Chapter 82

158 3 0

November 2015
Nurse Megan quickly gave a look at the incision, disinfected it and gently stuck a new bandage over it.
We both helped him putting his shirt back on as Harry moved and twisted the wrong way, a pained groan leaving him. His eyes were clenched shut, his breathing strenuous, attempting to brace himself against the mattress.

„Oh god I'm sorry, did I hurt you, putting the shirt on?" I asked, my hands leaving him.

„No, it's not you. I moved the wrong way." He mumbled.

I cupped his cheek softly while the nurse tried to tell him to breathe what he probably didn't even hear. „Are you okay?"

„The..." Harry inhaled sharply, his hand covering his eyes as he squeezed his face. „Hurts a lot."

I looked at nurse Megan. „Is there any way you could give him more medication?"

„Let me see." She picked up the clipboard at the end of his bed and read what was written in it. „I can't give him anymore pain medicine for now, since we're trying to lower his intake of narcotics from the pump. It's standard procedure. The strongest thing I can give him right now is Ibuprofen."

„Please...just give it to long as it's something." Harry breathed.

„I'll be right back." She said, exiting the room.

„Let's straighten these pillows out, like yesterday, maybe it will help again. Liam would you help me quickly, please?" I asked him.

„Of course." He stood up immediately while Louis watched the situation with wide eyes.

„I'm going to grab one of these pillows from underneath you, okay Haz? I just need you to sit up a little bit."

He nodded slowly and Liam helped him sitting up a tiny bit so I could tug it out from under his upper back. I helped him move his legs to slide the pillow underneath them. Doctor Russell said slipping a pillow under his knees to keep his body positioned a particular way. „There we go, now let's fluff these out a bit." I adjusted the remaining pillows under his back. „Alright, you can lay back down now." Liam slowly guided him back.

„Where does it hurt? Is it just where the incision is?" I asked, brushing his hair out of his face and tucking it behind his ears.

„My entire back." He answered weakly. „Felt it coming. I've been stiff all day."

I nodded, but didn't really understand because I didn't know the feeling after a back surgery and couldn't even imagine the amount of pain Harry was experiencing. Harry always had a high pain tolerance, seeing him like this was horrible.

„I'm sorry lads." He apologized and I knew he felt a little embarrassed that it happened right now.

„No need to apologize, mate. Don't worry. It's just hard to see you in so much pain. I didn't realize it's this bad." Liam admitted.

„I swear I'm gonna kill whoever made those last minute changes before the show and wanted us to get on this bloody platform." Louis huffed.

„Louis it's fine." Harry brushed it off.

„No it's not, Harry. We told them it was unsafe to do it without rehearsing. The stage layout was different than we knew it that night and we all agreed it wasn't safe, but we had to do it anyways. Your strap broke off, it fucking broke. A security strap shouldn't just break. You fell fell into a fucking coma and broke your back for fucks sake, you had to get bloody spinal surgery and you're in so much pain now, things like this shouldn't happen. It's not fucking fair."

Harry didn't say anything to that, because he knew Louis was right with everything he said.

„What's up with your ribs, by the way?" Louis calmed down a bit, his protectiveness kicking in when he noticed Harry clutching his chest.

Harry hesitated for a second. „Broke them all."

„All?! Are you kidding me?" He asked even more concerned.

Harry nodded. „On this side all, yeah, because of the impact of the fall." He pointed to his right side. „They said it's probably because I fell harder to my right side than my left one."

„Shit! Did you injure yourself anywhere else?" Liam wondered.

„Yeah, sprained my wrist, but that's fine." He held his right hand up that was still bruised. „And got a cut here." He pushed back a small portion of his hair, revealing the stitches on the side of his head where they shaved some of it. „They had to stitch it up." He explained. „But believe me, nothing of this hurts nearly as bad as my back does." He breathed.

Louis' eyes widened with worry and he started pacing around the room, rubbing his face. „Fuckin' 'ell, this isn't right. We fucking told them it was unsafe and now look how badly injured you are...shit!" He muttered. „I'm going over there tomorrow-."

„And do what, Lou?" Both Harry and Liam asked.

„I don't fucking know, but we can't just let them get away with this."

„Just calm down first, Louis and then think this through again before you head over there." I told him just when the nurse came back with a few pills and a cup filled with water.

„Here you go." She handed it to Harry and waited until he took the pills and gave her back the cup, forcing a smile.

„Thank you." He let out silently before she exited the room.

„You know we can leave if you're in too much pain." Liam suggested.

„No, no, stay. I just need a minute until the pills kick in." Harry assured them, his eyes still closed and brows furrowed.

„Fuck, H...I didn't know it was this bad." Louis admitted, sighing.

„Yeah, it's shit, but I'll be okay, I guess...I don't know. I just...I just really need time for this." Harry told them sincerely. „I wanna be able to actually move when I'm back on stage."

„We fully understand that, don't worry about it." Liam gave Harry's shoulder a gentle squeeze, initially wanting to go for a hug, but hesitated.

„Don't be a stranger, you can hug me." Harry chuckled sweetly. „You just need to be careful about my back."

Liam nodded and gently wrapped his arms around Harry's upper back.

„Come 'ere, H." Louis went in for a gentle hug as well. „We missed you, lad."

I watched the sweet interaction between the three of them. They were family, always have been and in times like these, it showed how much they really cared for each other.

„Do you know when you'll be able to go back home to the UK?" Liam asked.

„Could be a while. I'm not allowed to get on a plane for at least three months, so if everything goes well, I'll be back around my birthday or later."

„So we're celebrating New Year here in LA." Louis smiled.

„We?" I wondered.

„Yeah, we're gonna help wherever we can and then we can celebrate together." Liam told us with a smile.

„You guys don't have to do that, really. My mum is gonna stay for another few days anyways." Harry told them.

„It's the least we can do and Niall and Zayn already agreed and besides, we always celebrated New Year together so we'll just do it here this year."

„Thank you guys, it's gonna be fun then." I smiled at them.

„That for sure." Louis agreed.

„You look tired, mate. I think Louis and I are gonna leave so you can get some sleep." Liam stood up from his chair. „We'll visit again when you're at home. Niall and Zayn said they'd come tomorrow."

„Can't wait, thanks for coming." He smiled at little.

The boys then left and Harry and I were alone again.

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