Chapter 186

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In the evening of the next day, I took Y/n to the beach with me just as she wanted. We had some blankets with us that we placed on top of the sand to sit on. Y/n sat between my legs right in front of my chest, my arms wrapped around her waist.

„You've been a bit quiet all day, love. What's on your mind?" I asked her as it got darker and we watched the beautiful sunset.

„I have been thinking a lot throughout the day...of all kinds of stuff." She said. „I love you so much, Harry...we got engaged only a few months ago and...uhm..." She stopped talking and looked down at her hand just before she took her engagement ring off and took my hand to place it in mine.

„What are you doing?" I asked confused.

„You don't wanna marry a sick woman, do you?" She turned around to look at me, her eyes filled with tears.

„Y/n no, don't do this. Don't you dare do this." My own eyes filled with tears almost immediately as my heart broke into pieces. „You can't do this to me. You're the woman I love more than anyone else in this entire world. I told you I wanna spend the rest of my life with you and I meant that." I told her. „This ring belongs to you and I don't ever wanna have it back. I wanna marry you...of course I do, no matter what."

Tears streamed down her cheeks as I put the ring back on her finger.

„Harry I'm sick...we don't know what's gonna happen. I don't know if there's ever gonna be a wedding...I love you so much, Haz, but I'd hate myself if I couldn't give you the big, beautiful wedding we both wanted, because I'll be too sick for that."

„Y/n, love, I don't need a big wedding or anything in particular as long as I'm gonna marry you. I understand that you don't wanna get married during your treatment and all that, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't get married at all." I told her. „Hell, I could marry you right now-." I stopped as something came to my mind. „This may sound crazy or whatever, but let's get married right now."

„What?" Y/n asked, frowning. „I mean how and where?"

„Here, I mean not officially as of now, just for us. I don't need something official to become your husband. I wanna marry you right here, right now and it will be official just for the two of us. Just us two at one of our favorite places to be that is also very special to us, because right here we got back together and never left each other ever since."

She smiled a little, more tears rolling down her cheeks. „You really wanna do that?"

„Of course I do. I love you and I want you to be my wife as soon as possible." I nodded with a smile.

„But what about all our friends and family? Your mum? Gemma? They'd wanna be at our wedding."

„And they will when we'll have our big and beautiful wedding after you've recovered from everything and we'll have it just as you wanted, but just a little later than planned." I promised her. „Let's get married right here...just for us, for our sake."

She nodded quickly. „Okay, let's do it." She pressed her lips hard on mine.

I smiled, shifting position to kneel in front of her so I could take both her hands in mine. „Alright, what do we promise each other?"

Y/n thought for a second. „That we love eachother endlessly without condition. That we honor each other, each and every day."

„That we're always gonna be there for each other. That we keep making each other happy and to love each other on our best and worst days." I added to what she said. „Now to the vows." I smiled. „I promise...that I will always keep your heart safe and never take for granted the love that we share, to consider you in all that I do
and choose our marriage every single day. I promise to fill your life with laughter and hugs, to show you my devotion with actions and not just words. I promise to be your best friend and biggest fan and to love you just the way you are. I promise that you will never face a day alone, no matter what is going on or how big we disagree I will never withhold my love from you. I promise to be by your side whether our tomorrow is easy or hard and that I will walk with you down whatever path life sets before us. I will live out these promises to you every moment for the rest of my life. I never break my promsies, so that's for life."

„My god, Haz..." She cried even more before it was her turn and she started. „I guide you when you ask for direction, to challenge you to be a better person and allow you to do the same for me. I promise to be your best friend, your biggest fan and to always listen and compromise as we go through our journey together. I promise to be dependable, honest, and supportive, to give you comfort, respect and room to grow and I promise that you will always have shelter in my arms and a home in my heart. I promise to love you for who you are and never try to change you. I promise to be your partner in crime and faithful wife to give you my life, my love and myself fully and completely." Tears streamed down her cheeks. „I promise you that I'll love you forever, no matter what."

The fact that we were sitting there at the beach with the sound of the waves in the background, the stars in the sky lighting up the place a bit more and us saying those spontaneous wedding vowels to each other made everything so beautiful and incredibly special.

„And it's forever." I said, bringing her hands up to kiss them. „I think now would come the part with the rings." I said.

Y/n nodded, her tears just running and running. „We can do it without the rings."

„Okay." I nodded, agreeing. „Do you Y/n Y/l/n take me, Harry Styles to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part?" I asked her with a teary smile.

„I do." She nodded quickly and took a deep breath. „Do you Harry Styles take me, Y/n Y/l/n to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part?"

„I do." I smiled even more. „May I kiss the bride now?"

„Yes, you may kiss the bride." She smiled before I passionately pressed my lips on hers and kissed her as if it would be our very last one.

„And just like that...we're married." I smiled as some more tears escaped my eyes and pulled Y/n into my arms, never wanting to let her go ever again.

„I love you so much. This was the most beautiful wedding I could have ever wished for. Thank you, Harry."

„No need to, baby. I love you so much. Finally you're my wife." I kissed the top of her head.

„And you're my husband...took us only 10 years." She chuckled and I laughed at that.

„But it was worth it." I rubbed her arm as we both looked up at the stars.

„So incredibly worth it." She whispered.

We kept sitting there for another good hour or two, watching the stars and listening to the sound of the waves in front of us as I held her tight in my arms, her head resting against my chest and her arms wrapped around my body.

If we could only stay like this forever...and not have face whatever was to come from now on...

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