Chapter 51

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October 2015
„I'm so, so sorry, Harry." I apologized as soon as he let me down on the ground and into the sand again.
We still both held onto each other's arms, his thumbs gently rubbing over mine.

„It's okay, Y/n." He assured me with a little smile.

„No it's not. You don't deserve this, all of this." I looked at him apologetically. „You deserve nothing but love, Haz."

He smiled again. „It's okay, really." He planted a kiss on my forehead. „Come on, lovey, let's chat. I wanna know everything now." He let go of my arms, sitting down into the sand just like he did earlier, indicating for me to sit down next to him.

I sat down, leaving a little space between us. That wasn't for long though as Harry scooted closer to me so that our knees were touching.

Just a gentle touch of his was enough for me to feel his love, the connection we had.

„I don't even know where to start, H." I sighed. „I'm just so sorry, I didn't want this...I was forced to do this, I'm so sorry." I covered my face with my hands.

„What were you forced to do, hm?" He asked calmly, tucking my hair behind my ear.

„Mason didn't want to see me being around you and at first I thought he was just gonna let it go and leave us alone, but soon he started to threaten me. He forbid me to be around you, talk to you, spend time with you... He told me what to say to you and that meant hurting you..." I looked at him, my eyes filled with tears. „When he found out we would go on tour together, suddenly Noah was there and he forced me to pretend being his girlfriend. He wants people to think I'm together with him and over you...but that's not true. Those are all lies... I love you and I wanna be with you. I'm tired of pretending...I can't do this anymore. I'm tired of feeling alone..." I admitted silently, looking away from him.

He placed a finger under my chin again, pulling it up so I would meet his eyes. „You're not alone anymore, I promise." He pressed a kiss on my lips. „I hate this man. I knew something was up when suddenly Noah was there. But why did you go along with all of this?"

„Because I wanted to protect you, Haz."

„Protect me?" He asked surprised. „What would you have to protect me from?"

„From Mason! He threatened me, saying he would do something to you if I didn't follow his rules. That's why I didn't tell you. I was scared of what he meant by saying that and that something actually happened to you if I didn't do what he said. I hurt you, many times and I won't forgive myself for doing it. I never wanted to do this to you, to make you feel this way. I'm just so sorry."

„Y/n, love, it's not your fault, okay? I get why you did it, but you don't have to protect me." He smiled at me. „The most important thing is that you told me now and we are together. And I won't ever let you go again, okay?"

I nodded, drying my tears with the sleeve of my hoodie. „I love you."

„I love you too." He kissed my forehead again before he pulled me closer to him. I sat between his legs, my back resting against his chest and my cheek against his. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me close to him.

I felt safe, so safe. Being in his arms, knowing I was with him and we finally admitted our feelings to each other, was the best thing that happened to me in a long time.

„You know, whenever I saw you since I came back, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach like I did back then and since I am back, we already had so many special moments, reminding me of how much I love you, but at the same time it was so painful because I wasn't allowed to be with you...and technically I'm still not allowed to be with you." I sighed.

„We're gonna sort this out together, love. We'll find a way, together. I know we will." He almost whispered against my neck. „And I felt the butterflies too, every time I saw you."

I smiled at that. „I want you to know, that when we were in Manchester and spent that night together outside lying in the grass as we watched the was one of those special moments...and the didn't mean nothing. I felt our connection, the love that was still between us. It was there, I just couldn't tell you but it was definitely there. And last night when we spent the night writing this song together...god I wanted to kiss you so bad. It was such a beautiful and magical night." I turned to smile at him, noticing how he smiled back with some tears in his eyes.

„Aww baby don't cry or I'm gonna start crying again too." I chuckled, wiping his tears away.

He smiled even wider, blushing a little. „It was a special night, wasn't it?"

I nodded, kissing his cheek afterwards.

„I missed you." I told him after looking into his shiny, green eyes for a while.

„You already told me that a few weeks ago." He grinned.

„Yeah, but I missed you, my Harry." I emphasized the ,you' and pointed at him, my finger slightly pressing on his chest.

„I missed you too, a lot." He hugged me tight.

We stayed there for a while, sitting in each other's arms and listening to the sound of the waves. We talked a lot about the past and our feelings back then and now, also about what was really happening between me and Mason that Harry didn't know.

It felt so good to finally talk to my soulmate again, knowing he understood. He just got it...he always did. I was finally not alone anymore and that meant the world to me.

After a while, we decided to go home, so we got up and he slipped his warm hand in mine before we walked towards his car and headed to his house.

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