Chapter 86

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December 2015
I stopped in the doorway of Harry's hopital room the next day, eyeing Harry, sitting on the edge of the bed, feet planted into the floor. A large black vest was strapped to his chest and with a closer look at it, it appeared it was a back brace.

"Is it that bad?" Harry asked, looking up at me.

The majority of his torso was covered by the molded plastic. The front had a metallic plate pushing into his chest and another into his lower stomach keeping the contraption secure on his body. It had straps that extended over Harry's shoulders, hooking into the back portion.

I approached him and rounded the bed to look at the back of it which was identical to the front except one large metal plated extended vertically along the center of his back, held securely by fastening straps on each of Harry's sides.

"It's not bad. It helps heal your spine, it doesn't have to look good to do that." I said, stepping into Harry's line of vision. "It's just more complex than I assumed, but it's fine. How does it feel?"


"Does your back feel any better?"

"Not really." Harry shook his head.

Today Harry got to leave the hospital, but unfortunately it was a bad day for his back. He had good and bad days, today was a bad one. His back has been hurting even more than usual which made everything else a lot harder for him aswell. I tried to make it as comfortable as I cold for him, giving him a pair of soft sweatpants and a warm and soft hoodie to wear to at least feel a little bit better, because I knew how much he loved his soft and comfortable clothes he wore at home all the time.

"I really don't want people to see me with it." He sighed.

"It's really not that bad, H and when we leave, you'll have to wear a jacket over it anyways, so it will cover most of it." I told him. "Doctor Russell actually just gave me your discharge papers and he already scheduled your next appointment, so we're almost good to go. It's gonna be nice for you to be out of here after two whole weeks. Anne already prepped everything at home, she even moved a TV into the master bedroom."

Harry chuckled lightly. "I felt like I was never gonna leave."

"We'll have to celebrate that with some drinks at home then. Of course we'll have to give you the spinal injury friendly one." I joked around, making him laugh a bit. "Alright now, that's what's gonna happen. The boys will be here in a second to help me get you to the car. Paul and his security team are here to make sure nothing happens on our way out, because some paps are still gathered outside. I parked the car as close to the entrance as possible so it'll be easier for you."

"Okay, thank you." He nodded slowly.

"No need to thank me. I'll help you put your shoes and jacket on and we're ready to go." I grabbed his sneakers and carefully put them on his feet, tying them afterwards just as the boys entered the room.

"Ready to get out of here, mate?" Niall asked him.

"Born ready." Harry chuckled lightly.

„Is that for your back?" Louis looked at Harry's torso, eyes wide.

„Yeah, it's a backbrace. Supports my spine and helps to heal. I have to wear it from now on." Harry explained.

The boys nodded understandingly.

"Zayn would you help me have him stand up?" I asked, seeing he was the closest standing next to me.

"Of course." He stood at Harry's other side.

"Ready?" I asked Harry.

"Just give me a second." He took some deep breaths first, knowing the pain was gonna hit him even harder as soon as he stood up. "Okay, ready."

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