Chapter 193

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„What? Is that? Wha-?" My heart started racing as I kept watching. „No, no, no! Gemma!" I called her and she appeared shortly after, taking the remote out of my hands.

„Don't watch that." She said, making me frown.

„Gemma that's Harry's car! He was in an accident, I- I-." Tears streamed down my face as I desperately tried to call Harry again.

„Y/n, you need to calm down, okay?"

„Would you tell me what the fuck is going on?!" I sobbed. „I know you know something Gemma! Is Harry okay? Just tell me for fuck sakes!" I cried.

„Okay, I'll tell you, but you just need to calm down first, okay?" She cupped both my cheeks as she sat down next to me. „Just don't panic. Please."

I nodded slowly. „Is he okay?" I asked again silently.

„All we know is, that when he was on his way home, paparazzi started to follow him and kept trying to get pictures by trying to overtake him. They must have flashed him with their flashes so bad that he couldn't see anymore and ran a red light because of that. Another car then straight up collided into the side of his while one of the paps hit him from the back." Gemma explained and I couldn't believe it. I was deeply worried but also incredibly furious. I didn't know what to do, what to say.

„Wha- I- Fuck!" I breathed. „Please...please tell me he's okay..."

„My mum went straight to the hospital as we got the call. They said he hasn't suffered any major injuries and he's conscious, but they're still examining him right now, especially because he complained about back pains, so they have to make sure that he hasn't injured his spine again."

„I need to see him." I grabbed my phone and keys and ran to get my shoes.

„Y/n, I don't think it's a good idea. We didn't want you to get worked up and worried, so Harry said not to say anything."

„What? No, I have to see him. I don't care about me, it's okay. I can handle it." I shook my hand, proceeding to put my shoes on.

„Y/n, you're literally shaking. Just please calm down and breathe for a second."

„Gemma please. I need to see if he's okay. I need to be there. I'm fine." I assured her. „I'm going to the hospital myself if I have to."

„Alright fine, but promise me you'll calm down a little. I'll drive us over there."

„I promise, just please bring me to him." Tears still ran down my cheeks.

„I will. Come here first." She pulled me into her arms to hug me tight. „He's gonna be fine, Y/n. Don't you worry. He was really lucky. Let's see what's up once we get there."

I nodded. „Yeah okay." I wiped my tears away. „Did you talk to him?"

„No, my mum did once she was there, but I don't know more than what I told you." She rubbed my back.

„Okay. Let's go then." I grabbed my jacket and headed outside, waiting for Gemma to come.

I felt like the drive over to the hospital would never end even though I knew the route better than anyone by now.

As we got there, we headed inside and Gemma got us the informations about where exactly he was. They said he was in the emergency room in a separate room.
Gemma guided us over there and we eventually found the room. The door was open so I stood in the doorway, seeing him sitting at the edge on one of those emergency room beds, his feet touching the floor and his arms placed on both sides of the bed, supporting him sitting upwards.

He sat there shirtless and I already noticed his body and arms were full of bruises. I could tell he definitely wore a seatbelt as I saw the scratch marks and burns on his neck and chest. He got a bandage around his head and he looked exhausted, hurt and just totally overwhelmed.

Eventually, he noticed me standing there as he looked up and sighed. „You shouldn't be here, love."

„Shut up." I walked up to him and cupped his cheeks. „Please tell me you're sort of okay." I looked into his eyes, tears already forming in mine.

„I'm fine." He said silently.

„You don't look fine, Harry." I looked up and down his body. „Can I hug you?"

He nodded. „Of course."

I gently wrapped my arms around him. „Fuck, Harry I was terrified."

„I didn't want you to find out, Y/n. You shouldn't have to worry about me."

„Are you kidding? You were in a damn car crash, H. How could I not worry?"

„How did you find out anyways?" He asked me.

„You're all over the news. I saw the car...when they said your name I thought I'd have a heart attack." I sighed again.

„Y/n, love, you really shouldn't be here. This is an emergency room, you could easily catch some bacteria and get an infection or something." He grabbed my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

„I won't, don't worry." I assured him. „Tell me now, what's wrong with you? Where are you hurt?"

„Well, it's nothing really serious first of all."

„Serious enough that it looks like you literally can't move." I kissed the top of his head. „What about your spine? Is the fusion okay?"

„They x-rayed it, it looks fine. It's just really bruised. I cut my forehead though and had to get some stitches and they said I got a cracked rib here." He explained, placing a hand on the left side of his chest. „I just feel really sore, but I'm fine otherwise. They also said I should wear the backbrace for a few days again to give it some support."

„My god, Harry." I ran my hand through his short, soft hair. „You were so lucky. I'm so glad nothing worse happened." I sat on the bed next to him.

„I really was..." He nodded. „I'm gonna sue the shit out of those paps." He rubbed his face.

„Tell me about it..." I shook my head in disbelief. „Are you able to go home now or do you need to stay here?"

„I can go home in a minute. My mum is just getting the paperwork done and getting some painkillers."

„Okay sounds good."

„Well...the car is totaled now." He sighed again.

„I don't give a damn about the car, I just care about you, Haz." I kissed him again.

He attempted to get up and I could tell he was in a lot of pain. „Baby, can you walk all the way to the car?" I held onto his right arm.

„Yeah, yeah I can. I'm fine." He assured me before he pulled me into his arms again to hug him properly this time.

„I thought I lost you, Haz..." I admitted against his chest.

„Never." He whispered and kissed my cheek.

„Let's go home so you can rest. You look absolutely exhausted." I let go of him and looked up into his tired eyes again.

„You're the one that needs the rest, love."

I just rolled my eyes at that and guided him outside where Gemma was waiting.

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