Chapter 129

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June 2016
It was two days before my first show fully back again. Two days and I was back at headlining my show with my new management and I couldn't be happier about it. Tomorrow, Harry and I would head back to Manchester where the show would be, so we would have another night there before the show and could spend some time with Anne.

Right now, it was midnight and I sat in front of the piano, writing a bit as I was alone at home since Harry was at the studio with Niall and Liam. He just left as they called, saying they had this amazing song idea and needed Harry's voice for the chorus.

My new song I was working on for some time now came along really good so far. It was already one of my favorites I ever wrote. I just finished perfecting the chorus as I suddenly heard a camera clicking sound behind me, making me jump out of my chair and turn around.

„Fuck me! Harry! What on earth?! You scared the shit out of me." I breathed as he leaned against the doorfram in the doorway, grinning while pointing his phone at me.

„Sorry, love. You just looked so beautiful and concentrated I had to take a pic." He said, approaching me and kissed my lips before I sat back down.

„I- alright then. Thanks. But I thought you were at the studio?"

„I was. Went quicker than we thought. We'll properly record some other time." He explained. „What about you? How's it going?" He sat down in the arm chair nearby, typing around a bit on his phone again before he looked up to pay attention to me.

„Perfect actually. One of my favorites already."

„Aww I love that." He smiled when I noticed my phone was blowing up so I reached for it to see why.

I tilted my head, smiling at him.. „'re adorable I swear."

He just smiled at me. I replied a little something to a fan's comment before I put my phone away to stand up and sit down on Harry's lap where I wrapped my arms around him, kissing his lips again. „I love you so much. You're the sweetest person ever."

He pulled me closer to his chest. „Love you more, my darling."

„You made the fans freak out now though, so if twitter blows up, that's on you." I pointed out, giggling.

„I can live with that." He kissed my cheek.

I ran my fingers through his brown curls, breathing in his familiar scent. „I love your hair today, it's so extra soft."

He just chuckled at that. „I should probably keep using your shampoo then, because I ran out of mine."

I let out a little laugh. „You do that."

„Are you ready to leave tomorrow?" Harry wondered.

„Yess, so ready."


„I mean not necessarily nervous, just very excited and happy that I feel like I got butterflies in my stomach." I explained, Harry looking at me lovingly.

„I love that for you and I'm so happy you finally get to do what you want and not what everyone else wants." He rubbed my back soothingly. „Must feel good, huh?"

„Yeah it does. It feels so freeing." I told him.

„I can imagine." He kissed my forehead.

I studied his features for a while, tucking some of his curls behind his ear as they fell in front of his face. „You look tired, sun. Long day?"

„Kind of. Had this long ass meeting with management and the band today and physical therapy this afternoon was kind of a lot. Tired me out a little."

„Then what are you still doing here? Go to bed and get some sleep, sun." I said, watching as he could barely keep his eyes open. „H, you're half asleep already. Let's get you in bed where it's comfortable."

„Will you come too? Please?"

„I will in just a second." I got up from his lap, pulling at his arm so he would stand up and follow me to our bedroom which he did, slowly and almost asleep, but he did it and ended up in bed almost immediately afteerwards. I quickly went to change my clothes before I got into bed myself, seeing Harry lying there asleep on his side, still wearing his jeans and button up shirt from today.

I gently ran my hand over his arm. „Don't you wanna change, sunshine?" I whispered.

„Hmm?" He stirred, his eyes still closed. „Yeah, just a second."

He looked so cute as he sat up to sleepily take off his trousers and shirt and put his sweatpants on while he stayed shirtless before he got back in bed, this time he crawled underneath the blanket, facing me.

I cupped his cheek, running my thumb over it. „What did they do to you in physical therapy that you're so tired?" I wondered.

„Just some exercises." He said yawning.

„Okay." I continued just looking at him, adoring him and soothingly running my hand over his arm while he was already sound asleep again. „I love you so much, H. You're my whole world. I'm so lucky to have you in my life." I kissed his forehead lightly. „You're so perfect." I whispered again, seeing his lips forming into a little smile.

„I love you more." He whispered back. „More than you can ever imagine, my sweet angel." He placed his hand on my waist.

„I thought I had that cute moment as you were so adoringly asleep, but you destroyed it by hearing what I said."

He let out a cute laugh. „Oops. Was still a cute moment." He smiled, kissing my lips.

I smiled back, turning to the other side in bed, crawling into Harry's embrace so I could be the little spoon as he wrapped his arm around my waist from behind and felt him pressing another kiss to the back of my head.

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