Chapter 198

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„Good night everyone! Get home safely, I love you so much! Thank you so much!" Those were the last words Y/n said before she went off the stage.

I quickly went to meet her backstage and just as we all got back there, she walked off the stage, but I could tell immediately that something was wrong.
She was clutching her stomach and furrowing her brows, an indication that she was clearly in pain. She looked pale and was coughing hard.

„Y/n? Love? Are you alright?" I asked her immediately as she stumbled towards me.

„I don't- I don't feel good, Harry." She let out, tears running down her cheeks by now as I held onto both her arms and she gripped onto mine. „It hurts so much." She breathed in between. „Something's wrong."

„Love, what hurts exactly?" My mum asked her.

„I don't stomach maybe." She said, falling right into my arms as it got unbearable and her legs gave in.
I held her upwards in my arms as she continued to cough into her hands which appeared in a dark red when she pulled them away from her mouth. Blood.

„Harry..." Y/n cried, panicking as she noticed as well.

„Mum, call the paramedics right now!" I commanded.

„What's happening, Harry?" Gemma asked, watching from the side.

„She's coughing blood, Gem. Something's wrong." I told her and picked Y/n up bridal style, bringing her to her dressing room where I could lay her down on the small couch, but before I could, she started to cough harder and harder.

„It hurts, Harry!" She cried in pain. „What is happening?!"

„I don't know just yet, baby. We're gonna get you help, okay? You'll be fine, my love." I sat her down on the couch, but she wouldn't let go of me and just leaned against my chest, crying in pain what made my heart ache immensely.

„Shhh, it's okay, baby. You'll be okay. I love you so much."

„I'm gonna be sick, Harry." She croaked so I immediately went to grab a bin that was standing around and held it in front of her. She instantly threw up inside it, letting out everything that was in her stomach, including blood that was still coming up. She was scarily pale by now and my heart was racing at this point. I was scared to death.

„Shhh, you're gonna be okay, my love. Just let it out it's okay." I rubbed her back soothingly, hoping this nightmare would just stop, but instead of that, it just got worse.

„I feel so...I feel so dizzy...Harry. I-." She said, her body shaking.
I quickly placed her back down on the couch, propping her legs up, hoping it would help.

„Harry..." She breathed. „'M scared."

„Don't be, you're gonna be fine." But just then her eyes closed and she wasn't responding anymore. „No! Y/n, no! Wake up! Wake up, baby, you'll be okay." Tears streamed down my face, desperate for help. „Please!" I gently shook her, trying to get her to wake up, but she didn't. She was breathing, but unconscious. „Where the hell are those damn paramedics?!" I yelled just as they arrived and pushed me out of the way to help her.

To me everything was a blur after that. Someone pulled me out of the dressing room, probably Gemma. I wanted to fight my way back inside, but got stopped by god knows who, holding me back.

„Harry you can't go in now. She'll be okay, just stay here." My mum said.

„She's not okay, mum! She's got fucking cancer! I don't know what the hell is happening!" I slumped back aginst a wall and slid down, crying into the palms of my hands.

„She's not okay, mum! She's got fucking cancer! I don't know what the hell is happening!" I slumped back aginst a wall and slid down, crying into the palms of my hands

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„They're gonna help her now, Harry." Gemma assured me, crouching down next to me. „This was probably just too much for her." She pulled me into her arms.

„This is my fault, I shouldn't have said yes to this." I cried into her shoulder. „This is all my fault."

„No it's not, Harry. It's not your fault at all. She wanted to do this and she felt strong enough. We don't know what's wrong yet, H, but you're not at fault. No one is." She rubbed my back. „Come on, H, we need to be strong for her. She needs us." She grabbed my hands and pulled me upwards on my feet.

Finally, one of the paramedics stepped out of the dressing room to inform us about Y/n.

„Who is her family?" He asked.

„We are!" My mum said and he turned to us. „What happened? How is she?"

„She is conscious again. Her circulation completely gave in. This must have been a bit too much for her, but we still have to bring her to the hospital to let her get checked out because of the blood she was coughing. That and the pain she's experiencing are the main things that concern us."

„Can someone go with her?" I asked him.

„I'm sorry, no. We have to be quick and get her to the hospital as soon as possible. You can follow us, but we have to go right now."

Before I could say anything else, my mum stepped in. „Alright, we'll head straight to the hospital then."

Everything went so fast after that and not long later, we found ourselves at the hospital, waiting for any news in the waiting room at god knows what time at night. We knew Y/n was being examined at the moment, but the waiting was slowly killing me. I needed to see her, talk to her and see if she was okay. She was all alone and probably so scared right now.

I felt incredibly guilty. I shouldn't have said yes. I knew she wasn't as strong for this, but I said yes anyways. If I didn't, this probably wouldn't even have happened and she'd be okay.

Finally, doctor Russell came in to fill us in on everything. He sat down in a chair in front of us to start explain everything.

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