Chapter 24

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June 2015
Harry and I went back to the hotel together after talking and talking. The boys invited me to have lunch with them, so we all went to the restaurant of the hotel downstairs and spent the time together until it was time for all of us to get ready for our interviews.

My Stylist took the clothes I would wear with him and a driver drove Mason, my stylist and me to the late late studio.
As soon as we got there, I had to sit down to get my hair and make up done, what took a while. The boys would soon have their interview while I still sat in my chair, finishing my make up.
I felt how my nerves were slowly starting to kick in like I told Harry earlier today. I needed to calm down a little, it was James, I knew him and I was looking forward to see him again, it was just...the questions I was scared of.

I remembered what Harry said to me, that I had to listen to my heart. It would know what to do and I would find the right answers.

I was in my dressing room, the interview of the boys was playing on the tv in the back of the room when I heard them talking about me. I knew it would happen, it was okay, I just wanted to listen to what they were saying, so I turned the volume up a little bit.

„Harry, how does it feel, now that Y/n is back after being together with her for so long?" James asked Harry.

I listened and watched at the screen as I saw a smile on his face. „It was a surprise for all of us I think, it was for me personally and I uh, I'm happy she's back and gets to do what she loves." Harry answered, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

I got distracted when I heard a knock on the door. „Y/n? Are you ready? The boys are almost done." Mason told me from the other side of the door.

„Almost, I have to put my dress on."

„You have five minutes." He told me before I heard his footsteps walk away from my room.

I quickly put my white, short dress and the matching heels on looked at myself one last time in the mirror and was ready to go.

I quickly put my white, short dress and the matching heels on looked at myself one last time in the mirror and was ready to go

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Before I could open the door, I heard another knock. I rolled my eyes at Mason's impatience and went to open the door.

„I'm ready Mas-." I looked up, facing Harry.

Instantly, I smelled his lovely scent and the shampoo of his freshly washed, curly hair that was falling down on his shoulders.

„Wow!" He let out with a breath and froze right in front of me.

„Hi to you too." I let out a laugh.

„Sorry, you just" His eyes wandered up and down my body.

„Thank you, so do you." I smiled at him.

„Thanks. I just wanted to tell you, have fun and don't worry, everything's gonna be fine." He smiled back.

„Thank you, Harry." I nervously tucked my hair behind my ear.

„We're gonna watch the show from backstage since we have to perform later too." He told me.

„Oh, great, see you later then? I think I have to go or Mason is gonna kill me."

He rolled his eyes. „He is such a drama queen." We both laughed. „See you later, love." He walked away and I made my way to where Mason was, so I would get my ear in's to be ready to perform.

„Finally, there you are." Mason clapped, walking around nervously.

„God, calm down, I'm here." I told him as the technicians helped me to get my ear in's on.

„Your on in a minute." One of the staff members told me and I nodded, breathing in deeply to prepare myself a little bit.

I was gonna sing ,Human', another pretty personal song off the album. I wrote it when I was alone at the hospital, at night around a year ago, when everything kind of overwhelmed me so much, that I needed to let it out. The best way for me to let it out was to write, so I wrote and wrote until my hand hurt and put together some songs, that were now on my new album.
And if you really listened to all the songs, to the lyrics, you could somehow figure out what I really felt, how I really felt and how hard that time was for me.

I was lost in my thoughts until I heard James announce me. „This is Y/n Y/l/n everyone performing her new song ,Human'!"

This was my sign to go, so I went out on stage, smiling bright as I waved at the audience who were cheering for me while I made my way to the band that was waiting for me on the tiny stage.

I looked back at the band when I stood in front of my mic stand and waited for them to start after giving them the sign, that I was ready.

I closed my eyes, hearing the music until it was time to sing and I slowly opened them again.

„I can hold my breath, I can bite my tongue, I can stay awake for days, if that's what you want. Be your number one...

I can fake a smile, I can force a laugh, I can dance and play the part, if that's what you ask, give you all I am...

I can do it, I can do it, I can do it..."

I started singing the first few lines and fell in love even more with the song as I sang it live for the first time ever.

„But I'm only human and I bleed when I fall down, I'm only human and I crash and I break down. Your words in my head, knives in my heart, you build me up and then I fall apart ‚cause I'm only human..."  Singing the chorus brought me back to that time a year ago. The time I wanted to give up and stop fighting. I thought I couldn't do it anymore and the only solution I could think of was to give up...

„I can turn it on, be a good machine. I can hold the weight of worlds, if that's what you need. Be your everything...

I can do it, I can do it, I'll get through it...but I'm only human and I bleed when I fall down, I'm only human and I crash and I break down.
Your words in my head, knives in my heart, you build me up and then I fall apart, ‚cause I'm only human..."

I felt how emotional this song made me, but couldn't let a tear escape my eyes and fall down, because if I started to cry now, I couldn't stop it anymore and doing an interview while crying was not possible.

There was a pause for me, the instrumental part started and I looked up, only now realizing the crowd was as moved as I was. Some of them unpacking their tissues to wipe some tears away. I had no idea I would actually move people with this, without them knowing the story behind it.

„I'm only human, I'm only human, just a little human...

I can take so much, 'til I've had enough...

'Cause I'm only human and I bleed when I fall down.
I'm only human and I crash and I break down, your words in my head, knives in my heart, you build me up and then I fall apart, ‚cause I'm only human..."

I finished my performance, a big applause following afterwards, making me wince a little at the sudden loud noise.

„Thank you. Thank you very much." I said in my mic, blowing them kisses after taking the ear in's out of my ears and letting them fall on my shoulders.

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