Chapter 18

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Louis wakes up a while later to the feeling of the bed dipping beside him, confused he slowly opens his eyes to see the beige walls of the empty hotel room. "Hello sleepy head" Louis looks over to see Harry smiling down at him. "Hi Hazzie" Louis blushes. "How did I get here?" Louis looks around the room, the last thing he remembers is sitting on the bus. "You fell asleep on the bus and you looked to cute to wake up so I carried you inside." Harry smiles fondly.

Panic washes over Louis face, what if Josh saw, he surely would have seen Harry carrying Louis. Josh was definitely going to say something to Louis the next time he saw him. It was his mission to make Louis life hell. Thoughts start flowing through Louis mind. What if he takes out his frustration on Harry. Louis can deal with Josh beating him up, calling him names, hurting him. But not Harry, Harry is too perfect, Harry deserves more than Louis can offer him.

"Baby you okay?" Harry asks concern written all over his face. Louis looks up at Harry tears filling in his eyes. "Oh hey, hey Lou baby, I am sorry if I upset you. I just didn't have the heart to wake you up." Harry cups Louis cheeks wiping the tears from his cheek with the pad of his thumb. "I-I yo-you... I-I s-sorry." Louis cries into Harry's arms.

"Sweetheart why on earth are you sorry?" "B-because I am so embarrassing, you had to carry me back to the hotel, because I am such a loser and fell asleep on the bus. God Hazzie you deserve someone as great as you." Louis blurts out.

"Your right, I do deserve someone great." Harry starts. Louis feels the instant stab to the heart, despite knowing that it's true and that he just said the same words to Harry, it still hurts to hear. "That someone is you Lou. Baby I really wish you could see yourself through my eyes. When we are ready I will show everyone in the world just how much you mean to me." Harry continues, whispering softly into the top of Louis head.

Louis shakes his head and continues to sob into the older lads chest. "Lou, there is more going on here baby and I want to you to know that no matter what I am here for you, whenever you are ready to talk."

Louis looks up at the curly haired boy, staring deep into those green eyes letting out a small sniffle. "Thank you Hazzie." Harry responds by placing a soft kiss on the younger boys pink lips, wiping the tears off of his cheeks with his thumbs.

"I am taking you out on a date once we are home on Saturday okay? 7pm I will pick you up." Harry mumbles against Louis lips. "O-okay." Louis smiles. The two lay in the bed a while longer just wrapped up in each others arms. Louis allowing himself to enjoy the comfort of the older boy beside him.

"Where is Li?" Louis asks a few minutes later. "He went with Niall and Zayn to pick up some dinner, coach allowed the three of them to leave the hotel only to get some food to bring back to the hotel." Harry explained.

"Why didn't you go?" Louis questions. "I wanted to stay and cuddle with my favorite boy." Harry grins. "I like cuddles." Louis giggles. "I feel safe in your arms, like no one ever could hurt me." Louis continues.

"Good because as long as I am around no one ever will." Harry says with a serious look on his face. Louis smiles up at him placing his hand gently on his cheek. "Such a serious froggy" Louis giggles.

"Oh you think so hmm?" Harry raises his eyebrow and a small smirk plays on his face. Louis doesn't even have a second to question what is about to happen when suddenly Harry is tickling the younger lad. His fingers are digging into his sides and working their way across his stomach. Louis's entire body is wiggling fighting to get away from Harry's grasp as he is sent into a fit of giggles.

Harry's fingers suddenly press against on of the bruises that are scattered across Louis stomach, he lets out a small whimper and his face scrunches up in pain. Harry stops moving instantly seeing the pain on Louis face "Lou love are you okay?"

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