Chapter 97

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January 2016
I gave Harry a hand to get out of the car as I saw him struggling a little and the taxi driver helped to get our luggage out of the back of the car. I grabbed both our suitcases and swung our bags over my shoulder while he unlocked the gate and we could get to the driveway.

„Give me that suitcase, I can carry it inside myself." Harry came, trying to take it out of my hand.

„You're not carrying anything my darling." I chuckled at his sweetness, trying to help.

„At least give me my bag or yours." He insisted.

„Babe, no, you're not supposed to lift anything. I know you wanna help, but I can do it. Go unlock the front door, though."

„Fine." He sighed, giving in and went to unlock the door.

I watched him entering his home he missed so dearly the past few months after being stuck in LA. He smiled bright as he went inside, making me so happy for him.

„Welcome home, lovie." I entered after him, leaving our luggage in the hallway before I closed the door behind me and slipped out of my shoes.

„It's so good to be back here." He said from somewhere in the living room as I heard him opening some windows to let some fresh air inside the house.

I just smiled at that and started carrying our suitcases and bags up the stairs to the bedroom so I could start unpacking, that way it was done and wouldn't try to push it out to do it later.

„I feel bad not being able to help you with anything." Harry followed me up the stairs and came walking inside the bedroom, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

„Don't even start with this." I turned around as I knelt on the floor next to our open luggage, taking all our clothes out. „It's not your fault, you're not allowed to do anything and I don't mind anyways." I told him, turning back and continuing.

„Still feel bad. Thank you, sweetie."

I turned agin to look at him, seeing him watching me with a smile, his head tilted.

„Oh wait, almost forgot the ice, is it still throbbing?" I asked him.

He nodded slowly. „I got it myself already." He held up an ice pack wrapped in a kitchen towel.

„Take off your brace then, I'll help you putting it on the right spot." I stood up and climbed on the bed behind Harry, waiting for him to take his shirt off.

I sighed when I looked at his back.

„What is it?" He asked me.

„That damn punch left a bruise on your back, right on your scar."

„Oh." Was the only thing he said.

„It must have hurt more than you admitted."

„A little bit more, yeah." He indeed admitted.

„Oh Harry, baby." I placed my hands on his shoulder, running them down both his arms before I pressed a kiss on his back and carefully leaned against him, my head resting on his shoulder. „I hate that they did this to you, you don't deserve to be treated like this."

„Neither do you." He said.

„Yes, but especially you. Everyone knows you're injured, they saw your brace and it makes my blood boil that there are still so many people that won't respect that. That girl punched you right where you had surgery, this is not okay. It shouldn't have happened."

„I know and you're right, but sadly that's reality these days and I can't do anything about what happened." He sighed.

I knew it was bothering him as well though. He didn't need to experience that kind of pain again he experienced two months ago. He came so far only to get flashbacks from back then.

„I guess so." I whispered, starting to gently massage his back a little to loosen his tight muscles. „You know what, instead of sitting here and holding the ice pack, get in bed and lay down. I'm sure your back must be sore from travelling and everything today." I pressed another kiss on it.

„Kind of." He nodded.

„Come in in here then, Styles." I pulled the sheets away so he could lay down what he did and I placed the ice back right underneath his scar.

„Are you not gonna join me?" Harry asked when I stepped out of the bed and got back to unpacking.

„I will, but first I need to finish this or I'll never gonna do it." I told him. „I'm tired as hell though, can't wait to join you."

He smiled when I looked back, watching him snuggling into the cozy pillows around him.

„Did you take your medicine today?" He asked as I put the last few pieces of clothes into the closet before I got in bed next to him.

„No, but I will now." I admitted silently. „Thanks for the reminder."

„Sweetheart, I told you, you really can't forget to take them."

„I know, but I planned on taking them after we got home anyways so I wouldn't forget them at my house in LA."

„What would you only do without me?" He grinned at me.

„Probably die out of loneliness." I said when I got up again to grab my pills. „Because I simply can't live without you anymore." I returned in bed and Harry wrapped his arm around me.

„Aww, I love you." He smiled at me.

„Love you too, my sunshine." I leaned over to kiss his lips. „How does your back feel?"

„Better, thanks."

„Good, I'm glad." I snuggled into his side. „I'm so tired. This whole journey took all the energy I had left."

Harry turned his head to look at me. „I'm sorry I should have known it was gonna be a lot for your body especially when we went thro-." He stopped talking for a second. „Your claustrophobia! Shit, I forgot about your claustrophobia, how could I? It must have been so terrifying." He sat up against the pillows behind him.

„It was kind of scary, but surprisingly, I was able to handle it pretty well." I told him. „You don't have to apologize for that, H." I chuckled.

„I do, I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you." He tried to pull me closer to him, but soon realized his back wouldn't let him so I snuggled into his arms as he wrapped them protectively around my body. „I'm very proud that you were able to handle it on your own though." He pressed a kiss on my forehead.

„Thanks, lovie." I smiled. „Change of subject, do you have something in mind for your birthday on Monday? Any requests?"

He chuckled. „Not really, no. I'm just glad I get to spend it here with you, but I'd love my family to come down here. Why do you mean? Did you plan anything?" I grinned.

I shrugged my shoulders. „Maybe? I'm not gonna say." I smiled.

„You know you don't have to do that. I'm thankful no matter what on my birthday."

„Ohh shush, Styles." I laughed little. „After everything you went through, you deserve to get spoiled and celebrated on your birthday."

„If you say so." He chuckled again. „Soo what did you plan then?"

„Nice try, Haz. I'm not gonna tell, but don't get your hopes up, it's nothing too special, but you'll love it because you're you and I know you."

„Sounds nice then, thank you baby." He smiled before pressing a kiss on top of my head.

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