Chapter 66

181 4 0

October 2015
I waited a second before I answered, breathing deeply. „No, he's not okay." And the tears fell again. „Minutes before the show started, there was a last minute decision from management. The boys needed to go on this platform during one of the songs." I started explaining as good and quickly as I could. „Harry somehow tripped or slipped throughout the show and his security strap just broke off and...and he fell down...6 meters to the ground." I sobbed by now, trying to breathe properly. „He fell on his back and hit his head on the way down...I was there with him...he was bleeding, his head was bleeding."

„Oh god, oh my god." Anne's voice was trembling. „Are you at the hospital? What did the doctors say? What's wrong with him?" I heard her already rushing around the house, probably trying to pack.

„Because of the fall, he broke almost all of his ribs on his right side and sprained his wrist. His spine got badly bruised, but it looks okay so far. They don't know how bad his back really got injured yet though. The doctor said...that he hit his head pretty hard. He's got a concussion and he lost more blood than they initially thought and due to the fall and the impact on his head he uhm..." I paused, scared to tell her the worst news of all. I was full on crying again at this point.

„What is it, Y/n?" She asked silently and I could hear she was crying as well by now.

„He...he fell into a coma." I let out. „He is on life support in the ICU. They said chances that he'll ever wake up are low and...and we should be prepared for the worst." I almost choked on my sobs. „I'm so sorry, Anne." I cried. „I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry."


I didn't hear anything from her besides sniffles and sobs and it hurt my heart that she had to feel this way and that she was so far away from her son, her youngest child.

„Anne?" I asked carefully. „Are you still there?"

She cleared her throat, her voice raspy. „Yes...I'm just...trying to process this."

„I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry." I sniffled, wiping my running nose.

„It's not your fault, Y/n okay?"

I shook my head, not saying anything to that. „I'm gonna book the next possible flight to Los Angeles for you, Gem and Robin in one of our private jets. That's the fastest way. You can stay at my house for as long as you want. I've got enough space for all of us."

„Alright... Thank you, we'll be there as soon as possible." She said with a deep breath afterwards. „Give him...give him a kiss for me, okay?" She sounded so hurt, her mother heart aching more than I could imagine.

I nodded instantly. „I will." I assured her. „See you soon, okay?"

„Okay, see you in a few hours."

„I'll send you all the informations for the flight in a minute. I love you, bye Anne."

„Love you more my dear. Hold tight." She said, trying to sound alright, but I knew she definitely wasn't.

I nodded before I ended the call and let myself fall into one of the chairs in the lobby, burying my face in my hands and trying to focus before I called some contacts to book their flight in one of our private jets.

I took care of everything to get them here as soon as possible, but they'd still only get here at some time in the afternoon.

I sat there just staring at a wall in front of me, reliving what happened just a few hours ago until it was too much for my body, nausea suddenly coming over me and I shot up and ran outside to the nearest place where no one could see me behind a tree and emptied my stomach, all the emotions getting too much to handle for my body. The cold air of the night brushed over my skin, goosebumps appearing immediately while I tried to catch my breath and stop the tears that were pooling in my eyes already.

„Shhh, let it out, it's okay." I felt a warm hand on my back, that wasn't one of the boys'. It was nurse Megan's. I recognized her voice instantly. „Here, you need to hydrate yourself." She said and I looked at her, holding out a bottle of water.

„Thanks." I said silently and took it out of her hand, taking some sips to wash away the disgusting taste in my mouth.

„Come on in now, it's freezing out here, you'll get sick and I know your immune system isn't at the level it should be yet, so we can't risk you getting sick, can we?" She placed a hand on my back and guided me back inside.

„So doctor Russell told on me."

She chuckled. „He's just worried about you since you just finished treatment and now this happened. As far as I know, he's known you for a long time and as I said, he's just worried. It's a lot to process for your body."

„Well, I'm worried about Harry...worried sick." Saying his name out loud didn't make it any easier, the opposite, it made it even harder as I automatically burst out crying again.

Megan pulled me into a warm and tight hug, a hug that I definitely needed right now.

„He's gonna fight, Y/n." She whispered while I cried into her shoulder. "Just talk to him. Talk to him a lot so he knows you're there and hears your voice."

„He can hear me?" I asked surprised.

„Yes, he can that's why it's important that you talk to him. Read something to him, maybe his favorite book or a letter. You're a singer and he knows your voice, so maybe sing to him, just show him you're there." She let go of me, still holding me by my shoulders, looking at me with a sad smile. „Okay?"

I nodded. „Okay. Thank you. I'm gonna get back to his room now and stay with him the night."

„Alright, let me know if you need anything."

I nodded before she walked away and I headed towards Harry's room again, meeting the four other boys mid way. Their red, puffy eyes were unmistakeable.

„Listen, we're gonna head home for the night, don't you want to come with us, love? Get some sleep?" Louis asked.

I shook my head no. „It's fine, I'm gonna stay here with him, you go and rest, I'll be fine here."

„You sure? Some of us can stay, you know?" Zayn asked again.

„No, no, it's fine, really. You guys go." I assured them.

„Alright, we'll come back tomorrow after meeting with management and talking about cancelling tour, okay?" Niall told me.

„Okay, thanks guys." I nodded. „See you tomorrow." They all hugged me before they left the hospital and I made it to Harry's room.

Even entering the second time was hard, hearing nothing else than the machines.
I grabbed the chair I was sitting in earlier and pulled it as close to Harry's bed as I could before I sat down.

„Hi baby, it's me again." I gently placed my hand in his. „I'm gonna stay the night and be here with you. I don't want you to be alone...I don't want to leave your side. I probably won't leave this hospital until...until you wake up. You have to wake up, Harry." I told him, looking at his pale face. I got up to kiss his cheek, the kiss Anne wanted me to give him, a tear of mine falling on his cheek as I did so. I gently wiped it away and sat back down, still holding his hand. „I'll be here with you, I always will and won't ever leave you alone. I want you to know that." I ran the back of my hand over his still so soft cheek.

„Anne, Gem and Robin are on their way to LA. We're all so worried about you, Haz. I- I just got you back in my life and- and I can't lose you again now." I kissed the back of his hand. „Please don't leave me... You're the love of my life. Come back, please... I need you."

I didn't know for how long I talked to him and just sat there, watching the machines keeping him alive, how they made his chest rise and sink again, but I knew I fell asleep at some point, my head resting on his bed while still holding onto his hand.

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