Chapter 126

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May 2016
„I'm scared I'm gonna fall again or something. It would push back everything again. Right now I'm moving forward so well. I feel better with every day passing and I don't wanna ruin that." He told me honestly.

„Listen H, falls on stage just happen. They just do. It happens so quickly sometimes, but the reason your fall back then pushed everything back was, because you were only three months out of surgery. The fusion was still so freshly done. Just imagine, at that time it's only been three months after they put screws and plates in your spine. It was just too soon. But now you're mid recovery, halfway through and it's healing well." I said. „Look at you, you're doing so good. You go running again, you're working out a bit. Your pain is almost gone. Physical therapy is going well and you can do so many things again. You're getting stronger every day, you're gaining your previous weight and you're just happy. That's all I ever wanted you to be again. For you to be happy." I smiled at him. „I guess I just wanna say. It's obviously your decision to say if you're ready or not, but physically you're doing really good. It's never been this good before." I got up from his stomach and rolled over to lay on my stomach right next to him to cup his cheek and kiss his lips. „Whenever you're ready, sun."

„Thank you. It means a lot that you say that, Y/n. Throughout all this time of recovery, I've never felt this good. For a while it seemed as if I was never getting better, but now I'm actually really happy again. It's like a weight that has been lifted off my shoulders. I guess I just wanna enjoy that feeling for a little while longer before I get back at it, because I haven't felt like this in so long."

„I understand. I can only imagine what that feels like." I ran my fingers through his curls, twirling them around. „I know I say this a lot, but seeing you improve every day and seeing how far you've come when I think back at the time at the hospital, I'm just so incredibly proud of you. Nothing could ever stop you. You took this like a champ and fought. I'm so proud of you, Harry."

„Thank you, baby. It means the world to me." He pursed his lips for me to kiss them again. „By the way, I have to go in for X-Rays next week and see how it looks."

„It will look perfect, I'm sure." I assured him.

He nodded with a small smile. „Remember a while ago, the week after the surgery when I got home, I said maybe I'd cover the scar with a tattoo at some point?"

„I do remember, yeah."

„I think I decided what to do. I think I'm gonna embrace it like you suggested once. It's part of me now. It happened and I can't change it, but I learned a lot going through this and I don't know...I think I'm actually able to make peace with what happened by now. With the accident...I never told you, but I've been so incredibly mad at myself and at this situation after I had the surgery and I just couldn't accept it. I couldn't wrap my head around the question, why me?" He explained and I listened carefully. „And as it didn't get better for so long, I really couldn't accept it...I didn't want to."

„I had no idea, Harry." I said as tears pooled in my eyes, because I was just so proud of him.
I never thought this moment would come someday and he'd be able to maybe accept it at some point. „I- I'm just so proud of you, Haz." I leaned over him to kiss his lips, running my hand through his soft curls afterwards. „I'm glad you feel this way now and are happy. See? I always told you you're the strongest person I know." I smiled at him.

„Oh stop it." He giggled before he sat back up. „You know what I've noticed though?" He asked.

I shook my head. „Tell me."

„Ever since the surgery, you've been so incredibly gentle with me. I thought after a while that would change but it didn't." He grinned.

„What do you mean?" I chuckled.

„I mean, when you hug me or when we're lying in bed you're still so gentle with me as if I just had surgery. Whenever you slightly bump into me, you're scared you hurt me." He explained.

„Well yes I am scared to hurt you that's why I'm still gentle with you." I admitted. „You were in so much pain and sometimes you still experience some, so yes I am still scared to hurt you. Is that so wrong?"

„Of course it's not. It's just that I really miss those tight, tight hugs and cuddles. You don't have to be scared to hurt me, because you won't. I promise. I'm fine and so is my spine." He smiled. „Come on." He got up from the grass back on his feet and signaled for me to do the same, so I did and got up too. „Come here. I want you to hug me as tight as you did before I broke my back."

I tilted my head. „It's still very strange when you phrase it like that."

„Just do it, babe." He said and opened his arms into which I fell almost instantly and hugged him as he wanted me to, so tight it made me realize how much I missed this too. „Aahhh! Oow!" He suddenly screamed out, making me jerk back.

„Oh god, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry."

I looked up at him only to see him laughing at me. „I'm only joking, love." He laughed.

„Harry Edward Styles do you have any idea how much you just scared me?!"

„Sorry, sorry, I just had to." He still laughed a little, his dimples popping and his bunny teeth showing.

How could I ever be mad at him when he looked so adorable and was genuinely laughing?
Of course I couldn't.

„Would you come here for real now?" He asked, opening his arms again.

„You are an idiot." I wrapped my arms around him again, pressing my head into his chest.

„I'm your idiot though." He swayed to the sides with me in his arms.

„Cheesy, but yeah." I sighed, enjoying the moment and his warmth keeping me warm as I felt his lips pressing a kiss to my head.

„Wanna go back home? It's getting darker and I'm sure all the people left by now." Harry asked me.

„Probably a good idea, yeah." I nodded and he slid his hand in mine afterwards, starting to walk back towards Anne's house.

„Hey would you mind if we stayed 1 or 2 more days here? I don't really wanna leave my mum alone already."

„Not at all, H. We can stay as long as you want, I don't mind." I assured him.

He pulled me into his side, his arm around my waist before he pressed a kiss to my cheek. „Thank you."

„No need to, lovie."

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