Chapter 49

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October 2015
With my mind constantly thinking about what I heard earlier, I needed to remind myself to give a hundred percent on stage and not think about it too much, but as much as I loved our fans and performing for them, I couldn't wait for the end of the show so I could talk to her and ask her about it. She didn't really seem okay and I noticed it even more when she came on stage with us to perform the usual songs together.

I tried to get closer to her on stage, but it seemed like every time I was getting near her, either one of the boys came between us, or she walked to another stage again.

„Damn it!" I huffed silently to myself.

Finally, I was walking along the catwalk at the same time as she did. She walked towards me and right as she passed me, I stopped her for a second.

 She walked towards me and right as she passed me, I stopped her for a second

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„Can we talk after the show? It's important." I whispered in her ear.

First she frowned confused, but quickly nodded, giving me a smile. The smile that made my heart warm immediately.

From that point on, I was always watching her, trying to be not too obvious, but I just couldn't tear my eyes away from her.
The way she sang, walked and danced around the stage, having so much fun. The way her bright smile shone. I love seeing her like that, happy and full of excitement.

„Don't be too obvious, lad." I looked to my left, seeing Zayn smiling at me as he gave me a gentle slap on my back.

I looked away, a little embarrassed that he noticed, but couldn't hide a grin.

One of our last songs of the show tonight that we performed with Y/n together, was ,Over Again'. I couldn't help but notice the way she looked at me while singing it, her eyes shining, but her expression serious and maybe also a little bit sad.
I couldn't blame her though, because I was constantly looking at her too, probably feeling the same as she did.

When we eventually ended the show, I was the first one to get off stage, followed by Louis and Liam while Niall and Zayn took a minute longer to get backstage. We all hugged as soon as all of us five were off stage, doing one of our little rituals after finishing a show.

After the four boys headed for their dressing rooms, I waited nervously for Y/n backstage, pulling my ear pieces out of my ear, my veins filled with adrenaline as I finally saw her appearing backstage.

She smiled at me and I couldn't help but notice that my hands started sweating and my heart pounded even faster in my chest.

„You wanted to talk to me?" She asked still with a smile and stopped walking just as she stood in front of me, so close I could feel the warmth of her body.

„Yeah, I do." I nodded. „Look I really don't know how to address this, so I'm just gonna spit it out."

„Okay?" She frowned with a chuckle, waiting for me to go on. „Spit it out then I guess."

„I know Noah is not your boyfriend, Y/n." I instantly told her, taking a deep breath at the end of the sentence.

„You- what? What are you even talking about?" She quickly shook her head, her smile fading.

„Look, I overheard a conversation between you and Noah and-."

„Well you misheard us then. I can't believe you right now, Harry." She shook her head, looking down on the floor.

„You don't have to pretend when you're around me." I almost whispered. „I know he's not your boyfriend." I said again, giving it another try.

Her head snapped up. „He is. Accept it, Harry. I'm over you, our story ended and I'm just trying to move on-."

I cut her off immediately before she looked away again, because I knew she was lying. I could tell by the way she moved, the way her eyes moved and her voice sounded.

„Look in my eyes and tell me you don't love me." I told her energetically, my voice a little louder.

She looked up and said nothing for a while, her bottom lip shaking and her eyes starting to tear up until she slowly looked at me.

„I...don't, Harry." She said quietly.

This...fucking hurt, more than anything else in the world. I couldn't believe she could say it. After everything we went through...
Knowing now that she didn't feel the slightest bit of love for me, even after last night, was a pain I didn't know I could still feel.

My throat was so dry I was scared I wouldn't get out a word if I tried to speak.
My head dropped in sadness and anger at the same time, looking down on the floor. I didn't want to look at her, scared I would start to cry if I did.

I just shook my head, not quite believing all of this.

„You know...sometimes I really do wanna start this all over again." I looked up at her as much as it hurt to do so, feeling how a tear slipped down my face. „Don't let me go...please Y/n."

„I'm sorry, Harry... I have to."

I slowly nodded, feeling more tears on my cheeks. „I need to clear my head." I said silently, maybe even to myself instead of saying it to Y/n.

And with that, I turned around without another word and walked away.

I felt that she tried to stop me, but I didn't listen, trying to blur out everything that was happening around me.

I got to my dressing room and packed my things together as quick as possible before I just left, not saying anything to anyone.

I got into my car and drove off. Just away, away from this and everything else around me.

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