Chapter 100

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February 2016
Around dinner time we surprised Harry with a dinner at a fancy restaurant with the boys and all of his closest friends who also didn't see him in such a long time. It was the sweetest thing to see him so incredibly happy after everything he went through. I sat next to him at the restaurant and watched him throughout the evening. Seeing how he enjoyed the time and how smiley he was during dinner meant the world to me.

For dessert after dinner, the staff of the restaurant brought out a tray full of cupcakes with „Happy Birthday" written on them for Harry while we all sang for him, making him blush a little bit before he blew out the candles on top of the cupcakes.

„Happy birthday, Haz." I smiled at him. „I love you."

„Thank you, Y/n. I love you more." He leaned in to kiss me.

Everyone had fun and enjoyed the night with some drinks and dessert, all here to celebrate Harry. I was just having a conversation with Gemma when Harry nudged me in the side to get my attention, so I looked to my side, meeting his beautiful eyes.

„I'll be right back, need some fresh air." He told me. I nodded understandingly and he kissed my lips again before he left the table. I watched him go until I couldn't see him anymore and turned my attention back to Gemma.

After a while, I realized it's been some time since Harry left the table, starting to worry me a little bit. „Hey Gem, I'll check on Harry quickly. He said he'd be outside."

„Yeah sure, go." She nodded quickly before I left as well, taking my jacket and Harry's coat with me since it was cold outside and he probably forgot to take it with him.

I made my way through the restaurant where the entrance was and got outside, seeing Harry leaning against the wall just in front of the front door, his back facing me.

„Hey, are you okay, lovie?" I placed my hand on his shoulder so he'd turn around, wich he did and I gave him his coat, seeing he was clearly freezing out there. „Are you in pain?" I asked him concerned, placing my hand on his lower back now as I stood in front of him and looked up at him.

„No I'm okay, don't worry." He smiled down at me. „Just feeling a little overwhelmed, that's all."

„Overwhelmed with love I hope?" I cupped his cheek with one of my hands, looking into those beautiful green eyes of his.

He nodded. „Missed this a lot."

„So you liked your birthday? I hope?"

„I loved it, it was perfect. Thank you." He pulled me close to his chest, wrapping his arms around my body. „Thank you for making today so special." He kissed my head while I rested mine against his warm chest, breathing in the familiar scent he was wearing and hearing his steady heartbeat, my arms wrapped around his body.

„Anything for you, lovie. I'm glad you enjoyed today. That was my goal." I pulled myself closer to him, if that was even possible. He rubbed my back soothingly, holding me tight and making me feel safe in his embrace.

„You reached your goal, I'm really happy, thank you." He whispered in my ear.

„Good." I smiled against his chest. „You know, I still need to give you the birthday gift I have for you."

„You don't need to give me anything, Y/n."

„But I want to and I'm going to, but it's at home. I wanted to give it to you when we're alone, just by ourselves."

„How do I even deserve you?"

„Oh stop it." I smiled and looked up at him. „I love you, I'm madly in love with you. That's why."

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