Chapter 195

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It was the day of Y/n last show, a bit more than two weeks after my car accident.
I was fine, I got my stitches taken out a while ago,  the bruises were slowly fading away more and more and my back didn't hurt anymore. The only thing that still did hurt at times, was my cracked rib that was slowly but surely healing.

Ever since the accident, the press couldn't talk about anything else than that, which I hated, because it drew even more attention to me and more paps showing up whenever I was out in public.

We were at the venue where Y/n just finished soundcheck. The fans had already lined up outside for hours, waiting for the doors to open which made me really proud of Y/n, because that just showed how important taht show is to them just as it was to Y/n.

Y/n looked like she was doing good for now. She got through soundcheck and still got more energy than usually, but I tried to stay around and make sure she was fine throughout the day, because I was still incredibly worried.

„Y/n, baby?" I called her as she was still out on stage. I went out there and saw her sitting at the edge of the stage in front of the empty venue, just watching out there.

„Yeah?" She kept looking out there, so I placed myself next to her and she instantly leaned against my shoulder, so I placed an arm around her waist.

„Something wrong?" I asked her.

„No...well...I just don't want this to be the end." She admitted, sighing.

„It's not the end, darling. It's just a little break." I said, rubbing her arm. „Look at it like it's not a goodbye, it's just a see you later."

She nodded against my shoulder. „I'll try." She said silently. „Thanks for being here."

„Wouldn't miss it for the world."

„I wish Taylor could be here as well tonight. I really miss her. Haven't seen her since before my diagnosis." She sighed again.

„Now that you say that, you're actually right on cue, because I came out here to tell you, that I flew her in just for tonight."

Y/n quickly turned to look at me. „Taylor is here? Like actually here?"

„Of course I am, silly!" Taylor called from behind us as she got out on stage just like we planned to surprise Y/n.

„Taylor!! Holy shit!" Y/n got up and literally jumped into Taylor's arms.

„I'm so sorry I couldn't come see you sooner, Y/n."

„Oh it's fine, don't worry." Y/n smiled brightly.

„How are you doing, sweetie, huh?" Taylor's face turned serious as they let go of the hug.

„I'm okay, as okay as I can be to be honest, but yeah...I'm doing fine at the moment."

I watched the two of them still sitting on the stage as I noticed Taylor tearing up what I understood. They were best friends and they haven't seen each other in a while. Taylor finally seeing her after knowing what's up was probably really hard for her.

„Tay, no, no tears. I'm fine, really. I'll be fine." Y/n hugged her again.

„I know you will...I just really missed you. I'm so glad to see you."

„I'm so happy to see you too. Missed you a lot." Y/n smiled just when someone of the crew called her. „I'll be right back, just give me a sec." She said and disappeared backstage.

Meanwhile, Taylor looked at me with a smile before she approached me and sat down next to me. „How are you doing, Harry?"

„Oh I'm doing good." I smiled back. „What ab-."

She cut me off though.

„No, I mean, how are you really doing?" She tilted her head, her look serious again. „I know you're being strong for her, but I can see it's tearing you apart on the inside."

„I-..." I sighed as tears pooled in my eyes. „I'm sorry...yeah it's hard...I tell her she'll be okay, that she can do it and win this fight, but what if that's not true? What if I can't keep my promises to her? She's everything to me, you probably know that. I can't lose her, Taylor."

„God, Harry...I'm so sorry you have to go through this again. But you know her, she's a strong woman, the strongest I personally know. You'll be able to keep your promises. She'll fight...for herself and for you. She loves you more than anything else...should hear her talk about you whenever we're together." She smiled. „Y/n won't leave you just like that. She wouldn't do that to you."

„She doesn't deserve this...watching her go through this a third's just cruel." I shook my head, wiping the tears away that escaped my eyes.

„She doesn't deserve this in the slightest, I know. I can only imagine how scared you are."

„You know, she seems fine now, she seems okay, but I don't know if she's just faking it or not. I know she doesn't want me to be sad and worry so she won't always tell me what's really up, I just can't help it. Especially tonight. She wanted to do this so badly and I'm just so worried she'll collapse or something." I admitted.

„We both know that when she wants to do something, she'll do it no matter what. I think, she knows her limits as of now and I think she wouldn't do it if she wasn't 100% sure she would get through a show."

I nodded. „You're probably right...but I'm still so worried."

„That's understandable. I am too...but as I said, she's strong."

„That she is." I agreed.

„Keep your head up, H. She's gonna be okay." Taylor placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.

„Yeah...thanks. It feels good to talk to someone other than family about this for once."

„I'm always here to talk." She smiled. „Now where's Gemma? I haven't seen her in ages."

„She's probably backstage somewhere."

„Alright, could you tell Y/n I quickly went to say hi to Gemma if she comes back?" She asked me.

„Sure, I'll tell her." I nodded. „And hey...thanks for coming tonight, it means the world to Y/n."

„Oh please, I'd do anything for that girl. She's a special one." Taylor smiled and then turned around to leave.

„She most definitely is..." I said to myself.

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