Chapter 176

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Harry and I stayed over Christmas and also New Years at Anne's house, celebrating the holidays together as a family.
It was so nice to spend the holidays all together, because we haven't done that in so long. It was especially important to Harry, because last year, we were stuck in LA as Harry just had spinal surgery and couldn't fly back home to the UK right afterwards which made him really sad.

After almost two months of staying in Manchester with the family, we eventually decided to travel back home to London as we both had some things planned and appointments to go to. Harry wanted go start writing some things at the studio with some of his friends, maybe starting some solo things while I had some appearances to attend and meetings to go to.

One of Harry's most important appointment though, was one he had scheduled for some weeks now at the hospital in London for a little surgery on his wrist.
Harry was playing a lot of guitar lately, more than he did usually and he started to experience some pain in his wrist, making it hard for him to play the guitar. Turns out he had tight tendons in his wrist that caused the pain and he needed to get a minimal invasive surgery done to fix it so it wouldn't keep bothering him.
That appointment was tomorrow, so we needed to head back home now and settle back in.

Right now, we just arrived at or London home after so many hours of driving. Today it took us even longer to get back, because it was snowing pretty hard so we had to be careful.

We were both completely tired out, deciding to order in instead of cooking something ourselves for dinner.

„Are you nervous for tomorrow?" I asked Harry at the dinner table.

„A little maybe." He shrugged. „I'm gonna be awake and it's only gonna be an hour, so that's a little less scary. I mean, spinal surgery was terrifying. I remember how scared I was of the anesthesia and all."

„Fair point. I'm just...I don't know I'm just always worrying about you whenever you go through things like that."

„It's really no big deal, love. It's a routine surgery, they do it all the time and recovery will only take 3 to 4 weeks as well. Nothing to worry about." He assured me with a smile. „I feel like you're more nervous than I am." He chuckled.

„I think I am." I sighed. „I think ever since the accident, seeing you in the hospital now is kind of hard on me. I hate seeing you not doing well."

„Baby, I'll be just fine, don't you worry." He placed his hand in mine to give it a gentle squeeze. „I'll barely be in pain afterwards and I can go home straight after the procedure. No stay there, nothing."

„I don't get how you're so chill about this." I chuckled a little.

„I don't know either, I guess it really is because I went through back surgery."

I nodded understandingly. „At least one of us is calm about it."

He smiled at me before he leaned over the table to kiss me. „Just because there's nothing to be worried about."


The next day, early in the afternoon, we got to the  hospital and checkt Harry in for his scheduled surgery that would start in only a few minutes now.

Harry already sat in his bed, his hair tied up in a bun and now just waiting for the nurses to get him.

„Babe, would you please calm down? I'll be perfectly fine and out in an hour." He laughed a little at how nervous I was for him. I really didn't know why I was this nervous as I wasn't even the one getting the procedure done.

„I know, I know, I'm sorry." I sat down on the edge of his bed. „It's gonna be the longest hour ever though." I admitted.

„Go on a walk or get some coffee or something, love. It'll be over sooner than you think."

„Probably a good idea, yeah." I smiled, kissing his lips afterwards as the door opened and two murses came in.

„Mister Styles, it's time to go." They smiled, waiting for me to quickly say goodbye.

„You're gonna be just fine, I know." I said before he could open his mouth and pressed my lips hard on his again.

„Exactly." He nodded. „I love you, baby."

„Love you more, sunshine. See you in a bit." I said and kissed him again before the nurses wheeled his bed out of the room.

I did exactly what Harry said and got myself a coffee before I went outside into the cold winter air and walked around the hospital a bit.

It didn't take long for some fans to spot me, walking around and stop me for some pictures.

„Thank you so much for the pictures, Y/n!" One of the two girls said, the other one nodding along.

„No worries, love." I smiled at them.

„What are you doing here at the hospital? Are you okay?" The other girl asked.

„Oh, I'm just visiting someone. I'm alright, thanks though." I lied as Harry didn't really wanna make a big deal out of this. „What brings you here?"

„Well..." The girl looked down before she continued talking. „Our sister is here at the hospital, getting chemo...she has cancer."

„Oh my god, I'm so sorry, love." I instantly went to hug the two of them. They were so young and had to go through this. It hurt my heart as it reminded me of myself.

„I'm sorry, I hope I didn't trigger something in you. I know you had it too." The girl continued.

„Oh no, no, don't worry. I know it must be so hard going through this with your family. I remember exactly how it was the first time I got sick."

„'s not easy." They both nodded. „How old were you when you first got it?" Her sister asked me.

„I was very young, 14 years old." I told them. „How old is your sister?"

„She just turned 18." They said, making my heart ache more as I heard that. „She loves your music by the way. She listens to Fight Song all the time and you're literally her role model and her whole inspiration through this since you went through it as well."

„Oh my god that is so sweet and beautiful. Tell her thank you from- you know what? Let's record a short video of us three for her. Would she like that?" I asked them and they instantly nodded, so I did what I said and said some things to her that would maybe help her fight a bit more.

„Okay then, I'm sorry I really have to go now." I excused myself when I quickly glanced at my phone and saw what time it was. „It was really nice to meet you."

„You too, thank you so much!" The girls said.

„Of course! Stay strong, girls, okay?"

The nodded and hugged me one last time before they left and I made my way back to the floor Harry was staying at.

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