Chapter 26

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Louis pulls away from Harry face crimson red, face full of shock realizing what he did. Oh my god... he just kissed Harry Styles in the middle of the field in front of everyone. Most of the team had started making their way to sidelines at this point where they await the officials to ready the awards ceremony. 

"S-sorry" embarrassment covering his face. Shit what was he thinking, how can he so stupid they both agreed not to tell anyone until they figured things out. Louis just completely outed them to everyone. "H-Hazzie I'm so-so sor-" Louis is interrupted by Harry's lips on his. They are soft and welcoming his tongue swipes against Louis bottom lip. 

"Don't you dare apologize for having the confidence to kiss me baby." Harry swiped his thumb across Louis lips with he hand not resting under the younger lads ass. Louis can't help the tremble forming on his lips. "B-but we said we weren't going t-to tell anyone u-until we were ready." Louis whispers rubbing his face into Harry's neck, inhaling the boys musky scent mixed with his sweat. He would think the smell of sweat would be gross, however because it's Harry Louis is drawn to it. 

"Love, it was always about when you felt confident, and I'd say you kissing me the way you did means you were confident enough. Not sure what brought it on but I'm so proud of you." Harry whispers into Louis hair.  

Louis blushes and hides his face in Harry's neck. "You played so good Hazzie" Louis mumbles. "Thank you baby." Harry smiles letting Louis slide down his front hands not leaving the boys hips. 

"So you finally going to admit something is happening between the two of you?" Liam smirks looking between Louis and Harry. Louis face turns a shade of crimson as he hides in his face in Harry's chest.  "Liii stooppp" his whines getting mostly muffled by Harry's chest. "I'm only teasing bubs, but we will be talking later." Liam says before walking towards the rest of the team, who are waiting for the officials 

"Ugh he's going to be so annoying about everything now." Louis pouts letting Harry guide him gently towards the sidelines. "I mean I know ways we can make him even more annoyed" Harry smirks pinching Louis hip. 

They have been public for all of two minutes and Louis couldn't be happier, that feeling of Harry willing to touch him and be with him so out in the open without fear or worry that Louis will hurt his image. It makes him feel all warm and giggly inside, ready to experience the full boyfriend experience with Harry. Well when that time comes, and for now he will enjoy this stage they are in. 

"Do I want to know what those ways are?" He lets out a soft giggles leaning into Harry's side. "Guess you will just have to wait to find out baby." 


The team arrives back at the hotel after the medal ceremony, Louis is currently laying on the bed transferring his photos to his laptop for editing, while Liam and Harry get ready for dinner. Coach thankfully is letting the team have a free evening to do separate things. Lennox is planning to meet the boys at the diner a few blocks from the hotel. 

"Baby?" Harry says pulling Louis from his thoughts, looking up from his laptop he notices Harry is kneeling on the floor next to the bed. Louis puts his laptop down next to him before turning on his side to face Harry. "Hazzie?" Louis lets out a soft giggle as Harry rubs his nose on Louis. 

"We are leaving once Liam is finished doing his hair and changing, are you ready?" Harry asks. Louis looks down at his outfit, he is still wearing his white T with black stripes across the chest and black skinnies. "Yeah I think I am just going to keep wearing this... is that okay?" Louis questions looking back at Harry. 

"Of course it is baby, you look beautiful." Harry leans in a kisses Louis. Butterflies fill Louis tummy as Harry's lips continue to press against his. He will never get use to this feeling, he just wants more. If he could he would climb into Harry and become one with him. That is how much Louis craves Harry's touch. 

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