Chapter 109

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February 2016
They wanted to put me on a stretcher, but I didn't want to. I didn't want to cause another big scene and headline in front of thousands of people.

„Please just help me up somehow to get backstage...please." I begged them, so they gave in and both put their arms on each of my sides underneath my arms to pull me up, what hurt like hell what was very obvious at my sudden scream. As I finally stood on my feet, they slowly helped me walk backstage, what felt like the longest walk ever, the pain in my back increasing with every step I took.

The two medical assistants lowered me into a sitting position on the couch in our dressing room.

„Did you hit your head, H? Did you hurt yourself anywhere else?" Liam asked me as they all gathered around me in the room.

„No, no." I said silently. „ damn back. Fuck, I can barely move. It hurts so much."

„Your doctor is on his way, he'll check on you quickly and then decide what to do." One of the paramedics told me and I just nodded along.

We knew our tour doctor well. He was always the one responsible for us on every single tour and he was also the one who got informed on everything regarding my spinal injury, so he'd know what to do when something like this right now would happen.

The paramedics just made some quick tests and measured my blood pressure, just things like that as we waited.

„Why the fuck did I even slip?" I asked the boys silently.

„A fan threw a cup of water on stage. Just wanted to tell you to watch out but you already slipped." Zayn explained.

I nodded slowly, looking back at the paramedics. „Can you give me anything for the pain? Please? I can't take it anymore."

„I'm sorry, unfortunately we're not in the position to give you any medication."

„Not even a painkiller?" Louis asked with a sassy undertone.

„I'm sorry, no." They shook their heads.

„Harry." Finally doctor Jones, our tour doctor came through the door. „I heard you fell pretty hard on your back?" He came closer, crouching down in front of me.

„Yeah, I slipped and fell."

„Alright, let me just quickly examine your back, especially the area you got the fusion just to exclude any significant injuries already." He explained, getting back up and moving around the couch behind me. I nodded, giving him the permission to lift up my shirt before he started gently pressing around my spine.

„Aaaahh!! Fuck stop! Please stop!" I bursted out as he got to my lower back.

„Sorry, Harry." He came back around the couch, crouching down in front of me again. „I feel like I won't go on any further because of two reasons. We need to be very careful with your spine, since your spinal fusion is still quite fresh and you're not long  into recovery and the second thing is, after a spinal fusion and a fall like this so short into recovery, there's a high risk the fusion failed or you injured your vertebrae again, so we need to get you to the hospital and get your spine X-rayed as soon as possible."

„Shit!" Louis let out.

„Fuck no! I can't...I can't go through this nightmare again."  I felt tears running down my cheeks.

„Let's think positive for now, okay?" Niall said. „Do you wanna call Y/n? Or text her?"

„No, not yet. She's at that dinner, I can't make her leave already." I shook my head a little but too fast as a sharp pain shot through my spinal cord. „Fuck me." I breathed.

„Please try not to move too much, Harry." Doctor Jones warned me. „Now what's gonna happen is, we'll put a cervical collar around your neck to keep your spine from moving and then you'll need to lie down on a stretcher so we can secure your spinal cord and get you into the ambulance to head to the hospital."

„What?! Is that really necessary? I can walk to a car or something, there's no need to attract more attention."

„Harry, we need to prevent your spine from getting injured more, I'm afraid there's no other way around it." He explained.

„Fine then." I sighed, my eyes moving back to look at the boys. „When my mum finds out about this, she'll kill me."

„Hey it's not your fault, H." Zayn assured me and I just nodded slowly.

When the paramedics came back with the stretcher, they put this weird cervical collar around my neck before they helped me up on it and lower myself into a lying position, what shot another wave of pain through my spine.

„Shit! Shit! Shit!" I breathed.

„I'm sorry, you'll get something for the pain as soon as we're at the hospital." One of them informed me.

„Can one of us go with him?" Niall asked the paramedics.

„Yeah, just one person though, the others can just follow us."

„Alright, I'll go with him." Louis demanded and I was glad he did, because his character and direct way of talking to people could be very helpful when I wasn't really able to talk myself and make decisions.

„Okay, we'll follow then." Niall nodded. „Do you want me to call Y/n now? Let her know what's happening?" He asked afterwards.

„No, not yet, I'll tell her, but just not now...not just yet." I said. „That dinner is important to her, I can't make her leave it."

„Alright then. Hold tight, you'll be okay." Niall gave me a little smile before they moved the stretcher towards the ambulance.

„You need to stop doing that, H, you know?" Louis said when he sat next to me in the back of the ambulance.

„Do what?" I asked confused.

„Getting transported to the hospital." His face went to joking to serious. „The last time I saw you on a stretcher, being loaded in an ambulance, you were unconscious while Y/n broke down in my arms and then you just didn't wake up for 10 days. I feel like we need to do a better job at taking care of our youngest member."

„I'm an adult, you know? You don't have to take care of me."

„Still the youngest and to that, you're a special kind of person just in general, you're a special one. It's hard to see you hurt and in pain. We'll always take care of you because you would do the same if ot was the other way around." Louis told me.

„Thanks Lou...and sorry that you have to go through all this trouble."

„Don't be silly." He frowned, shaking his head.

„I'm really scared I fractured it again, I'm terrified actually." I admitted, slowly closing my eyes, trying to block out the pain.

„Hey, whatever happens, you'll be okay. We're all here for you in any way possible, but let's not think of the worst."

„Okay..." I whispered silently.

„I'm gonna fucking kill management for this." He muttered under his breath.

„It was just too soon...I should have waited for some more months, at least until I would have been able to start working out a little again. It was way too soon..." I told Louis quietly, a tear slipping down my cheek because of the pain shooting through my spine.

„Is the pain bad?" Louis asked carefully.

„Mhm...yeah. Feels as if I just had surgery." I admitted.

„Shit." He sighed. „They'll give you something in a bit, we're almost there, H." He assured me.

I just closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on something else than the pain until we would finally get to the hospital.

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