Chapter 37

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July 2015
Lying in bed the next morning, the previous night still circling around in my head.
Y/n and I spent a wonderful night together. Outside all by ourselves, under a sky full of stars. It was special, very special.
My heart still ached after the kiss, our first kiss after everything that happened, but she was right. Too much happened during the two years she was gone.

Still, I didn't know what I was without her. She was and always would be the love of my life. I never got over her and I never wanted to get over her. It hurt knowing she didn't feel the same anymore and that we weren't...meant to be. I didn't imagine it to be like this, so hard, so complicated and so painful.

I wanted us to be and feel like we did two years ago. We were okay, we were happy and the most important thing, we were together, never leaving each others side. She helped me and I helped her.
I wanted it to be like that again. If only life wasn't this complicated.

The more time I spent with Y/n, the more I understood my feelings and what was happening. And now I got to the point were I knew exactly what I felt and wanted. The connection we had whenever we were together, the feeling of being around each other, the gentle touches that felt like fireworks exploding.
I always felt that way around her, no matter how long we were together. She was back only a bit over a week and there was just this connection. We had these moments, I knew we had them. It wasn't my imagination. I didn't want to realize it at first, but now... I knew...

I wanted her, I needed her. I wanted to be with her.

I knew for sure, I was still in love with her, I always was. The first time I saw her, deep down I knew, but didn't want to acknowledge it.

But what was holding her back? What was the reason she didn't see the signs, the moments, the connection? Did she not want to see them? To acknowledge them? What stopped her?
There was a sparkle between the two of us, I knew it and I think deep down, Y/n knew it too.

Sadly, there was nothing I could do. She didn't feel the same and as much as it hurt, maybe it was for the best. Maybe I should move on? I didn't know.
I accepted her decision and her feelings and needed to let it go. I needed to let her go, but I knew it would tear me apart just thinking about it.

Like she said, too much happened... But the kiss, I would never forget that kiss. And the night after the kiss incredibly special. How would I ever be able to let her go?

Now it was time to move on and show her I was happy when really, I wasn't but I didn't want anyone to know that, especially because I didn't want Y/n to feel bad. I needed to act like nothing happened.

What a good start into day, sitting outside on the porch of the backyard, getting screamed at by Mason on the phone because of what was in the news.

„Mason please calm down, we all knew this would happen. Why are you yelling at me now?" I tried to stop him from screaming. „Mason stop, please. It's not my fault!"

„There are articles about you and him everywhere, Y/n! It looks like you two are a couple again and I told you several times I don't want that. I told you I don't want him near you, don't you get that for fuck sakes?!" He yelled. „Why are you even with him, huh? You need to work not hanging around with him!"

There was rarely a situation where he actually got to me and really scared me or made me cry, but this was one of these situations. I was shaking and my eyes filled with tears when I thought of going back home tomorrow and see him again.

„Can you please just stop yelling? You knew I had the weekend off and you knew I would go visit my family." I told him on the phone, my voice shaking.

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