Chapter 200

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I stayed the whole night at Y/n's side, falling asleep next to her while holding her hand until my mum and Gemma got back the next morning.

We patiently waited for doctor Russell to come back with the test results until finally around midday, he entered Y/n's room to discuss everything.

„Alright, I'll quickly get to the point and not talk too much around it. We tested all three of you yesterday and got your results back just now. Unfortunately, Gemma and Anne are not a match." He said, already making me panic. „But Harry, you're a perfect match."

My head snapped up. „Really? I am?"

„Yes, you are. Now I'd like to schedule the procedure as soon as possible and that would be tomorrow afternoon. We'll get you admitted and the specialists will talk you through the whole procedure. It's gonna be an invasive and long one, but you'll save Y/n's life doing this. You two will have to go in at the same time and the surgeries will both take up to 5 - 8 hours." He explained some of the most important things already and told us more of what was gonna happen.

As doctor Russell left along with all the specialist that would do the procedure and finished explaining everything, we were finally alone in the room, having some time to process everything.

„Well that was a whole lot." My mum breathed, sitting on the other side of Y/n's bed next to Gemma.

„It was." Y/n nodded. „Harry, I don't think this is a good idea."

„Y/n, I told you I will do this no matter what." I told her.

„Haz, this is a massive surgery with lots of risks. You'll be out for so many months again and so much could go wrong during the procedure." She said.

„Love, I know the risks, I'm aware of what can happen and what is going to happen afterwards, but you won't change my mind. I'm a perfect match, you know how rare that is? I'll do it and you will live." I told her, soothingly running my hand through her hair. „You fought so hard. You got a chance to live and you have to take it. I'll be fine...and I don't care how long I'll be out afterwards as long as I know that you're okay and will live. I always told you, I'd do anything for you. In sickness and in health, remember?"

She nodded, tears running down her cheeks. „I do. I don't know how I'll ever be able to properly thank you for doing this for me."

„Live...that's all I want. You don't have to thank me, I just want you to live."

She nodded again with a smile and I leaned in to kiss her again.

„I think I'll get admitted today then." I said.

„You know what, this means you two are gonna have to stay here for a while so I think we're gonna go home and pack you some of your clothes while you get admitted and all. Okay?" My mum suggested.

„That'd be great, thanks." I nodded and shortly afterwards they left.

Just as we discussed earlier, they admitted me and did some more blood work to make sure everything was fine.

They let Y/n and me stay in the same room and even after the procedure they'd let us recover in the same room so we could be together until we were allowed to go home.


Eventually, it was time the next day. They prepped us both for surgery and we were about to go in.
Of course I was incredibly nervous, but I knew exactly who I did this for so I didn't care. Y/n was obviously very nervous too, scared something would go wrong and she'd have to pay with her life. I tried to calm her down though, telling her everything would be just fine and she'd wake up, being okay.

The nurses came in to wheel us both out, but gave us a moment with Gemma and Anne first. After some kisses, tears and goodbyes, I reached over the railing of my bed for Y/n's hand which she immediately grabbed.

„Promise me to live." I said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

„Promise." She nodded with a teary, little smile. „Promise me to be okay after this."

„Promise." I nodded as well. „Everything's gonna be alright...I love you so much, Y/n. Don't ever forget that."

„I love you even more, Harry. Thank you for giving me a chance to live. I'm beyond grateful for you." Her voice was trembling.

„Anything for you." I smiled. „See you later, alright?"

She nodded again. „See you later."

And that was when I saw her the last time before the surgery


When I opened my eyes, I instantly got blinded by the lights in the room and closed them again before slowly starting to open them again, hearing the steady sound of machines beeping that made my head ache. The next thing I felt was pain. Immense pain everywhere. I breathed out a heavy breath, scrunching my eyes when I heard voices. Nurses and doctors I guess, then a door slamming shut, but also Anne's voice.

„Hey love, how are you feeling? The surgery went really well." I finally saw her standing next to me with a smile. „You were out for quite a while, darling."

„H- Harry." I turned my head slowly to see
how he was doing, but his bed wasn't there and that was when I properly woke up as I snapped awake almost immediately. „Whe- where's Harry?"

„He's not here yet, dear." Anne said silently. „Please try to relax. You just came out of major surgery and you're in pain." She ran her hand through my hair.

„Anne where is he? They said we'd be out together and he'd probably be out even sooner." I wouldn't let it go. „Where's Harry? What's happening?"

„Okay shhh, lovely. I'll explain, but you have to relax and calm down a bit, okay? Please just try to be calm, love." She soothingly stroked my cheek.

I nodded. „I will...just tell me please." I croaked.

„Apparently, during the surgery towards the end, Harry suddenly started to lose a lot of blood. They said it was very alarming and dangerous for him to lose such an amount of blood, but they're trying to control it right now, that's why it takes so long. I don't know what's happening right now, but they're doing everything they can, love." She said with teary eyes and shaky voice, Gemma standing behind her and facing away from me, silently sobbing.

„, Wha-...I- I-...he's gonna be okay...right? He has to be okay...he has to?! He's gonna be fine right?!" I started crying, immediately screaming out of pain afterwards and a few seconds later, everything went black.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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