Chapter 29

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July 2015
„Okay." I came out of the bathroom, fully dressed and ready. „I'm ready." I grabbed my phone and purse I needed on the plane. Harry already packed everything, the suitcases and bags placed in front of the door of the room, Harry standing next to them.

„Alright, it's a two hour drive to LAX, so we're there at 11 am and our flight is at 12." Harry told me, pushing his hair back with the sunglasses he held in his hands earlier.

„Wait...shit, shit, no. What did I even think?" I realized just now what I completely forgot.

„What wrong? What is it?" Harry asked, furrowing his brows.

„I totally forgot the timezones." I sighed. „We would land in London at 8 pm."

„So? What's the problem?" He shrugged.

„My doctors appointment is in the afternoon, I will never make it in time. I have to cancel it, there's nothing I can do to get there sooner." I unlocked my phone, already typing in my doctor's phone number.

„No, you surely won't cancel it. It's an important appointment, you need to get checked out." He commanded. I looked at at him, because I could tell by the way his voice sounded, he wasn't joking or saying it just like that. He meant it, because he cared, just like in the past.

„Well, what should I do? I won't make it today."

„Just postpone it to tomorrow." He suggested.

„But we planned on leaving for your mum's tomorrow." I ran my hand through my freshly straightened hair, not knowing what to do.

„Well, that's more important now. Let's do this, you make the appointment tomorrow the earliest you can and after that, we'll leave directly from the hospital, okay?"

„Alright." I nodded. „Sounds like a plan." I breathed, relieved. He would always find a solution, no matter how big of a problem it was.

„Good, let's go then. The driver is already here." He said, suddenly looking so tense and also a little bit worried.

I frowned, but didn't say anything and followed him out the door after grabbing our stuff. We both checked out at the reception desk and headed towards our driver who was waiting outside. The other four boys were still staying in LA for a little bit longer, because they were going on another flight but Harry and I just needed to leave as early as possible because of our tight schedule.

Not to our surprise, there was a huge crowd in front of the hotel, making me nervous already and my anxiety kicking in. Being claustrophobic when you're a famous person, was a huge disadvantage and very, very unfortunate.

„Just stay behind me, I'll lead the way." Harry told me, grabbing my suitcase, leaving me with my purse only.

I knew he hated to go through those crowds too. Not really when there were a lot of fans around, but he hated those big crowds of paps, who didn't care about everything else than to get a picture of the star walking in front of them, hurting people around them and making the artist feel extremely uncomfortable and scared.

Our car was parked right in front of the hotel. Harry quickly led the way out, always looking back to check on me while security tried to hold back the people around us.

Harry opened the back door for me when we approached the car and I quickly got in before he put our luggage into the trunk and got in himself next to me.

„You okay?" He asked as the driver started the engine and we headed onto the street.

„Yep, you?" I nodded, putting my seatbelt on and looked to my left only to see his cute smile.

„I'm okay." He grinned. „Listen, just tell me if everything is too much for you or you need like a break or some time to rest."

„You don't have to do this, Harry."

„Do what?" He asked, raising his brows.

„Just feel like you have to worry about me all the time. I went through this once, I know how to handle it."

And I think that came out wrong, a bit too harsh. When I saw his face drop and the way he looked down at his lap and started playing with his rings.

„Well I do worry just because of that reason. I remember how it was and...this is just my natural instinct I guess."

„And it's so sweet of you, but I think I need to take care of myself and handle this alone like I did ‚til now, you know?" I looked at him even though he still looked down.

„Do you feel like you have to do this by yourself or do you want to?" He looked up.

„I...I don't...know." I shrugged. „I always thought I have to, because I was by myself for the last two years, so I thought I just need to finish this by myself too."

„Well, you don't, I'm here and my family, your family too. We all support you especially after they'll see you again tomorrow."

I nodded. „I know, it's just still hard for me to accept that, because I didn't see and talk to you for so long."

„Just look at me as the 19 year old guy I was when we were together, the guys you can talk to about everything." He smiled.

„Well, you have changed though. You got taller, your hair got longer and you don't have that baby face anymore." I let out a laugh.

„Heeey." He pretended to be offended. „I may have changed on the outside, like you did by the way, but I'm still the same person as I was when I was 19, I'm still the same Harry."

„That I know, because you still give me the comfort you always gave me back then." I admitted quietly, smiling a little bit.

„I'm glad about that." He smiled back.

I somehow loved these kind of moments. The short moments of feeling this connection between us, the feeling he gave me, the butterflies I felt since I saw him again.
It made me feel like, I should have never left this man. I realized a long time ago what I lost when I left him. Half of me was missing.

Now that he was kind of back in my life, I still felt that way and it hurt me, because I was right next to him, talking to him, but I still felt half empty.
When I left him and went away, I forced myself to push my feelings and my love for him away, so it wouldn't hurt so much and I could focus on my life.

Now I was still trying to do that, but as days passed, it was getting harder and harder, because we were around each other so often since I came back and I was scared, that my feelings came through. I didn't even know what this meant and what I felt, but I knew something was definitely there. I couldn't let him know that of course, because I didn't even know myself what it was and I knew that the timing was just bad. He had his career and the band and the last thing he probably wanted, was to handle with my emotions.

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