had taken last summer when they let Louis join them bowling. The five were huddled up together in front of a bowling lane as one of the workers took a picture of the group. 

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