Chapter 164

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„We're gonna do only 10 shows here and then we've got the last tour show in Sheffield in the UK. After this one, we've got our very last performance as One Direction at the X-Factor in London and then that's it." Harry explained to me.

„How are you feeling about that?"

„I don't know, I think I'm just pushing it away for now until it's time for the very last performance. I'm not realizing it yet to be honest. Ever since we announced the hiatus, it's just made everything harder for us, seeing our fans so sad and heartbroken about it."

„I understand, H. Can't imagine how you must feel." I said. „Enjoy those last performances to the fullest, baby. I want you to remember that time in a good way."

„Definitely, yeah. Me too. I'll never forget those years, it brought me so much joy."

I nodded, rubbing his arm as we got back to the house and walked up the driveway. „By the way. Do the boys know about the inflammation as you're gonna perform again next week?"

„No, they don't need to know. We're done with the shows in under a month anyways."

„Well it's your decision, but the band ending doesn't mean they're not your friends anymore." I said, not wanting him to keep them out of his life now that everything came to an end.

„I know, but I don't want to put even more on them and make them worry. They've worried more than enough about me, I can't have that anymore. I don't wanna lose them as my friends, of course I don't, they're my family, but I don't want them to know when it comes to stuff like this." He told me. „It's nothing serious anyways."

„Okay. I understand." I unlocked the door to the house and we got in.

„I'm gonna take that hot shower now, you go to bed, darling. Thanks for coming with me." He pressed his lips on mine as we got upstairs.

„No need to thank me, baby. As long as you feel better?"

„I do, thanks." He assured me and disappeared in the bathroom.

I was still awake when he came back, smelling so incredibly good and his skin still so warm as he got in bed and scooted closer to me, laying an arm around my waist from behind. I think he didn't know I was still awake as he gently kissed the top of my shoulder and whispered. „Sleep well babylove."


A few weeks later and it was time. The US shows were over, they were done. One Direction had got to do one last tour show in Sheffield and then their very last performance in London.

Today was a big day though as it was the day of their last ever tour show as One Direction. We were all in Sheffield in a hotel. Anne, Gemma and Harry's dad Desmond were all here for the night.

Harry was nervous, I could tell and he admitted it this morning as he finally started to realize everything was gonna end and he kept on telling me, he wouldn't want it to be the end. That he couldn't ever get over One Direction breaking up. It tore his heart apart as it eventually all sank in and it was hurting me to see him like this.
He was already starting to get nervous the past few days, the always so smiley and happy Harry nowhere to be found.

I gave him the space he needed, but it looked like he didn't wanna be alone as he was always somehow looking for me and staying with me.

It was only last night when he got back to our hotel room from spending the night with the boys, having some drinks while watching some old 1D footage from throughout the years in Louis' hotel room and he completely broke down in tears as soon as he entered and closed the door behind him.

I tried to calm him down the whole night, staying close to him, cuddling him and just be there as he let out all of his emotions he held in the past few weeks. We sat on the floor together the whole night right where he walked in and broke down on his knees. I held him so tightly as his tears kept on streaming down his cheeks and I had to listen to his screaming sobs that left his mouth. Screams of pain, anger and sadness. I hated to hear and see him this way, seeing him struggling and being so hurt on the inside. He was shaking all over, not wanting all of this to be real, hoping it was some kind of nightmare he'd wake up of.

Early this morning we woke up still sitting right where we fell asleep on the floor, Harry's eyes still a bit puffy.

„Baby, you still got some time, go to bed and get some proper sleep." I whispered, running my hand through his hair before I kissed his forehead.

„Will you come with me?" He croaked.

„Yeah, I'll join you. Come on, lovie, you need the rest."

I got up first and stretched my hand out for him to take. He followed me to the bedroom and I closed the curtains before we both got in.
He was facing me, half of his face buried into his pillow, a single tear falling down his cheek again as more tears pooled in his eyes.

„Shhh, try to sleep, honey. Don't think about anything or anyone right now. Just try to sleep again, I'm right here." I soothingly continued to run my hand through his hair. „I love you so much, H."

A few hours later when it was time for Harry to get up, I got up with him as I'd spend the morning with Anne, Gemma and Desmond while he'd be soundchecking at the arena.

„I don't wanna leave, Y/n. Leaving for soundcheck means it's real and the show is getting closer." He sat down on the edge of the bed after he showered and got dressed, ready to go.

I sat down next to him with a sigh. „I know you don't, lovie, but you can do this and you will. I know this is hard for you, but you're strong, my love. You're so strong. It's just soundcheck as if it was any other show. I'll spend some time with Gemma and your parents and then we'll see you again in the afternoon and for dinner later." I assured him. „It's gonna be alright, baby." I placed my hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.

„No. I feel dizzy and I'm nauseous, I- I can't do this, I can't."

„Yes you can. You're stronger than this, H. You're just nervous and scared. It's all gonna be alright. You know you have to think of it as just another show which it also is." I told him. „You knew the end would come and now it's here. Take it as it comes, baby. You're not alone. Remember when I told you I wanted you to enjoy those last shows with the boys?"

He nodded as I kept rubbing his back.

„Enjoy this one, love. You have to. Do it for yourself and while you stand on that stage a last time on tour, take a second and remember the last five years. Remember the day we both went into that audition and you got into the band, remember the releases of your albums, the opening of all of your tours. Those memories will stay with you forever and no one can ever take that away from you. You said it yourself, sometimes things just don't work out anymore." I said. „But with you guys breaking up, you're leaving a great legacy, a ton of memories and love and no one will ever forget you guys. You acn forever be proud of that. But now, you have to go and do this for yourself, the boys and the fans. I love you so much and you'll never be alone no matter what."

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