Chapter 63

159 3 0

October 2015
I pulled away from Liam and broke free of the boys, looking directly at Mason and quickly walked towards him, screaming at him.

„What did you do?! What the fuck did you do?!! I'm gonna kill you! Can you hear me? I'm gonna fucking kill you!"

As I got closer to him and almost reached him, I felt Louis holding me back from going further, trying to pull me away.

„Come on, love. He isn't worth it." He spoke in my ear.

Tears uncontrollably streamed down my face, but I was so incredibly angry at the same time.

„I'm done with you! I'm so fucking done with you, you asshole!" I screamed before Louis managed to pull me away from him, leading me back to the boys.

„Okay we're ready guys! Let's go, quick!" I heard one of the paramedics shout and turned my attention to them.

As I saw Harry on that stretcher, a bandage wrapped around his head, wearing one of those neck braces I knew from movies and cables and tubes attached to his arms and chest and one even down his throat so he could breathe while they quickly wheeled him away made my heart ache in a way I would have never known it was possible. A pain so indescribable that I wish no one would ever have to feel it. I thought my heart couldn't break any more but it did, it shattered into thousands and thousands of pieces. A feeling of emptiness suddenly coming over me.

I felt like I couldn't breathe and all of this was just a long and bad nightmare. I watched until they weren't able to be seen any more, my body not able to move.

I just kissed him not even two hours ago. He just smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. He was just singing a few minutes ago and now, I didn't know what was happening to him. To my Harry.

I looked around, only now coming back to reality and noticing the crowd of thousands and thousands of people was obviously still there, security trying to get the fans out of the arena while someone spoke in to the mic that due to medical reasons and the well being of Harry, the show was cancelled. I turned around again, looking at the fans that stood in front of the barricade, crying for their idol just like I did for my boyfriend.

„Let's get to the hospital, love. Come on." Louis said, his voice low and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me in to comfort me a bit, making my head rest on his shoulder while we made our way out.

I didn't know how my legs moved, if the boys had to pull me with them or if my legs worked on their own, but I somehow found myself sitting in the backseat of Harry's car. Harry's car, the car he should have driven us home with tonight.

Louis was driving, Liam sat in the passenger seat next to Louis and Zayn and Niall both sat next to me on each of my sides.
Louis was driving fast, so fast, faster than I expected and then I realized why when we eventually drove right behind the ambulance. I almost choked on a sob when I saw it right in front of us, driving fast, what wasn't good.
My eyes were fixed on the ambulance when suddenly their sirens echoed through the streets, the blue lights turned on and they sped up.

„Shit!" Louis let out at their sudden speed and tried to catch up.

My eyes widened, fear taking over again. Something must have happened.

„What's happening?" I asked no one in particular as my voice broke, tears silently falling down my cheeks.

Knowing that Harry was in there, that he needed help and that he wasn't okay tore me apart. Something was happening that was urgent and I hated that I couldn't get any information on how he was doing.

After what felt like the longest drive I've ever been on, Louis pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. I practically jumped over Niall and out of the car to run inside and get any information on what was wrong with Harry and what was even happening. The boys quickly followed me and just as I wanted to go to the front desk, Louis took over, stopping me as he stood in front of me.

„I'll try get informations, you breathe for a second and try to calm down a bit." He told me, rubbing my arm. „He's gonna be okay, love."

I just nodded and waited together with the boys a little further away from the front desk, so that I still could hear what they were saying.

„So far, they haven't got any new information since they just came in with him, but they'll let us know as soon as there are news." Louis explained when he turned away from the front desk and walked towards us.

I wasn't even able to respond, I just wanted all of this to be over and see that he was fine. Zayn pulled me with them to a waiting area, sitting me down in a chair and placing himself next to me to pull me in and comfort me.

„What the hell even happened up there?" I asked, staring at the ground, my voice barely audible.

„He...he stepped back, but his foot kind of slipped and then..." Liam started to explain since he stood next to him on the platform. „The strap that should have held him just...broke off." He sighed, rubbing his face.
„And then he fell."

I actually knew what happened, I saw it and I knew something wasn't right with what happened. Mason had something to do with it, I was so sure, but I didn't wanna tell them yet. Hearing from Liam how it happened still hurt a lot. It meant this wasn't just one long ass nightmare, it was real and it happened. I squeezed my eyes shut and again, tears silently rolled down my cheeks when I thought back at the moment I saw him fall. „Everything happened so fast..." I sniffled. „I- I just saw him fall and I couldn't do anything about it." My voice cracked.

I felt Zayn's touch on my arm, rubbing it slightly and pulling me closer to him. „Let's see what's going on with him and go from there. I'm sure we'll get some news soon." He said with a calming voice.

We waited for god knows how long, probably two hours when I couldn't stand it anymore and got up from my seat.

„Y/n, what are you doing? They said they'd tell us if there are news." Louis' tired voice sounded from somewhere around the room.

„It's almost 2 am, we've already waited an eternity. I wanna know what's wrong with him and I wanna see him. I'm fucking worried about him." I stated and was about to open the door just as someone from outside opened it.

„Doctor Russell?" I frowned as he entered and everyone shot up from their seats.

„Hey, Y/n. Good night everyone." He greeted everyone while I was still confused.

„Are you treating Harry?" I asked him.
„I am." He nodded.

„So? How is he? What's wrong with him? Is he okay?" I shot hundreds of questions all at once at him.

„That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I'm only allowed to inform his family about his well being, but since I knew you were on tour, we just checked his medical forms to be sure and saw he listed you to get informed about his condition in case something ever happened to him." Doctor Russel looked at me. „So would you come with me to my office, please."

I was a bit overwhelmed at all this information, but didn't hesitate a second and followed him out of the waiting era, looking back at the boys and mouthing. „I'll be right back."

I followed doctor Russell to his office, I knew too well from my usual appointments here and sat down in a chair as soon as he told me to and closed the door behind us.

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