Chapter 180

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After I left, I went straight to the studio, still mad, but mostly sad. I tried to forget about it for just today until I got back home where I had to face the talk that I just couldn't face right now, so I asked Mitch, a good friend of mine to meet me at the studio and write some things with me as it was the only thing that could distract me right now.

Some time in the afternoon, my phone rang and I from afar, I saw it was Y/n. I didn't wanna talk though and decided not to answer even though all I wanted was to hear her voice.

„Don't you wanna get that?" Mitch asked, not sure if we'd continue or not.

„No, it can wait." I stood up to put it on silent before we got back at it.

Around an hour later, after I had already forgotten about it, I grabbed my phone to record some ideas on it, but when I looked at my lockscreen, my heart sank, my eyes fixed on the multiple calls and messages I got from Y/n, along with a voicemail.
I quickly pressed my phone against my ear and listened to what she said.

Hey...uhm Harry listen..." Her voice was trembling like never before and I could telll she was crying. „I know you're mad at me...and I understand...but I need you right now...Please come home as soon as you can...please Harry."

After that, the voicemail ended

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After that, the voicemail ended. Something was wrong and I had to leave as soon as possible to get home to her.

„Mitch, I'm sorry but I have to go, it's an emergency." I told him, already grabbing my stuff.

„Oh, yeah sure no problem." He responded just before I ran out the door and quickly made my way to the car to head straight home.

The drive home felt like an eternity as the only thing on my mind was Y/n. Hearing her like this immediately made me forget all about our fight last night. I just needed to make sure she was okay.
As soon as I parked in the driveway, I ran out to the front door and basically ripped it open before I got inside and stood in the hallway, my heart racing in my chest.

„Y/n?! Y/n where are you?" I called for her and not even a second later, she appeared from around the corner, her body trembling as if her legs would give in any second. Her face was filled with tears that were still running down both her cheeks. I've never ever seen her so distraught and devastated.

I instantly got closer to her. „Baby, what's wrong?"

She looked up at me into my eyes, her eyes as empty as I never saw them before. „It's back." She said quietly, her voice low.

I frowned confused, at first not getting what she meant, but then as I looked at her, at her desperate look and the tears running down her cheeks, it hit me...and my whole world fell apart right then and there.

„No..." I said silently, shaking my head in disbelief as tears instantly formed in my eyes.

She nodded. „It's back, Harry." Y/n shrugged, not believing it herself and that was when she broke down crying and fell into my arms, pained screams leaving her small body. I fell to my knees with her in my arms and held her as tight to my chest as I could, trying to protect her from everything and everyone else, hoping like this, nothing would ever happen to her, because I had her. I held her so tight, no one could take her away from me, not even fucking cancer...

I didn't know what to say or what to do, all I knew now was, that I needed to be there for her and for her only.

She kept crying hard, frustration taking over as she gripped onto me so tightly, I could feel her little body shaking.

„I'm sorry, Harry...I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." She uncontrollably sobbed into the crook of my neck.

„No, don't say that. Don't you dare apologize, baby." Silent tears ran down my cheeks. „You do not say sorry for this." I rubbed her back, noticing my own hand was shaking.

„I wanna live, Harry." She cried desperately which felt like a stab into my heart.

„You will live, I promise you will. I'll do everything in my power so you can live. Absolutely everything." I promised her, my voice breaking at the end.

„All I want is to that too much to ask?! That is all I ever wanted in life." She gripped onto me even tighter, her crying and screaming getting worse. „I wanna live and grow old with you, marry you, starting a family with you. I just wanna live a healthy and happy life without being worried of getting sick all the time which I now did...for the third time. We just got engaged. Everything always gets taken away from me." She sobbed.

„Shhh." I kept rubbing her back soothingly. „You will get that life, Y/n. You will live, we'll get married and have wonderful kids. Everything will be okay, I promise. You're gonna be okay."

„Why is it always me harry? Why always me?"

I didn't have an answer to that. I couldn't answer that, nobody could. Hell, it was already a miracle that I managed to get some words out.

„I can't do this...I can't." She let go of my arms, stood up to quickly slip in some of her shoes before she ran out the door into the pouring rain.

„Y/n!" I called and ran after her out into the rain. „Y/n wait!" I called again as she was already making her way down the street. „Y/n please come back! You'll get sick!"

She finally turned around. „Don't you get it, Harry?! I already am sick! Nothing matters anymore...this doesn't matter. I'll be gone not long from now anyways." She still sobbed.

Her last words literally took my breath away, not wanting to even imagine that for a second.

I finally caught up to her and grabbed her hand to turn her around so she'd face me. I held her by her waist, but she desperately tried to push me away from her, with no luck though and eventually she gave in and I pulled her to my chest, kissing the top of her head as it was still pouring and we were both soaked from head to toes.

„Please don't leave now." I begged her. „Please."

She ignored what I said before she eventually started to talk. „You don't have to stay, Harry...I did it alone the last time and I can do it don't have to be in this with me." Y/n cried again, which made my heart break a little more with every word she said.

„Y/n no, absolutely not. I won't let you leave again. We're gonna go through this together this time. It's you and me against this, not just you. It's always been the two of us against this shit. I won't let you go through it alone...again." The ‚again' felt like a hard punch in my stomach. „I love you and I'd never leave you alone."

„I- I don't know what to do now, Harry." She sobbed and looked up at me.

I cupped her cheek and ran my thumb over it. „Let's go back inside and change first. Then we'll talk about everything, okay?"

She nodded slowly, looking completely exhausted. Emotionally as physically.

I picked her up so she could wrap her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck, resting her head on my shoulder as I carried her back inside.

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