Chapter 178

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A few weeks have passed, Harry's wrist healed without any problems and today was February 1st. Harry's birthday. I respected his wishes of just having a calm and peaceful day, so I didn't plan anything too special for him, but decided to get up early and bake a cake for him with frosting, decoration and all that.

I just finished everything after some hours of working on the cake as I heard footsepts on the stairs, Harry making his way down.
I turned around and waited until he reached the kitchen and he slowly but surely appeared around the corner. He was fully dressed and already freshly showered as I could smell his lovely perfume when he stood in front of me, leaning against the kitchen counter.

„Good morning." I smiled at him.

„Morning." He smiled back all shy.

I opened my arms for him and approached him to wrap them around him. „Happy birthday, my beautiful sunshine." I said and kissed him on his lips. „I love you so much."

„Thank you, baby. Love you more." He smiled.

„Slept well?" I asked, leaning against his chest for another bit.

„Very well, yeah." He nodded.

„So how does 23 feel like?"

„We're only getting older, baby." He sang the lyrics to Night Changes, laughing afterwards.

„Oh come on. You're in your early twenties, you still got your whole life ahead of you." I giggled.

„That is true." He pressed his lips on mine again. „Missed you in bed earlier, love. Why are you up so early?"

„Cause I made something for you." I told him.

„You made me something?"

I nodded.

„Baby, you didn't have to." He softly kissed my forehead.

„It's your birthday, of course I had to." I turned back around and picked up the tray with his birthday cake on it. „Made this for you, all by myself." I turned back around to face him with the cake.

„Wow! I love it!" He smiled brightly, his eyebrows raised. „You made it all by yourself?"

„Yep. Spent hours down here making it." I chuckled.

„Aww love, that's sweet. Thank you." He came closer to kiss me again after I put the cake in the fridge. „It looks lovely, I'm sure it tastes amazing."

„I assure you it does. But you're gonna have to wait until dinner. It's today's dessert."

„Can't wait." He kissed me again.

„Okay, now, what do you wanna do today?" I asked him as I started to clean the kitchen and put everything back to its place

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„Okay, now, what do you wanna do today?" I asked him as I started to clean the kitchen and put everything back to its place.

„I was thinking we could head out for lunch maybe." He suggested.

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