Chapter 88

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December 2015
I woke up, realizing I was still on the couch where Gemma and I made ourselves comfortable, a warm blanket covering me up to my chest. I must have fallen asleep earlier.

"What time is it?" I shot up into a sitting position, asking no one in particular as I scanned the room and saw Anne looking up from her book, sitting on the opposite of me.

"It's 6 pm, darling."

"Did Harry get his next dose of medicine?"

"He did, love don't worry. I gave it to him just a few minutes ago." She assured me. "He's been asking for you by the way, but I told him you were taking a nap."

"Okay good, thanks. I'll go see what's up now that I'm awake anyways." I told her, already heading to our bedroom and slowly opened the door. "Hey." I smiled at him.

"Hey." He smiled back, patting down on my side of the bed, indicating for me to get in bed and so I did. I carefully sat down in bed right next to him. "I hope I didn't wake you up."

I shook my head. "You didn't. Napping with you is better anyways now that I have you all for myself and we can share our bed again." I scooted closer to his side so that I could kiss his lips and run my hand through his long, brown curls afterwards. "How's your back?"

"Hurts, but it's manageable if I don't move too much."

"Let's put a pillow underneath your knees like doctor Russell said to do." I grabbed one of the pillows and placed it between his knees. "That'll help."

"Thanks. Could you please help me reposition the ice pack?"

"Of course. Can you sit up a tiny bit?" He nodded and did what I asked so I could place the cool pack on his incision. "You can lay back down, love."

"Thank you."

"Do you need anything else?" I asked him, spinning his curls around my fingers.

"No, please don't worry. Gemma has been fussing over me the past few hours, I need a break." He chuckled.

"You had spinal surgery, she's just worried about you, Haz. I know you don't like people fussing over you, but they're just worried, like I am."

"Yeah, yeah, you're right." He rolled his eyes, smiling. "I'm just glad to be home."

"Me too, I missed you so much around here. Now I finally have you back." I laid down on my side, facing him and gently resting my arm on his chest, my finger tracing along his bird tattoos that peaked through above his shirt.

He just smiled, placing his hand on mine, stroking it with his thumb. "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything." I replied, nodding.

"At the hospital when your mother said she didn't know you had cancer again, why?"

"When I got diagnosed again, I first didn't want to tell her. Also because I didn't want to risk that she'd tell you, Anne or worse the media, but then, I don't know why, I still had a tiny bit of hope left my family would care, so I called her, but she never answered my calls and when I tried again the following days, it said that the number wasn't available anymore." I explained. "Her number was the only one I had out of the three of them. Even if I had the other's numbers, I'd never want to contact them again, because of that. They truly don't care about me. She changed her fucking number so I can't contact her, what mother would do something like that? I was 19 for gods sake. And now after everything that happened, after leaving me and after ignoring me, she showed up here. I'm done with her and the rest of them, so, so done."

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm really sorry, you don't deserve this and they definitely don't deserve you." He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it. "You've got your life, your career, your real friends and family, don't let them get to you just because they're most probably jealous."

I nodded. "You're right, I know. I shouldn't even care to be honest, because they're somehow just strangers to me in the end. I've spent more of my life with you instead of them, they don't even know me. They don't know who I am."

"They don't, but we do...I do and I know you do too." He smiled. "I love you so much."

"Love you more, H."

He shifted a little in bed, trying to sit up a tiny bit. "Ahh shit! Fuck!" He cried out.

"Shhh, it'll fade in a bit, love." I soothingly rubbed his arm as he shut his eyes.

"It...hurts." He breathed. "Dammit! why did I move?"

"Come on love, sit up a little, I'll put another cushion under your back."

As soon as he sat up a bit, I placed a soft cushion right under his back.

"Where does it hurt exactly?" I asked him as he laid back down.

"My whole back hurts."

I nodded. "You just got pain medicine, it'll get better in a bit, I promise." I assured him and ran my hand through his hair to make him relax until the medicine started to kick in.

Thanks for taking care of me and helping me with everything."

"You don't ever need to thank me for this, Haz. I'll take care of you until we're both grey and old."

He chuckled. "I'm glad you wanna get grey and old with me."

"I don't wanna get grey and old with anyone else than you." I smiled at him.

"I wouldn't let that happen anyways. You and me, we're a team, alwayas have been and always will be."

"That's true. You and me until the end." I pressed a kiss on his cheek. "Feeling a bit better?"

He nodded. "A bit, yeah."

"Don't lie to me." I warned him.

"Okay, a tiny bit then."

"At least something."

He nodded with a small smile. "Yeah."

"So, now that we're alone, how about I'm gonna make us some popcorn and get us some other snacks and in the meantime you're gonna pick out a movie we could watch? If you feel like it." I suggested, sitting up again. "Are you even hungry?" I ran my hand through his hair. "You can also just go to sleep if you want."

"No, a movie sounds great." He smiled.

"Great, here." I handed him the remote. "Do you need help with sitting up?"

"No, I can do it, thanks."

"Just slow movements, okay?"

"Yeah." He nodded again.

I left the room to get our snacks and some more fluffly blankets and pillows to make the evening even cozier and went back into our room with my arms full, almost dropping some things.

"I'd really want to help you." Harry said as he saw me coming in.

"You are one crazy guy, Styles." I let everything fall on the bed and went back to grab the last few things before I closed the door behind me and dimmed the light, looking up at the screen of the TV and seeing Harry decided to watch The Notebook, his favorite. I couldn't hide a smile at that.

"I knew you'd choose The Notebook." I grinned at him, setting up everything.

"We can watch something else if you want." He suggested.

"No, no, you decide. I told you I'll spoil you from now on." I said. "And I like the movie anyways." I got back in bed as close as I could right next to Harry, pulled the blanket over our bodies to keep us warm and handed him some of the snacks I brought that were now spread all over our bed. "Are you sitting comfortable? Is your back hurting in this position?" I looked at him, making sure he was feeling okay.

"No it's fine like this. The pillow underneath my knees helps."

"Good. Let's start our movie night then." I pressed play and rested my head on Harry's shoulder, his hand interlocked with mine.

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