Chapter 113

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February 2016
The nurse and I helped Harry lower down into the wheelchair and I called the driver to the entrance of the hospital, so we could leave without any problems.

„You okay?" I asked him as I started wheeling him through the hospital towards the entrance.

„Mhm." He nodded.

I leaned down to press a kiss on his head on our way, trying to make him feel a little bit better.
Luckily, we got to the car without anyone spotting us which was kind of likely anyways at 1 am at night, so we could leave in peace and head towards Harry's house.

As we arrived and got out of the car, I linked my arm with his and we walked through the driveway into the house.

„Do you wanna stay on the couch tonight so you won't have to do the stairs?" I asked him when I closed the door and quickly slid out of my shoes.

„No, I can do the stairs, I just wanna go to bed." He said tiredly.

„Okay, come on then, honey." I helped him up until we got inside our bedroom and he stood in front of the bed. He lowered himself down so he'd sit on the edge of the bed.

„Did the pain medicine they gave you help a little bit?" I asked him as I crouched down to unzip his boots and take them off his feet.

„Yeah actually. Feels better." He nodded. „The pain right after I fell was insane. I couldn't even breathe at first."

„That's because you fell right on your spine, my love. Let's hope you won't be in too much pain the next few days." I ran the back of my hand over his cheek. „You said you couldn't breathe at first, did you have your inhaler with you just in case?"

„I did." He nodded and took it out of the backpocket of his jeans. „Took it on stage with me since it's been a while and I wanted to be safe." He told me. „I can't believe everything went fine, the whole show was okay and then this happens. I tried to break the fall with my arms, but it happened too fast."

„It's alright, H. It's not your fault." I kissed his lips after got a pair of his sweatpants and a shirt out of the closet before I helped him change into them.

„Thank you." He said about to lie down.

„Wait a minute. Don't lie down yet, I'll get you some more pillows."

I did what I said and came back with some bigger pillows in my arms that I placed behind his back.

„And this one is for between your legs like doctor Brown suggested." I told him, giving him the last one I got.

„Thank you, baby." He smiled a little and laid down.

„Your welcome, love. I'll go change too now, I'll be right back." I told him and he nodded when I went to the bathroom.

After I took my make up off and slid into some sweatpants myself, I went into bed next to Harry who was scrolling through twitter.

„They're really worried, cause they saw me fall." He suddenly said.

„Who?" I frowned.

„The fans. They're freaking out on twitter, I'm even trending." He showed me the screen of his phone and I read the worldwide trends „#hope you're okay Harry #sending love to Harry #we love you Harry".

„Oh wow. This just shows how much they care about you."

„I feel like they deserve an explanation or something. Nobody said anything, because it was the end of the show. They just saw the paramedics on stage and the ambulance leaving the venue. I feel like I owe them something." He explained.

„If you feel like explaining them what happened, you can maybe make a post or tweet something, but you shouldn't feel like you have to do it."

He thought about it for a second. „I wanna do it."
He then said. „Can you take a pic?"

„Yeah sure." He gave me his phone. I hesitated a second and lowered the phone. „At the hospital you said you'd look pathetic, because you lost so much weight. But you don't, you could never. You're the most beautiful man on this planet, no matter what you weigh." I told him.

He smiled a little. „Thank you, Y/n. I love you."

„I love you more." I smiled back before I held up his phone and took a pic of him with his thumbs up. He looked clearly drained and sleepy, but still so beautiful and I think he didn't even care.
I gave his phone back go him and he started to type away a tweet that he posted along with the picture.

@Harry_Styles: Hey guys just wanted to let you know what happened. I feel I owe it to you after what you saw tonight.
At the end of the show, unfortunately I slipped and fell on my back which I immediately needed to let get checked for injuries at the hospital, because I was in a lot of pain.

@Harry_Styles: After some hours at the hospital, I was cleared to go back home. I am okay, but I got put on strict bed rest for some weeks to rest up and heal properly as it was a step back in my recovery.

@Harry_Styles: Tonight was a lot physically, but I'm okay. I promise. I'm sorry for not being able to give you more at the moment, but I need some time so I can fully be back soon.

@Harry_Styles: Thank you for all your kind messages. I love you all. H.

I smiled when I read through his tweets. „I'm prouf of you, H."

„Thank you." He smiled back. „I'm so tired." He sighed, rubbing his face.

„That's because of the medication they gave you. The nurse said it would make you sleepy." I snuggled closer to him, resting my head on his chest. „Can I do that? Does that hurt?" I asked him, quickly looking up at him again as I realized.

„Yes of course you can and no it doesn't." He laid an arm around me as I rested my head on his chest. „God I feel so bad for not asking until now, but how was your dinner tonight?"

„Babe, you can go to sleep if you want, don't force yourself to stay awake. I know you're drained and in pain. You need some much needed sleep." I placed my hand on his stomach right where his butterfly tattoo was that peaked through the partly see through, white shirt he was wearing.

„No, I wanna know first, tell me." He ran his hand through my hair.

„It was really good. They loved some of the ideas I told them about and wanna realise them in the future. We talked about touring and new albums and stuff like that. I told them about my past, my story, that I had cancer so that they know what's up."

„Sounds amazing, my love. I'm so happy for you, baby." He whispered tiredly. „I'm really proud of you."

„Thank you, Haz." I whispered back. „Now go to sleep, lovie. I know you just wanna close those beautiful eyes."

„Yeah..." He whispered and it seemed like he wanted to say something else, but instead he closed his eyes.

„Good night, lovie." I said silently just when my phone went off.

„Shit, shit, no!" I whisper screamed to myself when I realized I forgot to turn it off and quickly got up to put it on silent, seeing that Anne has been trying to reach me for hours. „Fuck!" I walked over to Harry's bedside table, turning on the screen if his phone, seeing a whole lot other missed calls on it. He was probably way too tired to even notice when he was on Twitter.

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