Chapter 54

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October 2015
When we got to the hospital, Harry purposely parked in the back of the area and we got in from the back entrance so that no one would spot us together. He put on his sunglasses just before we entered and just to make sure he didn't get recognized. We entered the building, making our way straight towards the elevator.

„You alright?" Harry asked when I pressed the button to close the elevator door and I felt his hands wrap around me from behind as he saw my rather strong trembling hand.

„Yeah, haven't eaten a lot today, that's all." I answered, giving him a smile as I turned around to meet his eyes. „I'm sooo tired though." I leaned against his chest, feeling his warmth and hearing his calming heartbeat.

„You should eat and get some sleep then after the appointment. We got a show tonight, love." He ran his hand through my hair and then down my arm until he reached my hand.

„I know, but that's what the adrenaline rush is for." I chuckled. „That will get me through the night." I said just as the elevator stopped and the door opened.

„That's true, but as soon as it wears off after the show, you'll feel more than exhausted." He told me when we stepped out of the elevator and made our way to the reception desk.

„At least I made it through the show then."

Harry just rolled his eyes at me, but couldn't hide a little smile, making me smile back at him just as we stood in front of a nurse that sat behind her computer. She quickly looked up and greeted us with a smile.

„Good afternoon, how can I help you?"

Harry politely took his sunglasses off, greeting her back.

„Hello, uhm I have an appointment with doctor Russell in a few minutes." I told her. „I think I talked to you on the phone?"

„Miss Y/l/n, yes that was me. Follow me please he's already waiting." She got up from her seat, leading us to the examination room where he indeed was already sat behind his desk and going through my file. The nurse closed the door on her way out as doctor Russell looked up at us with a smile.

I knew him for a few years now. He was the one that kind of guided and helped me through the second time I got diagnosed. I was very thankful for that he was there since I didn't have anyone else.
Harry also knew him well, because when we started touring after the X-Factor, I regularly got checked out by him while we were in LA and we both trusted him a lot.

„Well there you are, hi Y/n." He came towards me and gave me a hug.

„Hi, it's good to see you again, dr. Russell." I told him as he let go of me before he turned to Harry.

„Long time no see. How have you been, Harry?" He shook his hand.

„I've been good thank you." Harry answered with a smile.

„Glad to hear that." He smiled back and then looked at me. „Please take a seat." He said to both of us, indicating for us to sit down on the chairs at his desk.

„So, Y/n..." He started as soon as we sat down. „...I know you two have a tight schedule, so I'm gonna get straight to the point. You said you were experiencing pain on the right side of your stomach and your side in general, is that correct?"

Shit! Why did he have to say it out loud. „Yes, that's correct..." I nodded.

„What?" Harry immediately shot me a concerned look.

I just shook my head, trying to brush it off for now, but I could clearly see how much it bothered him as he visibly tensed as the appointment went on.

„Okay, first let's not start to worry about anything right now and stay calm. We'll do the usual test and we'll see from there. It could be nothing." Doctor Russell gave me a reassuring smile. „I'll get a nurse to take some blood samples, let's go from there." He added.

As soon as doctor Russell left the room, Harry turned to look at me. „You said it was just another check up appointment, Y/n..."

„Harry, I didn't wanna worry you even more."

„Of course I'm gonna worry, especially when you say you're experiencing those symptoms. Last time you experienced got the diagnosis. How could I not be worried?" He ran his hand over his face before nervously fixing his hair. „Why didn't you talk to me?" His nervous voice from earlier was gone and his deep, soft one was back.

„I don't know, I guess the only excuse I have is that I was scared. Not scared to tell you but scared of what this is what's going to happen." My voice was low as I told him that.

He sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist before he slightly pulled me closer to him. „Listen, I'm scared too, but let's not make any conclusions right now and wait like doctor Russell said, okay?"

I nodded, leaning against his warm chest.

„For how long are you feeling the pain in your stomach again?" He asked softly.

„I think for about a week maybe." I talked into his chest as he rested his head against mine.

„Okay...let's see what the doctor says." He said again, rubbing my arm just as the nurse got in and smiled at the both of us.

She explained to us what tests she was
going to do now. Taking blood samples and doing an ultrasound were two of them that I was kind of most scared of because those two were the ones they could tell immediately if something was wrong or not.

The nurse sat down on a little chair next to me and prepped everything she needed before she looked up at me, ready to start.

„Is it okay for him to stay here or do you wanna be alone?" She asked before she started as she looked at Harry.

„No, no, I want him to stay, he's...he's..." I looked at him as he smiled a little. I was somehow not sure if I was allowed to say it or not. Neither of us said it since we got back together and I didn't know if he was okay with it.

„I'm her boyfriend." Harry suddenly said and my heart wanted to erupt as I finally heard it. He was my boyfriend...

„Yes, he's my boyfriend, I want him to stay." I repeated and the nurse nodded with a smile before she eventually started with the tests.

I was used to them taking blood samples, so it wasn't a big deal at all and as soon as she was done, she started preparing the machine for the ultrasound what I was pretty nervous for...

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